Sri Lanka: What The Hell Is Going On?


April 24, 2006: In the east, soldiers killed two LTTE rebels. Over a hundred have died in the last two weeks, as the LTTE uses small attacks to try and goad the army into attacking Tamil civilians, and triggering a resumption of the war. Or at least that appears to be what is happening. The army isn't falling for that. The LTTE leadership has not been helpful, refusing to negotiate, or even acknowledge what is going on. The government has asked the European Union to label the LTTE a terrorist organization (thus hurting LTTE fund raising and recruiting).

April 23, 2006: In the east, LTTE rebels kidnapped six Sinhalese farmers, and later killed them. The LTTE terrorizes non-Tamils in areas it considers "Tamil" and tries to scare the non-Tamils out. In other actions, two soldiers and three rebels were killed.

April 22, 2006: Two more LTTE attacks left four soldiers dead and ten wounded. The LTTE called off talks with the European ceasefire monitors.

April 21, 2006: Over a thousand civilians in the northern port city of Trincomalee have fled the growing violence. In the last two weeks, LTTE attacks in the area have left at least 30 dead. Some foreign aid organizations have left as well, fearing a resumption of open warfare.

April 20, 2006: Five Tamil civilians were ambushed and killed. The LTTE tried to blame it on the army, but kin of the dead believed the killers were LTTE, trying to impose discipline on dissident Tamils.

April 19, 2006: In the north, LTTE rebels killed five civilians, and wounded two sailors in several attacks.

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