Sri Lanka: Rebels Roughed Up


August 11, 2006: In the northeast, troops gained control of a key water reservoir, which local farmers depend on for irrigation. The reservoir has long supplied water to both government and LTTE controlled farmland. Most of the fighting now is mortar and artillery fire, sniping and machine-gun fire. The LTTE is beset by a negative public image, and an internal civil war. The government, however, is not making any major military moves, yet.
August 8, 2006: In the capital, an LTTE bomb attack wounded a senior Tamil politician (who was anti-LTTE).
August 7, 2006: The LTTE has denied that its fighters killed nearly a hundred Moslem civilians. But there has been a pattern of LTTE gunmen killing Moslems and trying to force non-Tamils out of territory the LTTE considers "theirs."
August 6, 2006: In the northeast, fifteen local workers for an international aid organization were found murdered. The LTTE was suspected, as the area was awash in LTTE gunmen.
August 4, 2006: Fighting between mainline and rebel LTTE factions in the east left at least a dozen people dead. The rebels appear to have the upper hand. In the north, increased fighting, and artillery fire, has caused thousands of civilians to flee their homes. Fighting in the north has left nearly fifty dead in the last few days.

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