The tape was apparently produced for Al Qaeda internal use and did not appear to be an external propaganda production.
The tape showed Al Qaeda operatives engaging in a number of training exercises including small arms firing ranges, live-fire room entry, and numerous mixed live-fire/role-player type of scenarios.
Scenarios included: Assassinations, kidnappings, bombings, and small unit raids on various types of targets. The training depicted in these scenarios was clearly for export according to an intelligence expert that commented on the tape. "None of these training scenarios depicts the type of fighting that Al Qaeda engages in within Afghanistan."
Detailed planning, diagramming and walk-thru are followed by live-fire exercises were the norm.
There was a lot of role playing, scenario type of interactions.
The role players made aggressive moves simulating resistance at various points throughout the scenarios. All such resistance was met with immediate and brutal countermeasures by the terrorists. There was no presumed compliance on the part of the terrorists.
The effort to produce detail and realism in training was impressive.
These people are using extremely effective training methods!
My friend and I have this argument of wether a certein case defined as a warcrime or a crime or not, but inernational and state laws:
"israeli army get info that hamas member home which mean there is his family live there
so in middle of night
they shot rocket or rbg i dont know but heavy thing on his apartment,
at the end,
6 months boy died only"
Is the soldier who commited this order a war criminal, a criminal , or just a bad shooter?