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The American Revolution for Kids: A History with 21 Activites, by Janis Herbert

Chicago: Chicago Review Press, 2002. Pp. xii, 142. Illus., map, diagr., chron., gloss., bios., cyberology., biblio, index. $16.95 paper. ISBN: 1556524560.

An Excellent �First Book� on the Revolutionary War

Award wining children�s author Herbert, who has written several other books in the Chicago Review Press� excellent �For Kids� series, including works on Lincoln, Leonardo, Lewis and lark, and on the Great War, gives us an informative and entertaining little overview of the Revolutionary War.

Herbert�s main narrative, written for middle school students, is clear and readable, and alternates several between more or less chronological chapters with some thematic ones (e.g., �Who Were the Colonists�, �Johnny has Gone for a Soldier�). She season her account with numerous side bars that offer profiles of various people or things, explanations of army ranks and the military coat roll, brief looks at women and black Americans in the fight, and more. In addition, Herbert has included many �hands on� activities, such as making a powder horn, dancing the minuet, how to play various colonial era games, and even how to be a minuteman.

This is an excellent book for any younger person, and many adults may find some of the activities amusing.


Reviewer: A. A. Nofi, Review Editor   

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