Sri Lanka: It's Not A War, or A Peace


May 4, 2006: The renewed fighting has killed nearly a hundred people in the last week, and left many more wounded. Soldiers are being attacked again, meaning that a resumption of air attacks is possible. No one has said the ceasefire is over, but it is. Full scale war, however, has not resumed.

May 2, 2006: The violence is shifting to the civil war taking place within the LTTE. A Tamil newspaper office in the north was attacked, leaving two dead.

April 30, 2006: LTTE gunmen continue to shoot at soldiers, and are believed to have killed a policeman. But this is something of a lull in the violence, that has left over 120 dead in the last three weeks. The LTTE also attacked a camp of dissident rebels, killing fifteen and capturing over twenty more.

April 28, 2006: The government air attacks in LTTE territory have stopped, but over 20,000 refugees are fleeing the area, believing there will be more attacks. The government says it will hold back on more air attacks if the LTTE ceases its attacks on security forces. The air attacks apparently caused over 40 casualties, including at least fifteen dead. There was considerable damage to buildings used by the LTTE for their military operations.

April 27, 2006: LTTE attacks on government forces continue, with three clashes leaving three soldiers and two sailors dead in the northeast.

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