Sri Lanka: The Reckoning


October 23, 2006: Three months of fighting have left about a thousand dead, most of them LTTE. While the LTTE puts on a brave front, they are not nearly as powerful as they were a few years ago, and next weeks peace talks may actually produce something.

October 21, 2006: In the north, LTTE boats again took on the navy, and lost two boats doing so.

October 20, 2006: In the north, another clash at sea left seven LTTE boats sunk and 35 rebels dead.

October 19, 2006: Three soldiers died during renewed fighting in the north. Meanwhile, the LTTE says it will still attend peace talks, despite the continued violence.

October 18, 2006: Five LTTE boats attempted an attack on a tourist town in the south, but were driven off, with fifteen rebels, a soldier and a civilian killed. The attack, however, sparked a riot against Tamil shop owners. The LTTE attempt to injure the tourist industry is not popular at all.

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