Israel: May 20, 2005


Palestinian terrorists continue to fire mortar shells and rockets at Jewish settlements in Gaza, and Kassam rockets into southern Israel. Israeli troops have killed three Palestinians caught firing these weapons in the last three days.  The continued attacks are a clear sign that the Palestinian government is unable to control the Palestinian terrorist groups, which continue to prepare for terrorist attacks inside Israel. The Israeli informant network is still operating in Palestinian neighborhoods, and the Israelis know that terrorist organizations like Hamas are using the ceasefire (all three months of it so far) to rebuild their shattered (by Israeli counter-terrorist operations) organization. The Palestinian terrorists don't call it a "ceasefire," but a "pause." Palestinian media continue to spew anti-Semitic and "destroy Israel" messages (in Arabic, the messages in English are more accommodating.) The Palestinian government does not want civil war with Hamas, and the other terrorist groups, and is insisting that Israel is violating the ceasefire because of continued counter-terrorist raids. To the Arab world, at least in the Arab media, Israel can never be right and is always in the wrong. 




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