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Silent Sabotage: China's Sneaky War to Crumble America from Within! - 07/5/2024 Military gurus Jim Dunnigan and Austin Bay are discussing some hot takes on modern warfare. They're buzzing about China's sneaky tactics to mess with America and the game-changing potential of cheap, unmanned sea drones. Jim's all fired up about how these hard-to-detect "sea babies" could be a game-changer in places like Taiwan, potentially stopping invasions dead in their tracks. Austin's onboard but throws in a reality check about the U.S. not being quite ready for two major conflicts. These guys are cooking up ideas for beefing up defenses without breaking the bank, thinking smart mines and sea drones might be the secret sauce for 21st-century deterrence. It's like they're writing a new playbook for keeping the big bad wolves at bay without going full-on World War III. YouTube
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Houthi Smack Down - 01/19/2024 Jim and Austin discuss the retribution against the Houthis. YouTube
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A Look At 2023 - 12/22/2023 Jim and Austin analyze the key events of 2023. YouTube
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Israel’s Northern Problems - 12/8/2023 In their discussion, Jim and Austin focus on the recent happenings on Israel's northern border. YouTube
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Where Have All The Bullets Gone? - 11/17/2023 YouTubeJim and Austin examine worldwide munition supplies and the effect the Ukraine and Israeli-Hamas wars have on them.
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Iran, Russia, China A New Axis Of Evil - 11/3/2023 Jim and Austin discuss the connection between Iran, Russia, and China during the current conflicts. YouTube
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Israeli Intelligence Failure? - 10/30/2023 Jim and Austin discuss whether October 7th was an intelligence failure. YouTube
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China Playing Geo-Political Go - 9/15/2023 Jim and Austin examine the strategic moves China has been making. YouTube
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The New, Improved Taliban, Not - 9/7/2023 Jim and Austin ruminate on the Taliban two years after the great skedaddle. YouTube
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Chinese Navy Vs US Navy - 8/4/2023 Jim and Austin discuss how the Chinese Navy and the US Navy stack up against each other. YouTube
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Faux Coup - 7/7/2023 Jim and Austin examine the recent coup attempt in Russia. YouTube
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Flooding As A Weapon - 6/9/2023 Jim and Austin explore why the Russians may have caused the flooding in Ukraine. YouTube
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F-16 To Ukraine - 5/26/2023 Jim and Austin explore F-16s going to Ukraine. YouTube
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The God Of War Returns - 5/12/2023 Jim and Austin examine the use of artillery in the Ukraine conflict. YouTube
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Spring Logistics - 4/21/2023 Jim and Austin talk logistics for the spring for both the Russians and the Ukrainians. YouTube
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Europe Awakes - 3/31/2023 Jim and Austin discuss Western Europe waking up to the need to increase their defense capabilities. YouTube
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Taiwan Vs. China - 3/10/2023 Jim and Austin exchange views on whether China will attack Taiwan. YouTube
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Asymmetrical Warfare - 2/10/2023 Jim and Austin explore asymmetrical in the 21st century. YouTube
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Near Peer Wars - 1/19/2023 Jim and Austin examine possible near peer wars. YouTube
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Ukraine’s Lessons for Taiwan - 12/30/2022 Jim and Austin explore lessons Taiwan can learn from the Ukraine conflict. YouTube
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China Update - 12/16/2022 Jim and Austin talk about covid protests in China, threats to Taiwan, and clashes at the top of the world. YouTube
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Winter Is Coming - 12/1/2022 Jim and Austin talk about how this winter is going to affect the war in Ukraine. YouTube
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Emperor Xi - 11/22/2022 Jim and Austin remark on the recent political moves by Xi Jinping. YouTube
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Putin’s Nukes - 11/12/2022 Jim and Austin assess how likely Putin is to use a nuclear strike on Ukraine. YouTube
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Missile Defense, Fantasy Or Reality - 11/02/2022 Jim and Austin discuss the facts surrounding missile defense. YouTube
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Another Iranian Revolt - 10/14/2022 Iran has entered another round of internal dissent. Jim and Austin remark on whether this is the end of Islamic rule in Iran. YouTube
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Al Sadr Withdraws From Politics - 9/16/2022 Jim and Austin talk about the current political situation in Iraq. YouTube
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NATO Ukrainian Lessons Learned - 9/2/2022 Jim discusses the lessons NATO has learned from the Ukraine War. YouTube
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Iran Ignores Reality - 8/19/2022 Jim discuss Iran's failing economy and social unrest while they continue to pursue disrupting world affairs. YouTube
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Intelligence Failure - 8/5/2022 Jim examines the recent intelligence failures concerning the Russian military capabilities. YouTube
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Bong Bong Takes A Turn - 7/8/2022 Jim and Austin take a look at the recent elections in the Philippines. YouTube
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Russia And The Long War - 6/24/2022 Jim and Austin examine why Russia was not prepared for a long war. YouTube
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Russian Invasion Triggers Sever Food Shortages In Africa - 5/27/2022 Jim and Austin look at tragic side effect of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. YouTube
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Putin Helps NATO Grow - 5/13/2022 Jim and Austin explore why Putin’s invasion has ended up with NATO growing rather than the effect Putin desired. YouTube
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Ukrainian War Side Effects- 4/29/2022 Jim and Austin look at how the war in Ukraine affects the rest of the world. YouTube
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Flawed Engineering, Flawed Tactics- 4/15/2022 Jim and Austin discuss the Russian main battle tank debacle in Ukraine. YouTube
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Russia Stuck In Ukrainian Mud- 3/4/2022 Jim and Austin talk about Russia’s troubled invasion of Ukraine. YouTube
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Two Koreas - 2/15/2022 Jim and Austin discuss how we ended up with two Koreas and where the Koreas stand now. YouTube
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What Is Brewing In The Baltic? - 2/5/2022 Ukraine is not the only nation worried about the Russians, the Baltic states are on pins and needles too. Jim and Austin discuss all things popping with Russia. YouTube
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Tossing Out the Old; Waiting For The New - 1/7/2022 Jim and Austin review the old year and take a peek at the new year. YouTube
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Gaming The Bulge - 12/16/2021 Jim and Austin remember Jim’s games that involved the Ardennes. They focus on his game, Bulge. Also, Jim talks about lessons the U.S. forces learned via the Battle of the Bulge.
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Israel Sittin’ Pretty - 11/15/2021 Jim and Austin exam why things are going so well for the Israeli’s on the diplomatic front.
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Spooky Stuff On The Horizon - 10/30/2021 Jim and Austin tell us what should be keeping us up at night.
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Tension Along The Border - 10/20/2021 Jim and Austin discuss the tensions between India and China.
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Afghanistan: Blinken’s And Milley’s Incompetence - 10/16/2021 Jim and Austin discuss the aftermath of the Afghanistan withdrawal.
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From Ottoman Empire To Edrogan Empire - 8/18/2021 Jim and Austin travel through 100+ years of Turkish history.
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Politicians Tinkering With The Military - 8/4/2021 Jim and Austin explore how politicians tinker with their country’s military.
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To Train The Fleet - 7/22/2021 Jim and Al discuss Al’s book ‘To Train The Fleet For War’ which covers the U.S. Navy fleet problems, from 1923-1940. The look at how the lessons of training a fleet apply to today.
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War In The Arctic? - 5/24/2021 Jim and Austin discuss the possibilities of conflict close to the Arctic circle.
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Jim Dunnigan Conquers Empires Of The Middle Ages - 5/22/2021 Jim talks about the development of Empires of the Middle Ages. Also, Jim discusses play testing.
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Israel And Iran Face-off - 4/30/2021 Jim and Austin discuss the recent incidents between Israel and Iran. Some of the other mischief Iran is mentioned.
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Warships With Problems - 4/16/2021 Jim and Al discuss the problems that many countries are having with their new Warships. Also, the mention some of the successes.
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Freedom Of Navigation Operations - 3/12/2021 Jim and Al discuss FONOPs in the South China Sea by several countries besides the United States.
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Dunnigan’s Greatest Hits Part II - 2/26/2021 Jim talks about some of the series games that SPI published. The discussion even strays into discussing Scrimmage and other unpopular designs.
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China’s Population Problem - 2/12/2021 Jim and Austin examine China’s population problem and it is not what you might think.
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Turkey Wants A Thumb In Every Pie - 1/29/2021 StrategyPage starts a Turkey section, Jim and Austin tell us why. Further, they explain where Turkey is involving itself in the world in 2021.
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Afghanistan: An Intractable Problem - 1/15/2021 Jim and Austin talk about how Afghanistan is entwined with Pakistan, and no matter what is done, Afghanistan will remain in turmoil.
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International Violence Continues To Decline In 2020 and 2021 - 1/1/2021 Jim and Austin point out how violence declined in 2020 and how they see that trend continuing.
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Dunnigan's Greatest Hits Part I - 12/4/2020 Jim talks about SPI's Sci-Fi and Fantasy games. We then discuss several of Jim's most successful games including World War I.
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Dunnigan Deals With Monsters And Politics - 11/5/2020 We talk to Jim about reader feedback in Strategy and Tactics. The discussion moves on to the monster games of SPI. We round things off with a discussion of several of Jim's early political games including 'Up against the Wall Mother F!#!#%' and 'Chicago, Chicago'.
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Turkey's Edrogan Tries To Reinstitute The Janissaries - 10/23/2020 Jim and Austin discuss the on-going civil war in Libya and Turkey's involvement there. They also examine the Turkish use of mercenaries in the dispute between Armenia and Azerbaijan.
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Dunnigan's and SPI's Friday Night Follies, A Play Tester Heaven - 10/9/2020 Jim and Al talk about how they and SPI made playtesting a priority and how it became a ritual at the company. They also discuss the Fall of Rome, the first purpose-designed solitaire war game, and solitaire wargaming in general.
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Russia Is Broken, But Still Dangerous - 10/2/2020 Jim and Austin analyze and break down Russia's problems and how the Bear can still cause havoc.
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Jim Dunnigan Blitzes Avalon Hill - 9/14/2020 Jim, Al, and Austin talk PanzerBlitz, Panzergruppe Guderian, Panzerarmee Afrika, Outdoor Survival and a whole lot more.
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Will China Trigger A War? - 8/31/2020 Jim and Austin examine the possibilities of China triggering a war in the South China Sea. They, also, explore the recent launch of a Chinese anti-carrier ballistic missile.
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Jim Dunnigan Remembers Jutland - 8/14/2020 Jim discusses working on Jutland for Avalon Hill and Tom Shaw. We, also, talk to Jim about the early days of Strategy & Tactics and how it was produced.
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Iran's Israeli Problems - 8/12/2020 Jim and Austin discuss the myriad of problems facing Iran including some very aggressive Israeli actions.
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Jim Dunnigan Finds Wargaming - 8/6/2020 Jim Dunnigan tells how he discovered wargames. We also cover the intersection of military wargaming and commercial wargaming.
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Erasing History - 7/28/2020 Jim and Austin talk about how history has been erased throughout history.
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Fighting In Space - 6/22/2020 Jim and Austin talk about Space Force and the current militarization of space.
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China In Crisis - 5/30/2020 Jim and Austin explore the challenges facing China as the covid19 virus cools down.
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Plague Of Peace - 5/23/2020 Jim and Austin examine the effects of covid19 on conflicts around the world.
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China Spreading And Lying About The Virus - 4/25/2020 Jim and Austin talk about how the covid virus spread from China to around the world.
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Afghanistan The Peace That Wasn't - 4/9/2020 Jim and Austin talk about why the peace agreement with the Taliban failed immediately and why no peace agreement will work with the Taliban.
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The Military And Covid-19 - 4/3/2020 Jim and Austin discuss Covid-19 and effects on the military. They all so discuss a host of topics related to the virus.
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The Democracy Virus - 2/3/2020 Jim and Austin riff on how the coronavirus will affect China.
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2020 Preview - 1/20/2020 Jim and Austin prognosticate 2020.
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Freedom Not Dead Yet In Hong Kong - 12/9/2019 Jim and Austin update us on the ongoing fight for freedom in Hong Kong.
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Broken Ships - 11/16/2019 Jim explores why the U.S. Navy is having problems building new ship classes.
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The Neo-Ottoman Empire Encroaches On Libya - 11/2/2019 Jim and Austin discuss the on going violence in Libya and all the players involved from the UN to Turkey.
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Turkey Invades Syria - 10/19/2019 Jim and Austin explore the Turkish incursion into Syria and why the Trump administration withdrew the troops.
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Ukraine: War, Corruption, and Politics - 10/4/2019 Jim and Austin sandwich talk about impeachment between discussions about Ukraine and Russia.
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A Country Too Far - 09/21/2019 Jim and Austin discuss how Iran has overextended themselves in Iraq, Syria and Yemen.
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Algeria, 25+ Weeks of Protests - 08/26/2019 Jim and Austin do a deep dive into the background and causes of the ongoing protests in Algeria.
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Too Much Democracy Can Be Fatal - 08/12/2019 Jim and Austin discuss the ongoing turmoil in Hong Kong and how it could be fatal to either side.
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Erdogan AKA Sultan Recep - 07/22/2019 Jim and Austin talk about the attempted resurgence of Turkey and dreams of a neo Ottoman Empire.
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Afghanistan, Is the West Still Needed? - 06/24/2019 Jim and Austin discuss whether the west is still needed in Afghanistan.
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The Perils of Proxy War - 05/29/2019 Jim and Austin take a detailed look at why Iran is being called on the carpet by the US and other western powers.
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Philippine Troubles - 05/13/2019 Jim and Austin talk about the challenges facing President Duterte in the South China Sea and with Islamic terrorists.
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Vlad the Imploder - 04/21/2019 Jim and Austin explore where Russia has its hand in the cookie jar and why Mr. Putin's career is slowing imploding.
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Iranian Mercenaries Occupy Syria - 04/1/2019 Jim gives us a sitrep on Syria and what the aftermath in Syria might be with ISIL removed.
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South China Sea: A Powder Keg Waiting To Be Lit - 03/25/2019 Jim and Austin discuss the continuing conflict in and around the South China Sea. They explore the possible scenarios where the new cold war turns hot.
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India Wedged Between Besties - 03/13/2019 Jim and Austin explore the challenges India has geopolitically. Currently, China and Pakistan are in the process of becoming strong allies.
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The Last Days Of Maduro - 03/4/2019 Jim and Austin dissect the possibilities of civil war in Venezuela , the China and Russia connection, and much more.
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Dictators Spinning Clueless Media: Iran's Yemen Propaganda (and More) - 02/14/2019 Jim and Austin talk about Iran's successful propaganda campaign in Yemen that makes them look like the good guys and the Saudis the bad guys. Along with a number of other bad players that know how to manipulate western media.
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What Will Smack Us In The Face In 2019? - 01/30/2019 Jim and Austin look at the coming year and discuss some of what may occur.
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Presidents And Their Generals: Part I - 01/28/2019 Austin and Al discuss past Presidents and their problems with Generals.
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2018 In Review - 12/31/2018 Jim and Austin discuss the surprising fact that Islamic terrorist violence has decreased in 2018. They, also, give their take on other important events of the past year.
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China's Quad Troubles - 12/17/2018 Jim and Austin explore the challenges the alliance between Australia, India, Japan, and the United States pose for them in the near future.
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Does the US Need An Independent Space Force? - 12/10/2018 Jim and Austin talk about the resurrected idea of a US Space Force.
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North Korea Perfects "The Art of the Stall" - 11/15/2018 Jim and Austin discuss North Korea's "Art of the Stall" when it comes to denuclearization. This time the game clock is approaching zero as North Korea's economy continues to implode.
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Naval Size Matters - 11/8/2018 Jim and Austin explore the United States Navy current and future ship levels.
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Radical Islam In Africa - 10/29/2018 Jim and Austin discuss the rise and decline of radical Islam in Africa.
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One Belt, One Road A Modern Silk Road? - 10/8/2018 Jim and Austin layout the ambitions of the Chinese to build a modern silk road.
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Levant Quintangle - 9/20/2018 Jim and Austin exam the love/hate/fear/loath relationships currently going on in Syria and the surrounding environs.
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Terrorists Everywhere; Well Almost - 9/5/2018 Jim and Austin explore the various terrorist groups around the world.
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Mullah's With To Many Irons In The Fire - 8/22/2018 Austin and Jim talk about Iran's problems both foreign and domestic.
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The New Duke of Grand Fenwick Needs To Buy Arms - 8/8/2018 Austin and Jim give a tutorial on buying arms at the World Wide Arms Bazaar.
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Human Trafficking 101 - 7/10/2018 Jim and Austin discuss human trafficking around the world.
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China Takes Possession Of The South China Sea - 6/27/2018 Jim and Austin discuss wants China full control the South China Sea.
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Nuclear Sit Rep - 6/11/2018 Jim talks about the current nuclear arsenals of the world.
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North Korea: Radiation And Food Trump All - 5/28/2018 Jim and Austin look at why North Korea needs a deal with the United States.
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Iran A Meddle Too Far - 4/2/2018 Jim Dunnigan and Austin by exam Irans continued meddling in the Middle East. Also, they look at some of the repercussions Iran is experiencing from meddling too much.
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Ruskie Mercs In Syria - 3/11/2018 Jim and Austin discuss Russian mercenaries in Syria and other related items.
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Daniel Coats' Threat Assessment - 2/28/2018 Jim and Austin dig into Daniel Coats' recent worldwide threat assessment.
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Review Of 2017 - 2/12/2018 A Conversation Between Jim and Austin About 2017.
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Pakistan And India Still At It - 1/7/2018 Austin and Jim update us on the Pakistan and India.
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Ukraine Continues To Simmer - 12/17/2017 Austin and Jim take look back at Crimea and where things are headed in Eastern Ukraine.
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Iran And The House Of Saud Face-off - 11/19/2017 Austin and Jim discuss the current face-off between Iran and Saudi Arabia and its historic background.
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Meanwhile Back In Turkey - 10/29/2017 Jim and Austin analyze the ever presence issues in Turkey.
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North Korea The Military Option - 9/17/2017 As the need for a military response to North Korea becomes real, Jim and Austin discuss the options.
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The Islamabad Connection - 8/27/2017 Jim, Austin, and Sherlock reveal the possible Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligent (ISI) involvement in the Debbie Wasserman Schultz IT brouhaha.
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Does Kim Jung Un Have Teeny, Tiny � Warheads - 8/17/2017 Jim and Austin discuss the never ending North Korean nuclear armament drama.
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Missile Primer - 7/7/2017 Jim and Austin tutor us on anti-missile defenses.
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The Ravages Of Wannacry - 5/20/2017 The Wannacry virus circled the globe staying in the headlines for days. Jim and Austin dissect the misguided strategy behind Wannacry.
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Turkish Wild Cards - 4/24/2017 Jim and Austin discuss the current situation in Turkey and some of the players that are difficult to predict.
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Syrian Redline Deux - 4/13/2017 Just a few hours before the Tomahawk strike on Syria, Jim and Austin discuss the latest Syrian gas attack.
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Last-Days Of Our Lives: The International Soap Opera Of North Korea - 3/27/2017 Once again Jim and Austin discuss North Korea which has become a deadly international soap opera.
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NorK Missile Mischief - 2/27/2017 Jim and Austin discuss the NorKs playing with missiles and fire.
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Mexico�s Heart Of Darkness - 2/13/2017 Jim and Austin mull over the on going issues of corruption and the never ending cartel wars.
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What Happened In 2016? - 2/6/2017 Strategypage�s annual review of the previous year.
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What Will 2017 Bring? - 1/12/2017 Jim and Austin discuss what next year looks like internationally.
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Will China Gamble On A Trade War? - 12/26/2016 Jim and Austin look at the reasons that China�s talk of a trade war is just �Fen Rattling.�
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Men or Machines: US Military Continues To Weaken - 12/15/2016 Jim and Austin talk about the ongoing budget issues of the US Military. The big fight as always is where should the money be spent, men or machines?
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Putin: Strongman Living In Potemkin Village - 11/30/2016
Jim and Austin put Putin under a magnifying glass and reveal the strongman has no clothes.
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Hungary 1956 - 1/2016
Austin and Al look back 60 years and re-examine Hungary�s revolt against the Soviet Bear.
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Mosul Slowly Falls, ISIS Regroups - 10/31/2016
Jim and Austin describe the slow fall of Mosul and how ISIS will regroup to fight again.
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Syria Explodes - 10/2/2016
Jim and Austin analyze the current situation in Syria and the missteps that have led to more violence.
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Turkey Accelerates Towards Becoming An Islamic State - 7/28/2016
Jim and Austin give us the low down on what is happening in Turkey and how the outcome looks bad.
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Meanwhile Back In Mali - 7/3/2016
Jim and Austin give us an update on Mali. Also, they talk about why it�s not so peaceful for the peacekeepers there.
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South China Sea Continues To Boil - 6/8/2016
Jim and Austin focus on the South China Sea.
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More North Korean Mischief - 5/8/2016
Jim and Austin discuss North Korea's latest nuclear adventures.
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The Iranian Circus Continues - 3/8/2016
Jim and Austin ruminate over the antics of the Iranians during the first two months of the year.
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2016 Starts With A Bang, The Korean Missile Crises - 2/18/2016
Jim and Austin give us the scoop on what is going down in North Korean, and why they are an ongoing problem for everyone involved.
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2015 Wrap-Up - 1/18/2016
Jim and Austin wrap-up 2015 focusing on the Middle East, Mexico and the South China Sea.
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Militant Islamist Will Continue To Dominate Headlines In 2016 - 1/3/2016
Jim and Austin discuss what we can expect to happen in 2016.
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2015 Under-Reported News - 12/25/2015
Jim and Austin talk about what the mainstream media missed in 2015.
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Syrian Pizza Pie - 12/8/2015
Jim and Austin circle back to talk about the on-going mess in Syria. Their focus this time is the splintered nature of the Syrian Poplulation.
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Libert�, �galit�, Terreur - 11/25/2015
Jim and Austin discuss the recent terror attacks in Paris.
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We Are Not Afraid - 11/8/2015
Jim and Austin examine the USS Lassen sailing through the South China Sea and China�s response.
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New Axis Of Evil - 10/21/2015
Austin and Jim analyze the alliance between Russia, Iran and Syria.
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Nuclear Footsie: The Koreas Square Off Again - 9/7/2015
Austin and Jim dissect the latest games between the North and South Korea. Games which could lead to nuclear consequences.
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WW II, The Fifty Year War - 8/2/2015
Jim talks about the effect WW II on technology and how the war didn�t really end until the demise of the Soviet Union. Austin looks at the beginning of the war and how there are echoes of the 1930�s in the conditions of today.
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Turkey Enters The Fight Against ISIL - 8/2/2015
Jim and Austin talk briefly about the Jimmy Hoffa of Taliban, The One Eyed Sheik. More importantly the dissect Turkey�s more aggressive stance against ISIL.
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Peace In Our Time? - 7/24/2015
Jim and Austin discuss a number of problems with the Iranian Nuclear Deal.
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The 50 Ruble Army - 6/8/2015
Jim and Austin talk about Russia�s 50 Ruble army and their rearmament efforts.
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Iraqis No Will To Fight? - 5/27/2015
Jim and Austin discuss whether Iraq's army has what it takes to stand up to ISIL.
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Where Are The Turks When You Need Them? - 5/13/2015
Jim and Austin talk about whether or not a Pan-Arab Army can be formed, and when is Turkey going to become more engaged in the ISIL crisis.
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Dr. StrangeMullah Or How Iran Learned To Love The Bomb - 4/22/2015
Jim and Austin give us the straight dope on the current nuclear negotiations with Iran.
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The Return of Gog and Magog - 3/22/2015
Austin and Jim talk about the two biggest vandals and disrupters in the World neighborhood, Iran and Russia.
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"I Am Charles Martel!" - 2/24/2015
Austin enlightens us on who Charles Martel was, and Jim gives us a quick overview of the Moslem conquest of the west.
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What's Cooking In Yemen? - 2/8/2015
Jim and Austin review the current status of Yemen and what the attempted coup means for the future of the area.
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Was 2014 A Good Year Or A Bad Year? - 1/19/2015
Jim and Austin take a look what went on in 2014.
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What Will 2015 Bring - 12/31/2014
Jim and Austin speculate on the potential hot spots of 2015.
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Tactical Myths Of WW I - 12/17/2014
Al and Austin debunk some of the myths of World War I and talk about the development of tactics throughout the war.
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Cold War Or 1938? - 11/16/2014
Jim and Austin discuss remarks made earlier in the month by Mikhail Gorbachev that the West and Russia are on the verge of a new cold war. They explain how historically things look more like 1938.
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Ebola: To Quarantine Or Not To Quarantine - 11/3/2014
Jim and Austin inform us on the US troops that are being used in West Africa to fight Ebola. They all so discuss the current state of affairs in West Africa and why Nigera has been successful in fighting Ebola.
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ISIL, Al Qaeda's Ugly Step Child - 10/6/2014
Jim discusses the rise of ISIL and how Al Qaeda franchises still exist in the Middle East and the Near East.
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China Stirring The China Sea Pot - 9/23/2014
Jim and Austin talk about small and large events happening in South-East Asia.
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Asian Pivot, Misstep Or Sound Strategy? - 9/10/2014
Jim and Al talk about how the Asian Pivot has or has note effect events in the Ukraine and the Middle East.
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You Say ISIS; I Say ISIL; But What Are The Options? - 8/25/2014
Austin gives us the low-down on ISIS and some options to deal with them.
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The Guns of August Nofi and Bay Style - 8/10/2014
Al and Austin kick-off World War I a hundred years later. Their discussion includes a tour de force of the �Von Schlieffen Plan.�
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StrategyPage's 15 Anniversary - 7/24/2014
Jim, Austin and Al talk about their experiences prior to StrategyPage and how they led to the page�s founding. SPI and Strategy & Tactics are discussed.
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Death Match: Hamas Vs. Israel - 7/13/2014
Jim and Austin talk about the recent rocketing of Israel by Hamas. They discuss why this might be the beginning of the end of Hamas.
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The World War I Leftover Problem Called Iraq - 6/29/2014
Jim and Austin give us a critical view of the problems in Iraq tracing them back to World War I. And they have no good news for the future.
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The Rotten Fruit Of The Arab Spring - 6/16/2014
Jim and Austin talk about the good and the bad results of the Arab spring. They wrap things up with a short discussion on the Iraq chaos.
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Guess Who Is Coming To War: World War I Was A Family Affair? - 6/12/2014
Austin and Al set the table for the beginning of World War I by discussing the political actors and some of their strange entanglements.
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Dirty Little Secrets Of The Cyberwar - 6/1/2014
Jim and Austin reveal the little know truths about the ongoing cyberwar between China, Russia and the United States.
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Foreign Policy Challenge - 5/4/2014
Jim and Austin discuss the challenges currently facing U.S. foreign policy.
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The Empires Strike Back - 4/17/2014
Jim and Austin talk about former empires trying to rise from the flames are causing many of the current problems in international relations.
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Russia Bets On Western Apathy - 3/16/2014
Jim and Austin talk about the on going drama in the Ukraine. They specifically address how the West is reacting.
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Russia VS Ukraine: Frak Or Be Fraked - 2/27/2014
Jim and Austin give us the low down on the current crisis in the Ukraine.
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Deep Background On World War I - 2/23/2014
Al and Austin give us the background on the lead up to World War I.
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China's Long March To A Navy - 2/17/2014
Jim and Austin tell us about the efforts China is putting into building a modern navy and how their neighbors are reacting.
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Benghazi Truth Outed Behind Closed Doors - 2/2/2014
Jim and Austin talk about the recently released transcripts of congressional closed door testimony on Benghazi by military and State Department officials.
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Sochi Olympic Forcast: Scattered Snow and Terrorism; Followed By Gusts Of Corruption - 1/19/2014
Jim and Austin discuss potential problems surrounding the Sochi Winter Olympics.
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2014: Old Conflicts Wind Down, New Conflicts Wind Up - 1/6/2014
Jim and Austin discuss the trends that will continue in 2014 and what we might see new happening in international affairs.
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2013 Summed Up - 12/22/2013
Jim and Austin talk about the past year�s most important events and trends.
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Iran: Bombs or Butter - 11/14/2013
Jim and Austin talk about the failed Iranian negotiations in Geneva.
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Spooky NSA - 10/31/2013
Jim and Austin discuss recent disclosures about the NSA. N ot surprisingly they have a different take on it than others and dredge up the ghost of Frank Church.
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The October War 40 Years Later - 10/22/2013
Jim and Austin talk about the Arab-Israeli War of 1973 and it's present day ramifications.
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Al Shabaab's Last Gasp - 10/06/2013
Jim and Austin discuss the Al Shabaab Kenyian mall massacre and why it maybe there attempt to still appear relevant in the region.
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Russia: The Syrian Connection - 9/19/2013
Jim and Austin explain the symbiotic relationship between Syria and Russia.
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Gas Quagmire - 9/7/2013
Jim and Austin talk about the mess that Syria has become.
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Coup Like An Egyptian - 8/22/2013
Jim and Austin discuss past Egyptian troubles and how today's problems are rooted in the past.
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Coup Or Not A Coup - 7/15/2013
Jim and Austin discuss the Egyptian�s Army�s ousting of President Morisi.
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Gettysburg, The Crowning Event Of A Series Of Triumphs - 7/4/2013
Al and Jim discuss the importance of the Battle of Gettysburg and the other Union Triumphs surrounding it.
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U.S. In The Syrian Mix - 6/21/2013
Austin and Jim talk about the U.S.'s involvement In Syria.
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Turkish Trees, Not Spring - 6/07/2013
Austin and Jim discuss what has really been going on in Turkey of late.
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Syria, Israel And A Dash Of Benghazi - 5/31/2013
Austin and Jim talk about what Israel has been doing in Syria and wrap things up with some comments on the on-going Benghazi investigation.
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The Great Race: India and China Compete - 4/25/2013
Austin and Jim discuss the competition between China and India over resources, oceans and allies.
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Northwest Pacific Rim Not So Pacific - 4/8/2013
Austin and Jim discuss the on going problems with North Korea.
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Missiles Against Maniacs - 3/18/2013
Austin and Jim talk about the real purpose of the Ballistic Missile Defense System.
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Assad, The Beginning Of The End - 3/4/2013
Jim and Austin discuss what is happening in Syria as the Assad regime begins its death spiral.
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What The Hell Is The Seven Years War And Why The Hell Should I Care? - 2/18/2013
Al and Austin discuss the ongoing effects of the Seven Years War which end 250 years ago this month.
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Egypt, The Long View - 2/4/2013
Jim and Austin talk about current happenings in Egypt and how long it will take the Arab Spring to play out.
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2013 Look Ahead - 1/21/2013
Jim and Austin discuss areas of interest in the coming year.
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2012 Roundup - 1/7/2013
Jim and Austin talk about some of the important events of last year.
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The Hearts of Darkness; Why Most of the Mayhem Is in Pushtunstan and Central Africa - 12/20/2012
Jim and Austin talk about the Congo and other places in the world where anarchy rules.
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The Gaza Pause - 12/2/2012
Jim and Austin talk about recent events in Gaza and Israel and explain why the so-called ceasefire is only a pause in hostilities. As a bonus they talk about President Morsi and the future of Egypt.
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Sex and Generals - 11/15/2012
Al, Austin and Jim discuss the past, present and future of sex in the military with a special focus on General Petraeus.
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The Deep Context of Benghazi - 11/1/2012
Austin discusses the context of before, during and after the Benghazi attack.
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Turkey and Syria Continue to Trade Shots - 10/16/2012
Jim and Austin discuss the on-going tensions between Syria, Turkey and Syria�s other neighbors.
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"Blue on Green" in Afghanistan - 9/9/2012
Jim and Austin talk about the green on blue attacks in Afghanistan. Also, they answer the question, "Is Afghanistan better off today than they were prior to the invasion?"
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Middle East is on Fire Because of a Video? - 9/23/2012
Jim and Austin discuss the real reasons for the protests and attacks across the Middle East.
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Will Israel Bomb Iran and If So When? - 8/27/2012
Jim and Austin talk about the possibility of Israel attacking Iran before the elections. They, also, talk about how Syria is involved in scenarios between Israel and Iran.
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Assad No Where to Run - 8/6/2012
Jim and Austin discuss the end game for Syria�s Assad.
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StrategyPage Celebrates 13 Years - 7/24/2012
Jim, Austin and Dan talk about some of the more interesting aspects of Strategypage's last 13 years.
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China Growing, Friendless and Corrupt - 7/9/2012
Jim and Austin discuss China's growing military and their current position in global power structure.
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Why Are Russia and China Syria's Friends? - 6/24/2012
Jim and Austin discuss the connections between Syria, China and Russia.
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Why Bomb Libya and not Syria? - 6/3/2012
Jim and Austin why NATO will not get involved in Syria until innocent blood shed is higher.
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The Arab Spring Has Not Ended - 5/9/2012
Jim and Austin why the Arab spring is still evolving and spreading.
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The Long, Long Syrian Spring - 4/15/2012
Jim and Austin discuss the intractable problems in Syria.
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China's Economic War - 3/26/2012
Jim and Austin talk about how China�s real focus is economic dominance and not military dominance.
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Iran, Will Slow but Steady Win the Race? - 3/12/2012
Jim and Austin discuss Iran�s continuing policies that make them a thorn in the butt of the world.
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Syrian Winter - 2/27/2012
Jim and Al discuss the suppression of the Free Syrian Army.
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US Military Changes - 2/15/2012
Jim and Austin talk about changes about to take place in the US military.
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Mullahs, Mines and Nukes; Oh My! - 1/29/2012
Jim and Austin talk about the Strait of Hormuz.
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2011 in Review - 1/9/2012
Jim and Austin review the important events and trends of 2011.
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Pakistan Remains a Mess - 12/18/2011
Jim and Austin talk about the continuing tensions between the Pakistani military and their civil government. They, also, talk about not speculating about the lost U.S. drone.
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Iran: One Faction to Rule Them All - 12/2/2011
Jim and Austin discuss why the rivalry between factions within the revolutionary guard caused the attack on the British embassy. Also, they talk about the so called �friendly fire incident in Pakistan.�
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Israel Attacks Iran? - 11/15/2011
Jim and Austin discuss s the if�s, when�s and how�s of Israel attacking Iran.
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What Hath the Arab Spring Wrought? - 10/30/2011
Jim and Austin discuss the current results of the Arab Spring.
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The Mexican Connection - 10/15/2011
Jim and Austin discuss the recent plot to kill the Saudi Arabian Ambassador and to blow-up the Israeli embassy. They speculate on how the Mexican Cartel became involved and what may have transpired for the cartel to rat out the Iranians.
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Pakistani Intelligence Cooperates with Extremist - 10/2/2011
Jim and Austin talk about how and why Pakistani Intelligence allows extremist to exist within its borders.
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The War On Terror 10 Years After 9/11 - 9/16/2011
Jim and Austin give some unique insights into the war on terror 10 years after 9/11.
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Libya Winds Down, The Palestinians Wind Up - 9/4/2011
Jim and Austin discuss what the future holds for Libya. They, also, talk about the new violence in Israel, and the current situation with the Palestinians.
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Turkey Threatens Syria - 8/18/2011
Jim and Austin discuss Turkey�s historical interest in Syria and their current wish of a regime change. To top things of they talk about the PIGS of the European Union.
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China Implements Sun Tzu - 7/29/2011
Jim and Austin discuss the current state of China�s military and how China is using the maxims of Sun Tzu to deal with their possible enemies. They finish by pointing out that China�s real threats are internal.
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Iraq Winds Down - 7/15/2011
Jim and Austin discuss how Iraq will wind down in December and the need not to wind it down completely.
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Libya Continues to Boil - 7/1/2011
Jim and Austin discuss the on-going drama in Libya. They pay particular attention to the French assistance to the Berbers of Southern Libya.
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Corruption, the 21st Century Cause of Conflict - 6/16/2011
Jim and Austin discuss how conflicts world-wide are being caused by corrupt governments. Greece is a prime example of a corrupt government that may result in a civil war.
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The Arab Spring Turns Into the Long, Hot Arab Summer - 6/2/2011
Jim and Austin discuss how the initial exuberance over the Arab Spring will probably fade because of the harsh realities that still beset the Arab states. In addition, they talk about the September UN vote on a Palestinian State.
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Osama bin Laden is Dead. Now What? - 5/13/2011
Jim and Austin talk about the burial at sea. They also discuss who the new power vacuum and what comes next for Al Qaeda.
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The Pretty Face of Tyranny - 4/21/2011
Jim and Austin talk about the politics of Syria and how the Syrian propaganda machine has tried to put a pretty face on a dictatorship.
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Kinetic Military Action, Libyan Defectors and More - 3/31/2011
Jim and Austin talk about the �Kinetic Military Action�, Libyan Defectors and the forces being used against Gaddafi.
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More Muammar: The Coming Libyan Slaughter - 3/18/2011
Jim and Austin talk about the missed opportunity to remove Gaddafi and the coming consequences. They also quickly take a look at the effects of the March 11th Tamisun.
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Muammar or Less: Libya Burns Down - 3/4/2011
Jim and Austin talk about the revolt in Libya.
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When Your Dictator Leaves What Do You Do Next? - 2/17/2011
Jim and Austin discuss what they will think will happen with Egypt sans Mubarak and what other revolt happenings in the region.
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North Africa On Fire - 2/3/2011
Jim and Austin talk about Egypt, Tunisia and the revolts.
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Wrapping Up the Last Year - 1/20/2011
Jim and Austin finish their discussion on the trends in how to make war from last year.
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2010 Changed How To Make War - 1/13/2011
Jim and Austin review the changes in weapons, tactics and force structures during 2010.
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Last Year Was Really Bad, or Was It? - 1/5/2011
Jim and Austin take a look at violence around the world over the last year and the media effect surfaces again.
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Future Indo-Pakistani Relations - 12/17/2010
Jim and Austin talk about why Pakistan continues to be a thorn in India's side and what the future holds for them.
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Wiki-Korea - 12/3/2010
Jim and Austin talk about the nuts of North Korea's latest tantrum which leads to a discussion of the wiki-nuts.
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Indian and U.S.: The Reluctant Alliance - 11/11/2010
Jim and Austin talk about President Obama's trip to India and why it was important.
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Ancient Chinese Secret - 10/28/2010
Jim and Austin discuss why some of the Chinese elders think it�s time for more change.
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Mexican Mess - 10/15/2010
Jim and Austin talk about the drug cartel wars and President Calderon�s efforts to reform the Mexican government.
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Broken Russia? - 9/24/2010
Jim and Austin talk about weapons development in Russia. In addition they talk about Putin and how he rules Russia.
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The End of Combat Operations? - 9/10/2010
Jim and Austin talk about current affairs in Iraq and what the 50,000 members of the American military are doing there since combat operations have ceased.
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Robotapan: Current and Future Japan - 8/26/2010
Jim talks about Japan's current challenges and how they will be handling the future military aspirations.
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The McChrystal Fiasco and Its Aftermath - 7/22/2010
Jim and Austin talk about the Stanley McChrystal firing and the his replacement David Patraeus.
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China Living in Interesting Times - 6/17/2010
Jim and Austin talk about some very interesting things happening in and around China.
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Information War Flotilla - 6/3/2010
Jim and Austin talk about the real reason for the Gaza Peace Flotilla.
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The Time Square Bomber and Rockets for Hamas - 5/14/2010
Jim and Austin where the Time Square bomber came from and the scary fact that Hamas and Hezbollah are getting better rockets from Iran via Syria.
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The Biggest Problem Facing the U.S. � 4/29/2010
Jim and Austin discuss the biggest strategic problem facing the U.S.
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Russia and Chechnya At It Again � 4/16/2010
Jim and Austin discuss the recent bombing in Russia and what the results will be for the Chechnyians.
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Arming India � 4/2/2010
Jim and Austin continue their discussion of India focusing on the efforts to build a modern military.
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India: Maoist on the East, Islamic Radicals on the West � 3/18/2010
Jim and Austin disucss on going struggles with the Maoist in the east and better relationships with Pakistan in the west.
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China Percolates: Google, Cyberwar, Subs and Border Problems � 3/4/2010
Jim and Austin talk about the recent cyber-strike by China on Google. In addition Austin gives us a grand tour of the Chinese border. And Jim updates us on the Chinese Navy.
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Iran: The Punch that 'Whiffed' � 2/18/2010
Austin and Jim discuss the Iranian punch that 'wiffed'. In addition they talk about the current push in Marja, Afghanistan to destroy the Taliban.
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Iran: More Bombast, Bombs, Revolt and Rockets � 2/5/2010
Austin and Jim talk about Ahmadinejad, the February 11th threat, mice in space and 200 years of bad times.
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Haiti Past, Present and Future � 1/24/2010
Austin and Jim talk about the recent history of Haiti and how that is causing them problems with today's crisis.
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All Things Yemeni � 1/7/2010
Austin and Jim discuss the boiling pot of Yemen.
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The Aftermath of the Fort Hood Massacre � 12/11/2009
Austin and Jim discuss the Fort Hood shooting and what changes it might prompt internally within the U.S. Military.
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The Decline and Fall of the Berlin Wall � 10/20/2009
Austin and Al discuss the fall of the Berlin Wall. They talk about the history of the wall, what the wall symbolized and how it fell.
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The Need for Troops in Afghanistan � 10/20/2009
Jim and Austin talk about why the additional troops are needed in Afghanistan and why it is so important right now.
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Israel/Iran Showdown � 10/14/2009
Jim talks about the current state of the Iranian nuclear program and what Israels likely to do.
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Russian Troubles � 9/16/2009
Jim and Austin talk about a host of issues facing Russia, from Russia�s deteriorating infrastructure and military to their external and internal enemies.
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Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden? � 9/4/2009
Jim and Austin examine where in the world Osama Bin Laden is hiding. Or is he dead?
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The Phony Space Race? � 8/20/2009
Jim discusses China's, Russia's, the U.S's and other countries in space.
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The Afghanistan Surge Is It Working? � 8/6/2009
Jim and Austin discuss the troop surge into Afghanistan, is it working and why.
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StrategyPage's 10th Anniversary � 7/24/2009
Jim, Al, Austin and Dan talk about the founding of StrategyPage, some of the major events over the last decade and as usual some humorous happenings along the way.
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Honduras: When a Coup Is Not a Coup � 7/20/2009
Jim and Austin discuss the Honduran �Coup�, the �Bolivar Effect� and other various and sundry issues south of the border.
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The Iranian Green Revolution � 6/25/2009
Jim and Austin discuss the current unrest in Iran and where it might be headed.
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Israeli Troubles: Iran, Hamas, and Other Crazies � 6/15/2009
Jim discusses the current challenges facing Israel.
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May 1989: The Iron Curtain Begins to Crack � 5/28/2009
Jim and Austin discuss the beginning of the end of the rule of the Soviet Union.
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Green vs. Blue � 5/7/2009
Jim and Al discuss the ongoing discussions about the US Navy force structure. Will the number of aircraft carriers be decreasing and the number of small fast ships be going up?
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Fear and Pandemic: The MSM Get Hysterical Again � 5/1/2009
Austin and Jim put the current Swine Flu hysteria in historical prospective.
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Iranian Troubles � 4/29/2009
Austin and Jim discuss what is troubling the World about Iran.
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Out of the Horn of Africa, When Will the Somali Pirate Bubble Burst? � 4/16/2009
Austin and Jim discuss what is happening off the coast of the horn of Africa. We take a quick tour of the past, present and future of the Somali Pirate problem.
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Troubles in China � 4/2/2009
Jim and Austin discuss the troubles internally in China.
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North Korea, Asian Troublemaker � 3/28/2009
Jim and Austin talk about the current and coming problems surrounding North Korea.
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A Tour of the Russian Border� 3/11/2009
Jim and Austin look at the problems along the Russian border.
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Remember the Alamo: Historical Southern Border Problems � 2/5/2009
Al Nofi gives us the low down on the Texas War for Independence and the Mexican American War.
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Dirty Little Secrets of Information Warfare � 2/5/2009
Jim and Austin inform us about information warfare. They specifically focus on how the terrorist groups try to make themselves look like saints.
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What is Popping in Pakistan? � 2/2/2009
Jim and Austin discuss the current situation in Pakistan. Pakistan has moved a number of its troops to the Indian border. Is a clash between the two nations at hand?
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Before There Were Somali Pirates � 1/26/2009
Jim and Al discuss pirates through history with the occasional comment about our current day pirates.
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Dirty Little Secrets of Gaza � 1/16/2009
Jim and Austin talk about Gaza, Hamas, Israel and were things will stand when the conflict is over this time.
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Problems Across the Border � 1/7/2009
Jim and Austin talk about Columbia and Mexico. Both Columbia and Mexico continue to have problems with violence.
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Dirty Little Secrets of the Battle of the Bulge � 12/18/2008
Jim and Al talk about the Battle of the Bulge from their unique view point.
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Mumbai, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Militant Islam � 12/10/2008
Jim and Austin discuss the Mumbai attack and how it is related to Pakistan and Afghanistan. They explain why we probably will not see a war between India and Pakistan over this current incident.
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When are the Troops Leaving Iraq? And What Is The Deal with the F-22? � 12/3/2008
Jim and Austin discuss Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) and the Strategic Framework Agreement (SFA). Jim and Dan talk about the drama surrounding the F-22.
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The History of Afgahnistan � 11/21/2008
Jim, Al and Dan take the way back machine and discuss the history of Afghanistan from the Persians to today.
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The War Is Won � 11/12/2008
Jim and Austin discuss why the war in Iraq has been won and why the mainstream media has not noticed.
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The Next Crisis � 11/4/2008
Jim and Austin discuss the next potential international crisis the next President may face.
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China � 10/22/2008
Jim and Austin discuss China's military build up and their regional asperations.
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Africa � 10/14/2008
Jim and Austin discuss Africa as a hotspot today and in the future.
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Paramilitary Past, Present and Future � 10/7/2008
Jim and Al discuss paramilitary units, where they came from, how they are currently used, and where they will be used in the future.
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Field Expediency In Iraq and Afghanistan � 9/10/2008
Jim and Austin talk about continuing U.S. tradition of Field Expedient solutions in Iraq and Afghanistan. Austin talks about the Rapid Fielding Initiative and gives some personal experiences with it.
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Russia in Georgia � 9/3/2008
Jim Dunnigan and Austin Bay talk about the current situation in Georgia and some of the ramifications of the Russian incursion.
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Georgian Tensions � 8/30/2008
Jim Dunnigan and Austin Bay talk about the historical ethnic tensions that have led up to today�s situation in Georgia.
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