The Strategypage is a comprehensive summary of military news and affairs.
March 28, 2025
Countering Al Queda: An Appreciation of the Situation and Suggestions for Strategy by Brian Michael Jenkins

Combating Terrorism: Strategies of Ten Countries by Yonah Alexander

Inside Al Qaeda by Rohan Gunaratna

Palestinian Religious Terrorism: Hamas and Islamic Jihad by Yonah Alexander

Discussion Boards on Terrorism

A Military Assessement of the Al Qaeda Training Tapes

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Conclusions and Recommendations

There is information to the effect that the "perfect day" as seen by Al Qaeda would combine attacks designed to produce the maximum number of casualties with attacks that would give them the opportunity to get "face time" on the news channels to deliver their rhetoric. For maximum effect these attacks would take place nearly simultaneously at multiple geographically separate locations.

We need to address, in training and in personal preparation, the differences between a typical criminal victimization and a terrorist incident in terms of early recognition and appropriate response. I.E. The typical bank robbery vs. finding yourself in the middle of a terrorist attack on a "financial institution" (as per the recent FBI warning.)

If you find yourself in the middle of one of these attacks, there will not be time for the SWAT team to intervene on your behalf. Compliance will buy you only a very little time. If you are identified as a potential problem to the terrorists you will be shot! (They are training to spot Law Enforcement, Military, Security, and Corrections Officers as well as armed citizens.) If, by feigned compliance, you make it through the first cut you can expect to be physically restrained and then controlled with threats to the rest of your group and to the other groups. "We will blow up the women and children in the next room if any of you do not do exactly as we say!� Based on the tape your ultimate fate, if you do not resist, is to be ritually executed in front of the television cameras.

The best time to act is most likely to be at the initiation of the attack. Once the terrorists are consolidated on the objective it will be very difficult to take effective action. You must plan on providing effective resistance at the first opportunity! Shoot, move and communicate. Seek cover, use your weapon as required. Attempt to acquire a better weapons system at the first opportunity (do you know how to place an AK into operation?)

Keep in mind that before any terrorist action there are many opportunities to interrupt their cycle by detecting their pre-mission activities. This is where we all can be of assistance. Pay attention to what is going on around you as you go about your daily business. Investigate and report any unusual or suspicious activity that you observe (note vehicle make and model, license plates, personnel descriptions, etc.)

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Discussion Boards on Terrorism

The Latest Comment On This Topic:
From: Just a David 10/16/2011 9:39:59 AM
Subject: Dilemma: What is a War crime?
My friend and I have this argument of wether a certein case defined as a warcrime or a crime or not, but inernational and state laws: "israeli army get info that hamas member home which mean there is his family live there so in middle of night they shot rocket or rbg i dont know but heavy thing on his apartment, at the end, 6 months boy died only" Is the soldier who commited this order a war criminal, a criminal , or just a bad shooter?
Breakdown: How America's Intelligence Failures Led to September 11 by Bill Gertz

Terrorism and Counterterrorism: Understanding the New Security Environment by Russell Howard, Reid Sawyer

Terrorism: An Introduction by Jonathan R. White, Todd R. Clear


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