Sri Lanka: Suicide Bomb Pioneers Stay Competitive


October 17, 2006: The LTTE is having supply problems, because of the increasingly effective naval blockade. On the ground, the LTTE has to be careful how it assembles and moves fighters, because of the air force. Attacks from the air are more common, and aerial reconnaissance is getting better. The government says it is still willing to negotiate, but the LTTE is still trying to sort out its own internal civil war.

October 16, 2006: In the north, an LTTE suicide bomber drove a truck full of explosives into a convoy of busses carrying navy personnel. Over a hundred people were killed and at least a hundred wounded. The LTTE was the first modern terrorist group to employ suicide bombing as a standard tactic, and they have been doing it for over two decades.

October 15, 2006: An LTTE ship was sunk by the navy off the northwest coast. A large explosion on board indicated it was carrying munitions. There appeared to be a crew of five LTTE rebels on board.

October 12, 2006: The fighting in the north continues, with over 500 casualties so far.

October 11, 2006: In the north, the last few days have seen a spike in combat activity, with several hundred casualties on both sides. The LTTE says it is resisting a government offensive, the army says it is pushing back LTTE attempts to infiltrate into government territory.

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