Balkans: January 5, 2004


Heres a claim from Serbia that is both propaganda and fact how much of each is up for debate. For a decade NATO has been concerned with Islamist extremists operating in Bosnia. Now a Serbian government study claims that SFOR is definitely aware of links between Islamist radicals and terror groups operating in Bosnia, Kosovo, and Serbia-Montenegros Sandjak region. One Serb source said that Al Qaeda "has been, and still is, present in Bosnia-Hercegovina ever since the beginning of the [1992-95] war." The key links are through Islamist humanitarian organizations. These Islamist fronts supply money and conduct liaison for various extremist factions. During the Milosevic era, Serbia sought to justify its ethnic cleansing offensive in Bosnia and Kosovo based on trumped up Islamist threats. The irony is, Al Qaeda does have at the minimum liaison contacts with Muslim extremists in the Balkans. SFOR has been investigating numerous Islamic charities and closed down several that were once operating in Bosnia.




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