Sudan: Let's Try Again


November 5, 2007: The government says it has reached a deal with the government of South Sudan, which will "re-launch" the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement. South Sudan acknowledged that the South Sudan government and the national government had reached an agreement. Basically, the two sides agreed that unfulfilled provisions of the 2005 agreement will be implemented by the end of 2007. The biggest stumbling block is troops deployments in the central and southern oil fields.

November 2, 2007: A South Sudan spokesman said that the Sudanese Army units which were to re-deploy (per the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement) will have until December 15 to meet the redeployment goals.

November 1, 2007: UNAMID (Darfur peacekeeping force) now has troop pledges from the African nations of Burkina Faso, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Gambia, Nigeria, Malawi, Mali, and Senegal. Thailand recently promised an infantry contingent. Bangladesh, Holland, Jordan, and Norway have indicated they are considering sending troops to serve with the UN-AU peacekeeping force in Darfur.

October 31, 2007: The UN extended the peacekeeping operation in southern Sudan (UNMIS). The peacekeeping force is supporting the 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement which ended the civil war in the south, which pitted the "Arab-Muslim north" (national government) against the "black African Christian and animist south" (led by the SPLA). That deal has become increasingly shaky as the emerging government of South Sudan and the Sudanese government (Khartoum) struggle over troop repositioning in oil producing regions.

The UN-African Union "hybrid" force in Sudan (UNAMID) announced that it had opened a base in the Darfur town of El Fasher. UNAMID described the base as an "operational base."

October 30, 3007: "Forced re-locations" are occurring at refugee camps in Darfur. Apparently government forces were trying to force Darfuri refugees to leave a refugee camp near Nyala, South Darfur state. The government has said that it is concerned about security at refugee camps. Darfur rebel groups say the government really wants to drive many Darfuris into exile outside of Sudan.




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