Terrorism: March 20, 2005


Al Qaeda's efforts to spread their terror campaign through the Middle East has led to a car bombing in Qatar. One Briton was killed and another eleven people injured. American's have been warned, since last October, to be wary of traveling to Qatar, because of the threat of al Qaeda attacks. The warning was renewed last week. It was believed that al Qaeda would try to make a spectacular attack in Qatar on the second anniversary of the Iraq invasion. Qatar was a major base for that operation. There are pro-al Qaeda groups throughout the Persian Gulf, but the local governments believe they have them under control. The bombing in Qatar was the first terrorist act in a long time. In fact, the last one was a 2004 Russian assassination of a Chechen rebel leader who had found sanctuary in Qatar. The majority of people living in Qatar are foreigners. Al Qaeda is determined to drive all infidels (non-Moslems) out of the Middle East. Terror attacks in Saudi Arabia last year killed 43 foreigners, most of them from Asia. Attacks in Saudi Arabia have sharply declined as police counter-terrorism efforts intensified. Qatar will do the same, for they are even more dependent on foreigners to keep their economies booming.


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