Sri Lanka: War Resumes Unofficially


January 7, 2006: Off the northern coast, the LTTE attacked a navy patrol boat with a suicide bomb aboard a fishing boat. Thirteen of the fifteen sailors on board were killed, along with the LTTE men on the fishing boat. The lost ship was a Israeli built, Dvora class, gunboat. The LTTE claimed that they were defending themselves from the navy, but foreign truce monitors declared it a rebel attack. The LTTE truce is over, but the LTTE has not openly declared the war has resumed. However, the body count says otherwise. The rebels don't want to appear as the bad guys, as they are dealing with an internal conflict and a sharp decline in international and popular support.

January 3, 2006: Police continued searching for rebels around the capital, arresting over fifty people.

January 2, 2006: Several grenades went of in eastern Sri Lanka, killing five. It was believed that the incident was the result of rebels misusing the grenades as they were preparing to throw them at troops.

December 31, 2005: This month, increased rebel violence has left 45 soldiers and seven rebels dead.

December 30, 2005: Police swept through the capital looking for LTTE members, and arrested 920 people. The government is trying to forestall any major LTTE terror campaign.

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