Liberia: September 2, 2003


There are still thousands of armed men, and boys, wandering around the countryside, living off the land and unsure of what to do next. The government and rebels both used a very loose military organization. The basic combat unit was sort of a "battalion" led by a "commander" who had the wits and other resources to keep his "fighters" armed and somewhat organized. Each faction (government, LURD, MODEL) have a dozen or more commanders, and these guys form something of a ruling council for that faction. But commanders sometimes disagree with their factions policy, or choose to follow it only partially. Thus it's important to realize that there are really more than three players in Liberia, and many commanders don't fully control all their fighters. There are probably thousands of fighters who don't belong to any kind of organization and have gone freelance as marauding bandits. 


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