Israel: September 26, 2003


A recent opinion survey shows that 67 percent of Israelis believe the violence with Palestinians will continue, while only 25 percent believe that it will fizzle out. Israelis are also dismayed by the pattern of attacks. Over 54 percent of the Palestinians killed did so while they were attacking Israelis, while  80 percent of the Israelis killed were civilians going about their business when attacked. Moreover Palestinian attacks have killed at  least 203 Palestinians (about 12 percent of Palestinians killed). While 40 percent of of Israeli civilians killed were women, only five percent of Palestinian dead were women. Thus there have been 190 Israeli women and girls killed, compared to 70 Palestinians. Same thing with older people, with 148 Israelis over age 45 have been killed, compared to 55 Palestinians. To Israelis, this means that military age Palestinians are making war on Israeli civilians. To Palestinians, this means nothing, as most Palestinians believe that Israel must be destroyed and all its Jewish inhabitants killed or driven from the region.




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