Israel: Palestinians Deadlocked Over Guns and Money


December1, 2006: Palestinian terrorists have violated the truce at least once a day, by firing rockets from Gaza into Israel. Since the truce went into effect, at least eleven rockets have been fired, plus one that exploded as it was being fired. The Palestinian political factions themselves have halted negotiations to form a stable Palestinian government. Fatah and Hamas cannot agree on who will control the police (Interior Ministry) and money (Finance Ministry.)

Hamas has offered to release the Israeli soldier they captured last June, in return for the release of 1,400 Palestinians (most held on terrorism charges.)

November 30, 2006:In Lebanon, Hizbollah has called for a mass demonstration in the capital tomorrow. The demonstrators are urged to call for a new government, one that is more cooperative with Syria and Iran.

In the West Bank, Palestinian and Israeli police raided a bomb factory. In addition to explosives and suicide bomber belts, they found children's toys rigged as bombs.

In Gaza, someone set off a bomb at the entrance to an Arab owned bank.

November 29, 2006: Palestinian terrorists caused a large explosion in northern Gaza, as the result of a large rocket they were trying to launch, instead exploded. The noise was heard over a wide area.

Israel will allow a thousand armed Palestinians from Jordan (the "Badr Brigade"), who are loyal to Palestinian Authority president Abbas, to travel to Gaza and help with security. Israel has also bee accused of providing weapons to Abbas followers, who are opposed to Hamas.




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