Sri Lanka Article Archive 2006


Defeat in the EastCell Phone Service a Sign of VictoryCreative Use of Artillery
Rebels Reel, and Threaten More Suicide AttacksTruce Truly TerminatedBloody Stalemate Hurts the Rebels
Terrorizing the TerroristsHeavy Artillery and Accusation Fire ContinuesCutting Them Off at the Coast
State of the SiegeThe ReckoningSuicide Bomb Pioneers Stay Competitive
Rebels ReelingShoot, Shoot, Talk, TalkAnother Big Naval Battle
Morale Takes a HitWe'd Rather Fight Than TalkRebels Reeling from Multiple Setbacks
Rebels Without An EdgeThe Battle of TrincomaleeCasualties Pile Up
Please Don't Call It A WarWar Intensifies, Sort OfRebels Roughed Up
War Officially ResumesWar Within a War WorsensPreparations for Major Attacks
Creeping Closer to WarShadow BoxingMore Willing To Talk Than Fight
Slipping Into WarNo Good Deed Goes UnpunishedFight to the Death
The War ResumesParanoia to the DeathEveryone Says It's War
It's Not A War, or A PeaceThe Final War Arrives With a BangWhat The Hell Is Going On?
Slo Mo War In The NorthCivil War Within a Civil WarMistreated Moslems on the March
The War At SeaTalk, Talk and StalematePeace Talks and War Preparations
Combat FatigueAmerica Pressures Rebels to NegotiateWar Returns in Undeclared Form
Violence Continues to IncreaseWar Resumes Unofficially

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