Kurdish War: Iraq Regularly Invaded


July 2, 2010:  Turkish aircraft and helicopter gunships launched more raids into Iraq in the last few days, going after Kurdish separatists groups spotted by UAVs. The Turks are responding to increased Kurdish attacks on Turkish security forces in southeast Turkey.

June 29, 2010: The upsurge in fighting between the PKK and the Turkish military has put the Turkish government's Kurdish peace project on hold. The rise in violence began in late March, as Winter began to ebb. That is typical. The PKK, however, this year is launching more attacks on military bases and has launched several attacks outside of the predominantly ethnic Kurdish areas in Turkey. Approximately 50 Turkish soldiers and gendarmes have been killed in incidents since late March. On June 1 the PKK announced that it would step up the number of attacks inside Turkey, and June has been a particularly violent month. In response to a recent PKK attack on a military post, where several Turkish soldiers lost their lives, Prime Minister Tayyip Ragip Erdogan, the architect of the peace initiative, said that Turkey was willing to pay the price to annihilate the PKK. It looks like it's back to politics by violent means.

June 24, 2010: PKK rebels killed two Turkish soldiers in Elazig province (eastern Turkey). The PKK also claimed it wounded one soldier in the ambush. A civilian was also slain in the incident. Five PKK fighters were killed when they attacked a gendarme post in southeastern Turkey, which also left one policeman dead.

June 22, 2010: A PKK terror cell blew up a bus in Istanbul. Five people were killed and 12 were wounded, all military personnel and their families.

June 21, 2010: Twelve died in a series of actions with the PKK from June 18 to June 20. Eight soldiers died in an attack on June 19 on a military position near the town of Semdinli (Iraqi border area). The Turkish military responded to that attack by launching jet fighter-bomber attacks on PKK positions inside Iraqi territory. Two other Turkish soldiers died when PKK rebels detonated a remote-controlled mine in the border area.

June 17, 2010: Turkish security forces killed two PKK rebels in a firefight in Gumushane province (by the Black Sea).

June 16, 2010: Turkish troops crossed into northern Iraq and killed four PKK fighters. This was a hot pursuit operation that penetrated three kilometers inside Iraq. Three commando companies and a special forces battalion were involved in the operation.

June 15, 2010: A roadside bomb killed one Turkish soldier and wounded three. The incident took place in Sirnak province (southeastern Turkey, Iraq border).

June 11, 2010: A roadside bomb attack on a Turkish convoy wounded 11 Turkish soldiers. The incident took place in Tunceli province (eastern Turkey).

June 9, 2010: The Iraqi Kurdish government (KRG, Kurdish Regional Government) claimed that Iranian military forces have built a small fortified position inside Iraqi territory. The Iranian forces have been fighting Kurdish guerrillas belonging to the Kurdish Party of Free Life of Kurdistan (PEJAK). The Iranian position is manned by approximately 35 troops (a platoon) and is near the Perdunaz border crossing. This looks like an observation post. Iran frequently launches artillery attacks on suspected PEJAK positions in northern Iraq.

June 7, 2010: The KRG asked Iraq's central government to intervene with Iran in order to end Iranian attack on Iraqi soil. The KRG reported that an Iranian military unit had entered Iraqi territory while pursuing a Kurdish rebel group (likely PEJAK).

June 6, 2010: Turkish forces killed three PKK guerrillas in two separate actions in Sirnak province. One aciton took place near the town of Beytussebab.


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