Liberia: August 27, 2003


Government troops and rebels have begun fighting again. The lack of discipline on both sides is the major problem. The only trained troops in the country are about 1,500 peacekeepers. These troops can intimidate the thousands of armed men wandering about, but cannot control them. The fighting going on now appears to be clashes between government and rebel gunmen who are disputing who shall plunder a village or neighborhood. Actual, or rumored, clashes also send thousands of civilians fleeing down roads or into the bush, in fear of a major outbreak in fighting. But the largest threat these days is hunger and disease. Aid groups are bringing in food again, as peacekeepers have secured the major port in the capital. But it is feared that rebel and government troops will again steal a lot of this food. The food is taken not only to feed the gunmen, but for resale in local markets. 


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