Sri Lanka: The Final War Arrives With a Bang


April 26, 2006: While Scandinavian peace monitors and advocates call for a halt to military operations, the LTTE is apparently making a last attempt to gain a military victory, and partition the island. In the last year, the LTTE has been split by internal rebellion, and had its cash flow interrupted by a growing number of countries labeling it a terrorist organization, and interfering with fund raising. The LTTE has been hitting up overseas Tamils for more money of late, for the "final war." While the money may be drying up, the "final war" has apparently arrived. The Tamil rebels apparently believe it's now or never.

April 25, 2006: The army and air force continued air and ground attacks on LTTE bases. The LTTE protested that it was innocent and being unfairly attacked. But no one believed them.

April 24, 2006: An LTTE suicide bomber got near the car of the commander of the army, and detonated the explosives she was carrying. The army commander was badly wounded, ten people were killed, and several dozen wounded. There have been dozens of LTTE violations of the 2002 ceasefire lately, and the government and the European ceasefire monitors have cut the LTTE slack on all of them. But this one went too far.

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