The Strategypage is a comprehensive summary of military news and affairs.
March 31, 2025
Countering Al Queda: An Appreciation of the Situation and Suggestions for Strategy by Brian Michael Jenkins

Combating Terrorism: Strategies of Ten Countries by Yonah Alexander

Inside Al Qaeda by Rohan Gunaratna

Palestinian Religious Terrorism: Hamas and Islamic Jihad by Yonah Alexander

Discussion Boards on Terrorism

A Military Assessement of the Al Qaeda Training Tapes

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Specific Scenarios

  • Targeting of law enforcement officers in ambush / assassinations. Faked disabled vehicle with shooters concealed in trunk of car or bed of truck. When the officer stops his vehicle behind the "disabled" vehicle assault is initiated by driver blowing the horn. Target was first engaged with rifle fire from the vehicle, terrorists then debussed to administer "coup de grace" at close range. An explosive device was thrown into the law enforcement vehicle on exfiltration. This was on of a number of scenarios that were shown first as a diagram and explanation, then progressing to dry fire walk through and finally to a live-fire exercise. Target location was shown as a 6 lane divided highway with the terrorist vehicle located just prior to the exit/cloverleaf (to allow multiple exfiltration routes and security overview.) There aren't any such highways in Afghanistan and damn few anywhere in the Middle East. In one iteration of this scenario the security/overwatch element was exercised firing on possible responding law enforcement officers.

  • Residential assassination. Innocuous looking person (weapon concealed) knocks on the door of a residence. Stands in view of the peephole and answers questions from the resident through a closed door, when the resident opens the door the terrorist draws and fires, emptying his weapon into the victim.

  • Assassination on a golf course. Target was on the green (at the pin/flag). A Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) was fired at a vehicle adjacent to the green (VIP security element?) to initiate the hit. Target was then engaged with rifle fire.

  • Two and four-man live-fire room entry (2-man back to back technique) with target discrimination (shoot/no shoot targets).

  • Raid on compound (Kidnapping), one person taken, Initiated with an RPG. Initiation was when Guard Shack was taken out with grenades. Primary target building was engaged with an RPG. Primary target building was entered through multiple breach points (through explosive breach of wall and through windows.) Exfiltration was by truck with motorcycle security element in overwatch positions.

  • 6.Drive up kidnapping of target walking down the street.

  • 7.Use of tunnels/storm drains/sewers for infiltration and exfiltration during raids.

  • Rappelling from roof of building to make entry on upper floors was shown on more than one occasion.

  • Motorcycle drive-by target practice. Shooter stands up on rear pegs and extends arms over driver. Excellent muzzle awareness and control.

  • Grenades thrown into second story windows by Motorcycle drive-bys. Multiple scenarios/exercises involved raids on buildings with a large number of occupants (school or office building?)

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Discussion Boards on Terrorism

The Latest Comment On This Topic:
From: Just a David 10/16/2011 9:39:59 AM
Subject: Dilemma: What is a War crime?
My friend and I have this argument of wether a certein case defined as a warcrime or a crime or not, but inernational and state laws: "israeli army get info that hamas member home which mean there is his family live there so in middle of night they shot rocket or rbg i dont know but heavy thing on his apartment, at the end, 6 months boy died only" Is the soldier who commited this order a war criminal, a criminal , or just a bad shooter?
Breakdown: How America's Intelligence Failures Led to September 11 by Bill Gertz

Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Understanding the New Security Environment by Russell Howard, Reid Sawyer

Terrorism: An Introduction by Jonathan R. White, Todd R. Clear


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