The Crisis of Catiline: Rome, 63 BCE March 23, 2025 |
The Cassville Affairs: Johnston, Hood, and the Failed Confederate Strategy in the Atlanta Campaign, 19 May 1864 March 21, 2025 |
The Other Side of the Wire Volume 4: With the XIV Reserve Corps to the Bitter End, September 1917-11 November 1918 March 19, 2025 |
Other Side of the Wire Volume 3: With The XIV Reserve Corps: The Period of Transition 2 July 1916 - August 1917 March 19, 2025 |
The Price of Victory: A Naval History of Britain, 1815-1945 March 17, 2025 |
Augustus The Strong: A Study in Artistic Greatness and Political Fiasco March 15, 2025 |
A Tempest of Iron and Lead: Spotsylvania Court House, May 8-21, 1864 March 13, 2025 |
The Clausewitz Myth: Or the Emperor's New Clothes March 11, 2025 |
Team of Giants: The Making of the Spanish-American War March 9, 2025 |
Mussolini, Mustard Gas and the Fascist Way of War: Ethiopia, 1935-1936 March 7, 2025 |
Civil War Infantry Tactics: Training, Combat, and Small-Unit Effectiveness March 5, 2025 |
Mobility and Coercion in an Age of Wars and Revolutions: A Global History, c. 1750�1830 March 3, 2025 |
The Traitor's Homecoming: Benedict Arnold�s Raid on New London, Connecticut, September 4-13, 1781 February 26, 2025 |
Tiberius and His Age: Myth, Sex, Luxury, and Power February 24, 2025 |
Fascist Italy at War: 1939-1943 February 22, 2025 |
All Roads Led to Gettysburg: A New Look at the Civil War's Pivotal Battle February 18, 2025 |
Pearl: December 7, 1941 February 16, 2025 |
After 1177 B.C.: The Survival of Civilizations February 14, 2025 |
The Men of Wellington�s Light Division: Unpublished Memoirs from the 43rd Light Infantry in the Peninsular War February 12, 2025 |
Roman Emperors in Context: Theodosius to Justinian February 10, 2025 |
Roman Emperors in Context: Theodosius to Justinian February 10, 2025 |
The Dark Path: The Structure of War and the Rise of the West February 8, 2025 |
Thunder in the Harbor: Fort Sumter and the Civil War February 6, 2025 |
Violence in the Forum: Factional Struggles in Ancient Rome (133�78 BC) February 4, 2025 |
The Atlanta Campaign: Volume 1: Dalton to Cassville, May 1-19, 1864 February 2, 2025 |
Battle of Britain Spitfire Ace: The Life and Loss of One of The Few, Flight Lieutenant William Henry Nelson DFC January 31, 2025 |
The Mexican-American War Experiences of Twelve Civil War Generals January 29, 2025 |
Hitler's Atomic Bomb: History, Legend, and the Twin Legacies of Auschwitz and Hiroshima January 27, 2025 |
�Over a Wide, Hot . . . Crimson Plain�: The Struggle for the Bliss Farm at Gettysburg, July 2nd and 3rd, 1863 January 25, 2025 |
Stalin's Revenge: Operation Bagration and the Annihilation of Army Group Centre January 23, 2025 |
New Perspectives on the Roman Civil Wars of 49�30 BCE January 21, 2025 |
The Civil War in the Age of Nationalism January 19, 2025 |
U.S. Battleships 1939�45: From Pearl Harbor to Operation Desert Storm January 17, 2025 |
From Soldier to Storyteller: Essays on World War Veterans Who Became Famous Children's Authors January 15, 2025 |
At the Gates of Rome: The Battle for a Dying Empire January 13, 2025 |
Seapower in the Post-modern World January 11, 2025 |
The Causes of the First World War: The Long Blame Game January 9, 2025 |
Dranesville: A Northern Virginia Town in the Crossfire of a Forgotten Battle, December 20, 1861 January 7, 2025 |
Churchill's Eagles: The RAF's Leading Air Marshals of the Second World War January 5, 2025 |
August 1914: France, the Great War, and a Month That Changed the World Forever January 3, 2025 |
We Shall Conquer or Die: Partisan Warfare in 1862 Western Kentucky January 1, 2025 |
The Lost Scientists of World War II December 30, 2024 |
Storming Vicksburg: Grant, Pemberton, and the Battles of May 19-22, 1863 December 24, 2024 |
Histories of War December 21, 2024 |
Union General Daniel Butterfield: A Civil War Biography December 20, 2024 |
The Dawn of Guerrilla Warfare: Why the Tactics of Insurgents against Napoleon Failed in the US Mexican War December 18, 2024 |
The Blood Tainted Waters of the Shenandoah: The 1864 Valley Campaign�s Battle of Cool Creek, June 17-18, 1864 December 16, 2024 |
When Men Fell from the Sky: Civilians and Downed Airmen in Second World War Europe December 15, 2024 |
Polis: A New History of the Ancient Greek City-State from the Early Iron Age to the End of Antiquity December 12, 2024 |
China's New Navy: The Evolution of PLAN from the People's Revolution to a 21st Century Cold War December 9, 2024 |
Habsburg Sons: Jews in the Austro-Hungarian Army, 1788�1918 December 6, 2024 |
The US Eighth Air Force in World War II: Ira Eaker, Hap Arnold, and Building American Air Power, 1942-1943 December 3, 2024 |
Exploring the Mid-Republican Origins of Roman Military Administration: With Stylus and Spear November 29, 2024 |
Voices from Gettysburg: Letters, Papers, and Memoirs from the Greatest Battle of the Civil War November 26, 2024 |
Fortress Britain 1940: Britain�s Unsung and Secret Defences on Land, Sea and in the Air November 23, 2024 |
Why War? November 20, 2024 |
Great Power Clashes along the Maritime Silk Road: Lessons from History to Shape Current Strategy November 18, 2024 |
Women and Warfare in the Ancient World: Myth, Legend, and Reality November 15, 2024 |
Next War: Reimagining How We Fight November 12, 2024 |
Midway: The Pacific War�s Most Famous Battle November 9, 2024 |
All for the Union: The Saga of One Northern Family Fighting the Civil War November 6, 2024 |
Birth and Fall of an Empire: The Italian Army in East Africa, 1935-1941 November 3, 2024 |
The Demon of Unrest: A Saga of Hubris, Heartbreak, and Heroism at the Dawn of the Civil War October 29, 2024 |
The Lion at Dawn: Forging British Strategy in the Age of the French Revolution, 1783�1797 October 26, 2024 |
The Inland Campaign for Vicksburg: Five Battles in Seventeen Days, May 1-17, 1863 October 23, 2024 |
The Roman Imperial Succession October 20, 2024 |
The Hill: The brutal fight for Hill 107 in the Battle of Crete October 17, 2024 |
Persians: The Age of the Great Kings October 14, 2024 |
J. E. B. Stuart: The Soldier and the Man October 10, 2024 |
Delivering Destruction: American Firepower and Amphibious Assault from Tarawa to Iwo Jima October 7, 2024 |
Flawed Commanders and Strategy in the Battles for Italy, 1943�45 October 4, 2024 |
Justinian: Emperor, Soldier, Saint October 1, 2024 |
War in the Western Theater: Favorite Stories and Fresh Perspectives from the Historians at Emerging Civil War September 28, 2024 |
The Melting Point: High Command and War in the 21st Century September 21, 2024 |
The Limits of the Lost Cause: Essays on Civil War Memory September 18, 2024 |
Christian Emperors and Roman Elites in Late Antiquity September 14, 2024 |
When Men Fell from the Sky: Civilians and Downed Airmen in Second World War Europe September 11, 2024 |
Empireworld: How British Imperialism Shaped the Globe September 8, 2024 |
No Sacrifice Too Great: The 1st Infantry Division in World War II September 5, 2024 |
The Iron Dice of Battle: Albert Sidney Johnston and the Civil War in the West September 2, 2024 |
Rome and Persia: The Seven Hundred Year Rivalry August 26, 2024 |
A Fine Opportunity Lost: Longstreet�s East Tennessee Campaign, November 1863 � April 1864 August 19, 2024 |
The Reign of Constantius II August 13, 2024 |
The War That Made America: Essays Inspired by the Scholarship of Gary W. Gallagher August 10, 2024 |
Maritime Power and the Power of Money in Louis XIV�s France: Private Finance, the Contractor State, and the French Navy August 5, 2024 |
Adelbert Ames, the Civil War, and the Creation of Modern America July 31, 2024 |
The World Will Never See the Like: The Gettysburg Reunion of 1913 July 29, 2024 |
Malta's Savior: Operation Pedestal, August 1942 July 27, 2024 |
Ancient Rome on the Silver Screen: Myth versus Reality July 25, 2024 |
Conflict of Command: George McClellan, Abraham Lincoln, and the Politics of War July 23, 2024 |
Churchill, Chamberlain and Appeasement July 21, 2024 |
Race to the Potomac: Lee and Meade After Gettysburg, July 4�14, 1863 July 17, 2024 |
The Killing Ground: A Biography of Thermopylae July 15, 2024 |
The Practice of Strategy: A Global History, July 13, 2024 |
G.H.Q. (Montreuil-sur-Mer} July 11, 2024 |
Bayou Battles for Vicksburg: The Swamp and River Expeditions, January 1-April 30, 1863 July 9, 2024 |
Caesar Rules: The Emperor in the Changing Roman World (c. 50 BC � AD 565) July 7, 2024 |
Sing As We Go: Britain Between the Wars July 5, 2024 |
The Spear, the Scroll, and the Pebble: How the Greek City-State Developed as a Male Warrior-Citizen Collective July 2, 2024 |
Unforgettables: Winners, Losers, Strong Women, and Eccentric Men of the Civil War Era June 27, 2024 |
Target Switzerland: Swiss Armed Neutrality in World War 2 June 23, 2024 |
Herod the Great: Jewish King in a Roman World June 20, 2024 |
Franco's Pirates: Naval Aspects of the Spanish Civil War 1936�39 June 17, 2024 |
Longstreet: The Confederate General Who Defied the South June 15, 2024 |
Venice: The Remarkable History of the Lagoon City June 13, 2024 |
Collected Papers on Suetonius June 10, 2024 |
Men of God, Men of War: Military Chaplains as Ministers, Warriors, and Prisoners June 7, 2024 |
The Boy Generals: George Custer, Wesley Merritt, and the Cavalry of the Army of the Potomac, from the Gettysburg Retreat through the Shenandoah Valley Campaign of 1864 June 4, 2024 |
America's First Aircraft Carrier: USS Langley and the Dawn of U.S. Naval Aviation June 3, 2024 |
To Do the Work of Men: An Operational History of the 21st Division in the Great War May 31, 2024 |
The Eternal Decline and Fall of Rome: The History of a Dangerous Idea May 30, 2024 |
Never Such a Campaign: The Battle of Second Manassas, August 28-August 30, 1862 May 28, 2024 |
War and Its Causes May 27, 2024 |
Vandal Heaven: Reinterpreting Post-Roman North Africa May 25, 2024 |
Our Flag Was Still There: The Star Spangled Banner that Survived the British and 200 Years--And the Armistead Family Who Saved It May 24, 2024 |
Earning Their Wings: The WASPS of World War II and the Fight for Veteran Recognition May 22, 2024 |
Firepower: How Weapons Shaped Warfare May 21, 2024 |
From Antietam to Appomattox with Upton's Regulars: A Civil War Memoir from the 121st New York Regiment May 19, 2024 |
Women Warriors in History: 1,622 Biographies Worldwide from the Bronze Age to the Present May 18, 2024 |
Lee Invades the North: A Comparison of the Antietam and Gettysburg Campaigns May 17, 2024 |
Governing Oneself and Others: On Xenophon of Athens (A. V. Elliott Conference) May 16, 2024 |
The Enigma Traitors: Spy and Counterspy in World War II May 15, 2024 |
Lincoln and California: The President, the War, and the Golden State May 14, 2024 |
Soldier of Destiny: Slavery, Secession, and the Redemption of Ulysses S. Grant May 13, 2024 |
Galeazzo Ciano: The Fascist Pretender May 12, 2024 |
Brigades of Antietam: The Union and Confederate Brigades during the 1862 Maryland Campaign: The Union and Confederate Brigades May 11, 2024 |
From Ironclads to Dreadnoughts: The Development of the German Battleship, 1864-1918 May 10, 2024 |
Anatomy of a Duel: Secession, Civil War, and the Evolution of Kentucky Violence May 9, 2024 |
Road to Surrender: Three Men and the Countdown to the End of World War II May 8, 2024 |
Contrasts in Command: The Battle of Fair Oaks, May 31 - June 1, 1862 May 7, 2024 |
Leyte Gulf: A New History of the World's Largest Sea Battle May 6, 2024 |
Abraham Lincoln and the Bible: A Complete Compendium May 4, 2024 |
The 'Blue Squadrons': The Spanish in the Luftwaffe, 1941-1944 May 3, 2024 |
Romans at War: Soldiers, Citizens, and Society in the Roman Republic May 2, 2024 |
The Sergeant: The Incredible Life of Nicholas Said: Son of an African General, Slave of the Ottomans, Free Man Under the Tsars, Hero of the Union Army April 28, 2024 |
The Philadelphia Campaign, 1777 (Casemate Illustrated) April 24, 2024 |
Such a Clash of Arms: The Maryland Campaign, September 1862 (Casemate Illustrated) April 17, 2024 |
Conquer We Must: A Military History of Britain, 1914-1945 April 13, 2024 |
John T. Wilder: Union General, Southern Industrialist April 9, 2024 |
Battle for the Island Kingdom: England's Destiny 1000�1066 April 6, 2024 |
Fallen Leaders: Favorite Stories and Fresh Perspectives from the Historians at Emerging Civil War (Emerging Civil War Anniversary Series) April 3, 2024 |
Jewish Soldiers in the Civil War: The Union Army March 31, 2024 |
The Routledge Atlas of the First World War (Routledge Historical Atlases) 4th Edition March 28, 2024 |
Letters to Lizzie: The Story of Sixteen Men in the Civil War and the One Woman Who Connected Them All February 27, 2024 |
New York�s War of 1812: Politics, Society, and Combat February 24, 2024 |
Emperor of Rome: Ruling the Ancient Roman World February 21, 2024 |
Calamity at Frederick: Robert E. Lee, Special Orders No. 191, and Confederate Misfortune on the Road to Antietam February 17, 2024 |
The Trigger: Hunting the Assassin Who Brought the World to War February 14, 2024 |
Stay and Fight it Out: The Second Day at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863, Culp�s Hill and the North End of the Battlefield February 11, 2024 |
The Republic of Venice: De magistratibus et republica Venetorum February 7, 2024 |
The Civil War Memoirs of Captain William J. Seymour: The Reminiscences of a Louisiana Tiger February 4, 2024 |
February 4, 2024 |
A Village in the Third Reich: How Ordinary Lives Were Transformed by the Rise of Fascism February 1, 2024 |
More Work than Glory: Buffalo Soldiers in the United States Army, 1865-1916 January 29, 2024 |
Twelve Days: How the Union Nearly Lost Washington in the First Days of the Civil War January 26, 2024 |
Invisible Romans January 23, 2024 |
A Wilderness of Destruction: Confederate Guerillas in East and South Florida, 1861-1865 January 20, 2024 |
The Spanish Blue Division on the Eastern Front, 1941-1945: War, Occupation, Memory (Toronto Iberic) January 17, 2024 |
Victory to Defeat: The British Army 1918�40 January 14, 2024 |
Through Blood and Fire: The Civil War Letters of Major Charles J. Mills, 1862-1865, Revised and Expanded Edition January 11, 2024 |
Tempest: The Royal Navy and the Age of Revolutions January 8, 2024 |
Paris, City of Dreams: Napoleon III, Baron Haussmann, and the Creation of Paris January 5, 2024 |
Lincoln in Lists January 2, 2024 |
Pax: War and Peace in Rome�s Golden Age December 30, 2023 |
Without Concealment, Without Compromise: The Courageous Lives of Black Civil War Surgeons December 27, 2023 |
Myths of the Civil War: The Fact, Fiction, and Science behind the Civil War�s Most-Told Stories December 25, 2023 |
The New Roman Empire: A History of Byzantium December 22, 2023 |
Detour to Disaster: General John Bell Hood's "Slight Demonstration" at Decatur and the Unraveling of the Tennessee Campaign December 19, 2023 |
A New Force at Sea: George Dewey and the Rise of the American Navy December 16, 2023 |
Lincoln and Native Americans December 13, 2023 |
Ramesses the Great: Egypt's King of Kings December 10, 2023 |
Force of a Cyclone: The Battle of Stones River: December 31, 1862�January 2, 1863 December 5, 2023 |
The French Fleet: Ships, Strategy and Operations, 1870-1918 December 2, 2023 |
All That Can Be Expected: The Battle of Camden and the British High Tide in the South, August 16, 1780 November 28, 2023 |
The Geographies of War November 25, 2023 |
The Geographies of War November 25, 2023 |
Outwitting Forrest: The Tupelo Campaign in Mississippi, June 22 - July 23, 1864 November 21, 2023 |
Toward the Flame: A Memoir of World War I November 18, 2023 |
Life In Jefferson Davis' Navy November 15, 2023 |
The Collaborators: Three Stories of Deception and Survival in World War II November 11, 2023 |
July 22: The Civil War Battle of Atlanta November 8, 2023 |
Secrets of the Cold War: Espionage and Intelligence Operations - From Both Sides of the Iron Curtain November 5, 2023 |
Righting the Longstreet Record at Gettysburg: Six Matters of Controversy and Confusion November 2, 2023 |
Brotherhood of the Flying Coffin: The Glider Pilots of World War II October 29, 2023 |
Spain, the Second World War, and the Holocaust: History and Representation October 21, 2023 |
Caesar's Civil War: 49�44 BC October 16, 2023 |
"If We Are Striking for Pennsylvania": The Army of Northern Virginia and the Army of the Potomac March to Gettysburg. Volume 2: June 22�30, 1863 October 8, 2023 |
Theoderic the Great: King of Goths, Ruler of Romans October 6, 2023 |
Hood's Defeat Near Fox's Gap: Prelude to Emancipation October 4, 2023 |
Fighting in the Dark: Naval Combat at Night: 1904-1944 October 2, 2023 |
To the Last Extremity: The Battles for Charleston, 1776-1782 September 30, 2023 |
Funny Thing About the Civil War: The Humor of an American Tragedy September 28, 2023 |
A Short History of the Byzantine Empire: Revised Edition September 26, 2023 |
Long Island City in 1776: The Revolution Comes to Queens September 24, 2023 |
Desert Armour: Tank Warfare in North Africa: Beda Fomm to Operation Crusader, 1940�41 September 22, 2023 |
Bomber Command: Churchill's Greatest Triumph September 20, 2023 |
Man of Fire: William Tecumseh Sherman in the Civil War September 18, 2023 |
Awaiting MacArthur's Return: World War II Guerrilla Resistance against the Japanese in the Philippines September 16, 2023 |
The Civil War on the Water: Favorite Stories and Fresh Perspectives from the Historians at Emerging Civil War September 14, 2023 |
Eagles Overhead: The History of US Air Force Forward Air Controllers, from the Meuse-Argonne to Mosul September 12, 2023 |
Military History for the Modern Strategist: America's Major Wars Since 1861 September 10, 2023 |
Gettysburg in Color: Volume 2: The Wheatfield to Falling Waters September 8, 2023 |
Dreadnought: Britain, Germany, and the Coming of the Great War September 6, 2023 |
Military Strategy: A Global History September 4, 2023 |
The Army of the Roman Republic: From the Regal Period to the Army of Julius Caesar September 2, 2023 |
General Grant and the Verdict of History: Memoir, Memory, and the Civil War August 31, 2023 |
Operation C3: Hitler�s Plan to Invade Malta, 1942 August 29, 2023 |
Home Run: Allied Escape and Evasion in World War II August 27, 2023 |
They Came Only to Die: The Battle of Nashville, December 15-16, 1864 August 25, 2023 |
The Fighting Coast Guard: America's Maritime Guardians at War in the Twentieth Century August 23, 2023 |
The Long Civil War: New Explorations of America's Enduring Conflict August 21, 2023 |
The Cactus Air Force: Air War over Guadalcanal August 19, 2023 |
A House Built by Slaves: African American Visitors to the Lincoln White House August 17, 2023 |
Invasion: The Inside Story of Russia's Bloody War and Ukraine's Fight for Survival August 15, 2023 |
Black Sailors in the Civil War: A History of Fugitives, Freemen and Freedmen Aboard Union Vessels August 13, 2023 |
Allied Air Attacks and Civilian Harm in Italy, 1940�1945: Bombing Among Friends, August 11, 2023 |
Soldiers from Experience: The Forging of Sherman's Fifteenth Army Corps, 1862�1863 August 9, 2023 |
Searching for Irvin McDowell: The Civil War�s Forgotten General August 6, 2023 |
Rome Victorious: The Irresistible Rise of the Roman Empire August 4, 2023 |
Small but Important Riots: The Cavalry Battles of Aldie, Middleburg, and Upperville August 2, 2023 |
July, 1914: Countdown to War July 31, 2023 |
Sustaining the Carrier War: The Deployment of U.S. Naval Air Power to the Pacific July 29, 2023 |
John Brown's Raid: Harpers Ferry and the Coming of the Civil War, October 16-18, 1859 July 27, 2023 |
Great Naval Battles of the Pacific War: The Official Admiralty Accounts: Midway, Coral Sea, Java Sea, Guadalcanal and Leyte Gulf July 25, 2023 |
In Their Letters, in Their Words: Illinois Civil War Soldiers Write Home July 23, 2023 |
The Siege of Acre, 1189-1191: Saladin, Richard the Lionheart, and the Battle That Decided the Third Crusade July 21, 2023 |
Matchless Organization: The Confederate Army Medical Department July 18, 2023 |
Red Dragon 'Flankers': China's Prolific 'Flanker' Family July 16, 2023 |
�The Bullets Flew Like Hail�: Cutler�s Brigade at Gettysburg, from McPherson�s Ridge to Culp�s Hill July 14, 2023 |
More Than Just Grit: Civil War Leadership, Logistics and Teamwork in the West, 1862 July 12, 2023 |
Gettysburg in Color: Volume 1: Brandy Station to the Peach Orchard July 10, 2023 |
Snow, Ice and Sacrifice: The Italian Army in Russia, 1941-1943 July 6, 2023 |
Navigating Liberty: Black Refugees and Antislavery Reformers in the Civil War South July 1, 2023 |
The Civil Wars of General Joseph E. Johnston: Confederate States Army - Volume I: Virginia and Mississippi, 1861�1863 June 27, 2023 |
From the Battlefield to the Big Screen: Famous Actors of the Second World War June 8, 2023 |
Simply Murder: The Battle of Fredericksburg, December 13, 1862 June 6, 2023 |
Verdun: The Lost History of the Most Important Battle of World War I June 4, 2023 |
The Carnage was Fearful: The Battle of Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862 June 2, 2023 |
100 Greatest Battles May 31, 2023 |
A Military History of the Cold War, 1962�1991 May 29, 2023 |
The Civilian War: Confederate Women and Union Soldiers during Sherman's March May 27, 2023 |
Global Military Transformations: Change and Continuity, 1450-1800 May 25, 2023 |
The Confederate Military Forces in the Trans-Mississippi West, 1861-1865: A Study in Command May 23, 2023 |
SOG Kontum: Top Secret Missions in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia, 1968�1969 May 21, 2023 |
From the Mountains to the Bay: The War in Virginia, January-May 1862 May 19, 2023 |
A History of Artillery May 17, 2023 |
The Tale Untwisted: General George B. McClellan, the Maryland Campaign, and the Discovery of Lee�s Lost Orders May 15, 2023 |
Armada: The Spanish Enterprise and England�s Deliverance in 1588 May 13, 2023 |
Hitler's Fatal Miscalculation: Why Germany Declared War on the United States May 11, 2023 |
Losing America, Securing an Empire: The Rise of British Global Power in the Late 18th Century May 9, 2023 |
Civil War Monuments and Memory: Favorite Stories and Fresh Perspectives from the Historians at Emerging Civil War May 7, 2023 |
A Mad Catastrophe: The Outbreak of World War I and the Collapse of the Habsburg Empire May 5, 2023 |
The Great New York Fire of 1776: A Lost Story of the American Revolution May 3, 2023 |
Gettysburg's Southern Front: Opportunity and Failure at Richmond May 1, 2023 |
Empires of the Normans: Conquerors of Europe April 28, 2023 |
Grant at 200: Reconsidering the Life and Legacy of Ulysses S. Grant April 25, 2023 |
To Save An Army: The Stalingrad Airlift April 24, 2023 |
The Whartons' War: The Civil War Correspondence of General Gabriel C. Wharton and Anne Radford Wharton, 1863�1865 April 22, 2023 |
The Missouri Home Guard: Protecting the Home Front during the Great War April 21, 2023 |
The Siege that Changed the World: Paris, 1870�1871 April 20, 2023 |
Of Age: Boy Soldiers and Military Power in the Civil War Era April 18, 2023 |
Thirteen Months in Dixie, or, the Adventures of a Federal Prisoner in Texas: Including the Red River Campaign, Imprisonment at Camp Ford, and Escape April 17, 2023 |
Volunteers of the Empire: War, Identity, and Spanish Imperialism, 1855-1898 April 15, 2023 |
Byzantium and The Crusades April 14, 2023 |
The Heart of Hell: The Soldiers' Struggle for Spotsylvania's Bloody Angle April 12, 2023 |
Warrior Spirit: The Story of Native American Patriotism and Heroism April 11, 2023 |
Masters of Warfare: Fifty Underrated Military Commanders from Classical Antiquity to the Cold War April 8, 2023 |
Unhappy Catastrophes: The American Revolution in Central New Jersey, 1776-1782 April 6, 2023 |
The Venlo Sting: MI6's Deadly Fiasco April 4, 2023 |
The Military Memoirs of a Confederate Line Officer: Captain John C. Reed�s Civil War from Manassas to Appomattox April 2, 2023 |
Meat Grinder: The Battles for the Rzhev Salient, 1942�43 March 27, 2023 |
All Roads Led to Gettysburg: A New Look at the Civil War's Pivotal Battle March 14, 2023 |
The Shape of Battle: The Art of War from the Battle of Hastings to D-Day and Beyond March 12, 2023 |
The Bletchley Park Codebreakers in Their Own Words March 10, 2023 |
Nimitz at War: Command Leadership from Pearl Harbor to Tokyo Bay March 8, 2023 |
Count the Dead: Coroners, Quants, and the Birth of Death as We Know It March 6, 2023 |
Writing Battles: New Perspectives on Warfare and Memory in Medieval Europe March 4, 2023 |
Lieutenant General James Longstreet: Innovative Military Strategist: The Most Misunderstood Civil War General March 2, 2023 |
Rearming the RAF for the Second World War: Poor Strategy and Miscalculation February 28, 2023 |
Cedar Mountain to Antietam: A Civil War Campaign History of the Union XII Corps, July � September 1862 February 26, 2023 |
Under the Southern Cross: The South Pacific Air Campaign Against Rabaul February 24, 2023 |
James Montgomery: Abolitionist Warrior February 22, 2023 |
Commanding Petty Despots: The American Navy in the New Republic February 20, 2023 |
The Battle of Jackson, Mississippi, May 14, 1863 February 18, 2023 |
Athens: City of Wisdom February 16, 2023 |
�If We Are Striking for Pennsylvania�: The Army of Northern Virginia and the Army of the Potomac March to Gettysburg - Volume 1: June 3�21, 1863 February 14, 2023 |
The Battle of Actium 31 BC: War for the World February 9, 2023 |
Six Miles from Charleston, Five Minutes to Hell: The Battle of Seccessionville, June 16, 1862 February 6, 2023 |
After the Ruins: Restoring the Countryside of Northern France after the Great War February 4, 2023 |
Civil War Field Artillery: Promise and Performance on the Battlefield February 2, 2023 |
The Mighty Eighth: Masters of the Air over Europe 1942�45 January 30, 2023 |
Lost Causes: Confederate Demobilization and the Making of Veteran Identity January 28, 2023 |
Founding Martyr: The Life and Death of Dr. Joseph Warren, the American Revolution's Lost Hero January 26, 2023 |
When Hell Came to Sharpsburg: The Battle of Antietam and its Impact on the Civilians Who Called it Home January 24, 2023 |
The Roman Empire in Crisis, 248�260: When the Gods Abandoned Rome January 22, 2023 |
Engineering in the Confederate Heartland January 20, 2023 |
On a Knife Edge: How Germany Lost the First World War January 18, 2023 |
Britain�s Secret Defences: Civilian Saboteurs, Spies and Assassins January 16, 2023 |
Love and Duty: Confederate Widows and the Emotional Politics of Loss January 14, 2023 |
Ireland�s Secret War: Dan Bryan, G2 and the Lost Tapes that Reveal the Hunt for Ireland�s Nazi Spies January 12, 2023 |
Civil War Witnesses and Their Books: New Perspectives on Iconic Works January 9, 2023 |
A History of the Mediterranean Air War, 1940-45, Volume Five, From the Fall of Rome to the End of the War, 1944-1945, January 7, 2023 |
True Blue: White Unionists in the Deep South during the Civil War and Reconstruction January 5, 2023 |
Darkest Christmas: December 1942 and a World at War January 3, 2023 |
Early Struggles for Vicksburg: The Mississippi Central Campaign and Chickasaw Bayou, October 25-December 31, 1862 January 1, 2023 |
The Eastern Fleet and the Indian Ocean, 1942�1944: The Fleet that Had to Hide December 30, 2022 |
Bonds of War: How Civil War Financial Agents Sold the World on the Union December 28, 2022 |
Dreadnoughts and Super-Dreadnoughts December 26, 2022 |
Allied Air Operations 1939�1940: The War Over France and the Low Countries December 24, 2022 |
Dreams of Victory: General P. G. T. Beauregard in the Civil War December 22, 2022 |
1918: Winning the War, Losing the War December 20, 2022 |
The Boundless Sea: A Human History of the Oceans December 18, 2022 |
Benjamin Franklin Butler: A Noisy, Fearless Life December 16, 2022 |
A Great and Rising Nation: Naval Exploration and Global Empire in the Early US Republic December 14, 2022 |
Bitter Peleliu: The Forgotten Struggle on the Pacific War's Worst Battlefield December 12, 2022 |
Animal Histories of the Civil War Era December 10, 2022 |
Going Downtown: The US Air Force over Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia, 1961�75 December 8, 2022 |
The Gulf of Tonkin Yacht Club: Naval Aviation in the Vietnam War December 8, 2022 |
Rites of Retaliation: Civilization, Soldiers, and Campaigns in the American Civil War December 7, 2022 |
Cataclysm 90 BC: The Forgotten War That Almost Destroyed Rome December 5, 2022 |
The Year of Peril: America in 1942 December 4, 2022 |
The Lion of Round Top: The Life and Military Service of Brigadier General Strong Vincent in the American Civil War December 2, 2022 |
Patton's War: An American General�s Combat Leadership, Volume I: November 1942�July 1944 December 1, 2022 |
The Black Civil War Soldier: A Visual History of Conflict and Citizenship November 29, 2022 |
Sea of Blood: A Military History of the Partisan Movement in Yugoslavia, 1941-45 November 28, 2022 |
Their Maryland: The Army of Northern Virginia From the Potomac Crossing to Sharpsburg in September 1862 November 26, 2022 |
Pertinax: The Son of a Slave Who Became Roman Emperor November 25, 2022 |
"Luck Was Lacking, But Valor Was": Not The Italian Army in North Africa, 1940-43 November 24, 2022 |
First Fallen: The Life of Colonel Elmer Ellsworth, the North�s First Civil War Hero November 22, 2022 |
The Incomparable Monsignor: Francesco Bianchini�s World of Science, History and Court Intrigue November 21, 2022 |
Braxton Bragg: The Most Hated Man of the Confederacy November 19, 2022 |
Mussolini's War: Fascist Italy from Triumph to Collapse: 1935-1943 November 17, 2022 |
Nations in the Balance: The India-Burma Campaigns, December 1943�August 1944 November 15, 2022 |
General Crook and the Western Frontier November 12, 2022 |
Reading Hitler's Mind: The Intelligence Failure that Led to WW2 November 10, 2022 |
Spectacle of Grief: Public Funerals and Memory in the Civil War Era November 8, 2022 |
This Time Next Year We'll Be Laughing November 6, 2022 |
Ancient Rome: Infographics November 4, 2022 |
Grant vs Lee: Favorite Stories and Fresh Perspectives from the Historians at Emerging Civil War November 2, 2022 |
How the Army Made Britain a Global Power: 1688�1815 October 31, 2022 |
D�nkirchen 1940: The German View of Dunkirk October 29, 2022 |
Chained to History: Slavery and US Foreign Relations to 1865 October 27, 2022 |
Battle of the Bulge: Then and Now October 25, 2022 |
Rome After Sulla October 23, 2022 |
Bloody Flag of Anarchy: Unionism in South Carolina during the Nullification Crisis October 20, 2022 |
With Winston Churchill at the Front: Winston in the Trenches, 1916 October 18, 2022 |
The Great �What Ifs� of the American Civil War: Historians Tackle the Conflict�s Most Intriguing Possibilities October 15, 2022 |
Time in Maps: From the Age of Discovery to Our Digital Era October 10, 2022 |
Time in Maps: From the Age of Discovery to Our Digital Era October 10, 2022 |
Stephen A. Swails: Black Freedom Fighter in the Civil War and Reconstruction October 6, 2022 |
The Landmark Julius Caesar: The Complete Works: Gallic War, Civil War, Alexandrian War, African War, and Spanish War October 3, 2022 |
Chasing the Great Retreat: The German Cavalry Pursuit of the British Expeditionary Force before the Battle of the Marne August 1914 September 30, 2022 |
Fugitives: A History of Nazi Mercenaries During the Cold War September 26, 2022 |
Dante: A Life September 23, 2022 |
Confederate Conscription and the Struggle for Southern Soldiers September 20, 2022 |
The Eternal City: A History of Rome in Maps September 17, 2022 |
Enemies among Us: The Relocation, Internment, and Repatriation of German, Italian, and Japanese Americans during the Second World War September 14, 2022 |
Admiral Hyman Rickover, Engineer of Power September 11, 2022 |
The Kaiser's U-Boat Assault on America: Germany's Great War Gamble in the First World War September 8, 2022 |
Colonels in Blue: U.S. Colored Troops, U.S. Armed Forces, Staff Officers and Special Units September 5, 2022 |
Churchill, Master and Commander: Winston Churchill at War, 1895�1945 September 2, 2022 |
Trajan: Rome's Last Conqueror August 30, 2022 |
Victory at Sea: Naval Power and the Transformation of the Global Order in World War II August 26, 2022 |
The Atlas of Boston History August 23, 2022 |
Napoleon�s Stolen Army: How the Royal Navy Rescued a Spanish Army in the Baltic August 20, 2022 |
No Common Ground: Confederate Monuments and the Ongoing Fight for Racial Justice August 17, 2022 |
Romulus: The Legend of Rome's Founding Father August 14, 2022 |
Gettysburg 1963: Civil Rights, Cold War Politics, and Historical Memory in America's Most Famous Small Town August 11, 2022 |
In the Words of Wellington's Fighting Cocks: The After-action Reports of the Portuguese Army during the Peninsular War 1812�1814 August 7, 2022 |
Air Battle for Moscow 1941�1942 August 3, 2022 |
The Record of Murders and Outrages: Racial Violence and the Fight Over Truth at the Dawn of Reconstruction July 30, 2022 |
The Bulgarian Contract: The Secret Lie That Ended the Great War July 25, 2022 |
Proud Warriors: African American Combat Units in World War II July 22, 2022 |
Voices of the Army of the Potomac: Personal Reminiscences of Union Veterans July 19, 2022 |
Reading Lucan's Civil War: A Critical Guide July 15, 2022 |
Mass�na at Bay, 1811: The Lines of Torres Vedras to Funtes de O�oro July 12, 2022 |
A Short History of the Spanish Civil War, Revised Edition July 9, 2022 |
Contested Commemoration: The 1876 Centennial, Independence Day, and the Reconstruction-era South July 6, 2022 |
Ancient Greeks at War: Warfare in the Classical World from Agamemnon to Alexander July 3, 2022 |
Future War and the Defence of Europe June 30, 2022 |
A Short History of War June 25, 2022 |
Ends of War: The Unfinished Fight of Lee's Army after Appomattox June 23, 2022 |
Mortal Republic: How Rome Fell into Tyranny June 20, 2022 |
Underground Asia: Global Revolutionaries and the Assault on Empire June 17, 2022 |
Burn, Bomb, Destroy: The German Sabotage Campaign in North America, 1914�1917 June 15, 2022 |
Disaster on the Spanish Main: The Tragic British-American Expedition to the West Indies during the War of Jenkins' Ear June 13, 2022 |
The Virtuous Wehrmacht: Crafting the Myth of the German Soldier on the Eastern Front, 1941-1944 June 11, 2022 |
Crosshairs on the Capital: Jubal Early�s Raid on Washington, D.C., July 1864 - Reasons, Reactions, and Results June 9, 2022 |
The Spanish Civil War at Sea: Dark and Dangerous Waters June 5, 2022 |
The Austro-Hungarian Army and the First World War June 2, 2022 |
The Sailor's Bookshelf: Fifty Books to Know the Sea May 30, 2022 |
Fighting for the United States, Executed in Britain: US Soldiers Court-Martialled in WWII May 26, 2022 |
Mars Adapting: Military Change During War May 23, 2022 |
�Vamos a avanzar!: The Chaco War and Bolivia's Political Transformation, 1899�1952 May 19, 2022 |
Hugh Lenox Scott, 1853�1934: Reluctant Warrior May 16, 2022 |
Prevail until the Bitter End: Germans in the Waning Years of World War II May 13, 2022 |
The War of Jenkins' Ear: The Forgotten Struggle for North and South America: 1739-1742 May 9, 2022 |
The Summer of �63: Vicksburg and Tullahoma: Favorite Stories and Fresh Perspectives from the Historians at Emerging Civil War May 4, 2022 |
The United States Navy in World War II: From Pearl Harbor to Okinawa May 1, 2022 |
Arming the Irish Revolution: Gunrunning and Arms Smuggling, 1911� 1922 April 28, 2022 |
Incidental Archaeologists: French Officers and the Rediscovery of Roman North Africa April 25, 2022 |
Dirty Eddie's War: Based on the World War II Diary of Harry �Dirty Eddie� March, Jr., Pacific Fighter Ace April 22, 2022 |
The Cavalry at Appomattox: A Tactical Study of Mounted Operations during the Civil War�s Climatic Campaign, March 27-April 9, 1865 April 19, 2022 |
Clash of the Capital Ships: From the Yorkshire Raid to Jutland April 16, 2022 |
Down the Warpath to the Cedars: Indians' First Battles in the Revolution April 13, 2022 |
Lincoln Comes to Gettysburg: The Creation of the Soldiers� National Cemetery and Lincoln�s Gettysburg Address April 10, 2022 |
Commanding the Pacific: Marine Corps Generals in World War II April 7, 2022 |
Modern South Korean Air Power: The Republic of Korea Air Force Today April 4, 2022 |
The Civil War in Maryland Reconsidered April 1, 2022 |
Between Mutiny and Obedience: The Case of the French Fifth Infantry Division during World War I, March 28, 2022 |
Battleship Commander: The Life of Vice Admiral Willis A. Lee Jr. March 21, 2022 |
Passing Through the Fire: Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain in the Civil War March 18, 2022 |
The Battle of Britain: Five Months That Changed History; May-October 1940 March 15, 2022 |
Stalin's War: A New History of World War II March 12, 2022 |
Custer: From the Civil War�s Boy General to the Battle of the Little Bighorn March 9, 2022 |
Custer: From the Civil War�s Boy General to the Battle of the Little Bighorn March 9, 2022 |
Pacific Carrier War: Carrier Combat from Pearl Harbor to Okinawa March 6, 2022 |
The Man Who Punched Jefferson Davis: The Political Life of Henry S. Foote, Southern Unionist February 25, 2022 |
Unsung Hero of Gettysburg: The Story of Union General David McMurtrie Gregg February 20, 2022 |
The Boy Generals: George Custer, Wesley Merritt, and the Cavalry of the Army of the Potomac February 15, 2022 |
Divided Armies: Inequality and Battlefield Performance in Modern War February 10, 2022 |
From Arlington to Appomattox: Robert E. Lee�s Civil War, Day by Day, 1861-1865 February 6, 2022 |
Strike from the Sea: The Development and Deployment of Strategic Cruise Missiles since 1934 February 4, 2022 |
The Siege of Vicksburg: Climax of the Campaign to Open the Mississippi River, May 23-July 4, 1863 January 28, 2022 |
The Horse at Gettysburg: Prepared for the Day of Battle January 20, 2022 |
The German War of 1866: The Bohemian and Moravian Campaign January 14, 2022 |
Gettysburg Rebels: Five Native Sons Who Came Home to Fight as Confederate Soldiers January 12, 2022 |
The Evolution of the Armed Forces of the United Arab Emirates January 10, 2022 |
The First Code Talkers: Native American Communicators in World War I January 8, 2022 |
Pioneers of Irregular Warfare: Secrets of the Military Intelligence Research Department of the Second World War January 6, 2022 |
The Winter that Won the War: The Winter Encampment at Valley Forge, 1777-1778 January 4, 2022 |
The Last Viking: The True Story of King Harald Hardrada January 2, 2022 |
Tirpitz and the Imperial German Navy December 30, 2021 |
A Military History of India Since 1972: Full Spectrum Operations and the Changing Contours of Modern Conflict December 28, 2021 |
The Summer of �63: Gettysburg: Favorite Stories and Fresh Perspectives from the Historians at Emerging Civil War December 26, 2021 |
Beneath the Killing Fields: Exploring the Subterranean Landscapes of the Western Front December 24, 2021 |
The Bronze Lie: Shattering the Myth of Spartan Warrior Supremacy December 22, 2021 |
Grant�s Left Hook: The Bermuda Hundred Campaign, May 5-June 7, 1864 December 20, 2021 |
Strategy Shelved: The Collapse of Cold War Naval Strategic Planning December 18, 2021 |
The New Knights: The Development of Cavalry in Western Europe, 1562-1700 December 16, 2021 |
Lessons Unlearned: The U.S. Army's Role in Creating the Forever Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq December 14, 2021 |
Congress's Own: A Canadian Regiment, the Continental Army, and American Union December 12, 2021 |
Meade at Gettysburg: A Study in Command December 10, 2021 |
Waterloo Witnesses: Military and Civilian Accounts of the 1815 Campaign December 8, 2021 |
King of the World: The Life of Louis XIV December 6, 2021 |
A Raid on the Red Sea: The Israeli Capture of the Karine A December 4, 2021 |
Southern Strategies: Why the Confederacy Failed December 2, 2021 |
How the Army Made Britain a Global Power: 1688�1815 November 30, 2021 |
Bletchley Park's Secret Source: Churchill's Wrens and the Y Service in World War II November 28, 2021 |
The Shadow of Vesuvius: A Life of Pliny November 26, 2021 |
A Forgotten Campaign: The British Armed Forces in France 1940 � from Dunkirk to the Armistice November 24, 2021 |
1066: A Guide to the Battles and the Campaigns November 22, 2021 |
Meade and Lee at Rappahannock Station: The Army of the Potomac�s First Post-Gettysburg Offensive, From Kelly�s Ford to the Rapidan, October 21 to November 20, 1863 November 20, 2021 |
The People's Army in the Spanish Civil War: A Military History of the Republic and International Brigades 1936�1939 November 18, 2021 |
Diversion and Deception: Dudley Clarke's "A" Force and Allied Operations in World War II November 15, 2021 |
History of the British Army, 1714�1783: An Institutional History November 13, 2021 |
Animals in the Second World War November 11, 2021 |
Themistocles: The Powerbroker of Athens November 9, 2021 |
Alan Brooke, Churchill's Right-Hand Critic: A Reappraisal of Lord Alanbrooke November 7, 2021 |
Surviving the Winters: Housing Washington's Army during the American Revolution November 5, 2021 |
Where Three Worlds Met: Sicily in the Early Medieval Mediterranean November 3, 2021 |
Military History of Late Rome 518�565 November 1, 2021 |
Hungary 1848: The Winter Campaign October 30, 2021 |
Jutland 1916: The Archaeology of a Naval Battlefield October 28, 2021 |
Bohemond of Taranto: Crusader and Conqueror October 26, 2021 |
War and Resistance in the Philippines, 1942�1944 October 24, 2021 |
The Military History of the Bicycle: The Forgotten War Machine October 22, 2021 |
Massacring Indians: From Horseshoe Bend to Wounded Knee October 20, 2021 |
Military History of Late Rome 457�518 October 16, 2021 |
The Coalition Crumbles, Napoleon Returns: The 1799 Campaign in Italy and Switzerland, Volume II October 14, 2021 |
Medieval Military Combat: Battle Tactics and Fighting Techniques of the Wars of the Roses October 13, 2021 |
Upon the Fields of Battle: Essays on the Military History of America's Civil War October 9, 2021 |
Korean Air War: Sabres, MiGs and Meteors, 1950�53 October 7, 2021 |
The Military History of Late Rome. 425-457 October 5, 2021 |
Useful Captives: The Role of POWs in American Military Conflicts October 3, 2021 |
Julian and Christianity: Revisiting the Constantinian Revolution October 1, 2021 |
Italy, Piedmont and the War of Spanish Succession 1701-1712 September 29, 2021 |
Can You Beat Churchill?: Teaching History through Simulations September 27, 2021 |
Napoleon Absent, Coalition Ascendant: The 1799 Campaign in Italy and Switzerland, Volume 1 September 25, 2021 |
The Saddest Words: William Faulkner's Civil War September 22, 2021 |
Military History of Late Rome 395-425 September 17, 2021 |
Airpower in the War against ISIS September 14, 2021 |
Road to Manzikert: Byzantine and Islamic Warfare, 527�1071 September 11, 2021 |
A Mortal Blow to the Confederacy: The Fall of New Orleans, 1862 September 7, 2021 |
Napoleon�s Stolen Army: How the Royal Navy Rescued a Spanish Army in the Baltic September 4, 2021 |
The 1945 Burma Campaign and the Transformation of the British Indian Army September 1, 2021 |
Taranto and Naval Air Warfare in the Mediterranean August 29, 2021 |
Taranto and Naval Air Warfare in the Mediterranean August 29, 2021 |
Military History of Late Rome, 361-395 August 26, 2021 |
Unlike Anything That Ever Floated: The Monitor and Virginia and the Battle of Hampton Roads, March 8-9, 1862 August 23, 2021 |
Machiavelli's Three Romes: Religion, Human Liberty, and Politics Reformed August 20, 2021 |
War: How Conflict Shaped Us August 16, 2021 |
Military History of Late Rome 284-361 August 12, 2021 |
The Other Face of Battle: America's Forgotten Wars and the Experience of Combat August 9, 2021 |
America's Good Terrorist: John Brown and the Harpers Ferry Raid August 6, 2021 |
Eighth Army Versus Rommel: Tactics, Training and Operations in North Africa 1940-1942 August 3, 2021 |
Lincoln and the U.S. Colored Troops July 31, 2021 |
Bazaine 1870: Scapegoat for a Nation July 28, 2021 |
The World That Fear Made: Slave Revolts and Conspiracy Scares in Early America July 25, 2021 |
Tullahoma: The Forgotten Campaign that Changed the Course of the Civil War, June 23 - July 4, 1863 July 19, 2021 |
The First and Second Italian Wars 1494�1504: Fearless Knights, Ruthless Princes and the Coming of Gunpowder Armies July 16, 2021 |
A Contest of Civilizations: Exposing the Crisis of American Exceptionalism in the Civil War Era July 13, 2021 |
Turret versus Broadside: An Anatomy of British Naval Prestige, Revolution and Disaster, 1860-1870 July 10, 2021 |
Embattled Capital: A Guide to Richmond During the Civil War July 8, 2021 |
The Military Enlightenment: War and Culture in the French Empire from Louis XIV to Napoleon July 6, 2021 |
The Churchill Quiz Book: How Much do You Know about Britain�s Wartime Leader? July 1, 2021 |
Rome Resurgent: War and Empire in the Age of Justinian June 29, 2021 |
Defending the Arteries of Rebellion: Confederate Naval Operations in the Mississippi River Valley, 1861-1865 June 26, 2021 |
Forging the Trident: Theodore Roosevelt and the United States Navy June 23, 2021 |
Tank Combat in Spain: Armored Warfare During the Spanish Civil War, 1936�1939 June 20, 2021 |
Spy Sites of Philadelphia: A Guide to the Region's Secret History June 17, 2021 |
Brothers to the Buffalo Soldiers: Perspectives on the African American Militia and Volunteers, 1865-1917 June 14, 2021 |
Tank Warfare June 12, 2021 |
Spies, Scouts, and Secrets in the Gettysburg Campaign: How the Critical Role of Intelligence Impacted the Outcome of Lee's Invasion of the North, June-July 1863 June 9, 2021 |
Gladius: The World of the Roman Soldier June 6, 2021 |
Thunder at the Gates: The Black Civil War Regiments That Redeemed America June 4, 2021 |
Teutonic Titans: Hindenburg, Ludendorff, and the Kaiser's Marshals and Generals, 1847-1955 June 2, 2021 |
A History of the Second World War in 100 Maps May 30, 2021 |
From Trophy Towns to City-States: Urban Civilization and Cultural Identities in Roman Pontus May 27, 2021 |
�The Devil�s to Pay�: John Buford at Gettysburg. A History and Walking Tour May 22, 2021 |
Artillery of the Napoleonic Wars: A Concise Dictionary, 1792-1815 May 19, 2021 |
Courage Above All Things: General John Ellis Wool and the U.S. Military, 1812�1863 May 16, 2021 |
Imperial Legacies: The British Empire Around the World May 13, 2021 |
Churchill's Admiral in Two World Wars: Admiral of the Fleet Lord Keyes of Zeebrugge and Dover, GCB, KCVO, CMG, DSO April 30, 2021 |
Sage and Emperor: Plutarch, Greek Intellectuals, and Roman Power in the Time of Trajan (98�117 A.D.) April 24, 2021 |
Wilson's War: Sir Henry Wilson�s Influence on British Military Policy in the Great War and its Aftermath April 17, 2021 |
The Spartans April 11, 2021 |
Major General James A. Ulio: How the Adjutant General of the U.S. Army Enabled Allied Victory April 7, 2021 |
Rome and Parthia: Empires at War: Ventidius, Antony and the Second Romano-Parthian War, 40-20 B.C. April 2, 2021 |
Armies of Deliverance: A New History of the Civil War March 31, 2021 |
Leading the Roman Army: Soldiers and Emperors, 31 BC � 235 AD March 29, 2021 |
Retreat from Moscow: A New History of Germany's Winter Campaign, 1941-1942 March 27, 2021 |
Sparta's Second Attic War: The Grand Strategy of Classical Sparta, 446-418 B.C. March 25, 2021 |
The Italian Folgore Parachute Division: Operations in North Africa 1940-43 March 23, 2021 |
The US Volunteers in the Southern Philippines: Counterinsurgency, Pacification, and Collaboration, 1899-1901 March 21, 2021 |
Comrades Betrayed: Jewish World War I Veterans under Hitler March 19, 2021 |
The Last Assassin: The Hunt for the Killers of Julius Caesar March 17, 2021 |
COSSAC: Lt. Gen. Sir Frederick Morgan and the Genesis of Operation OVERLORD March 15, 2021 |
Antigonus the One-Eyed: Greatest of the Successors March 13, 2021 |
Flying to Victory: Raymond Collishaw and the Western Desert Campaign, 1940�1941 March 11, 2021 |
The U.S. Navy and Its Cold War Alliances, 1945-1953 March 9, 2021 |
The Fragmentary Latin Histories of Late Antiquity (AD 300�620): Edition, Translation and Commentary March 7, 2021 |
An Unappreciated Field of Endevour: Logistics and the British Expeditionary Force on the Western Front, 1914-1918 March 5, 2021 |
Special Operations during the American Revolution March 3, 2021 |
Byzantium Triumphant: The Military History of the Byzantines, 959�1025 March 1, 2021 |
Civil War Supply and Strategy: Feeding Men and Moving Armies February 27, 2021 |
Rome � City in Terror: The Nazi Occupation 1943�44 February 25, 2021 |
The 4th Marine Brigade at Belleau Wood and Soissons: History and Battlefield Guide February 23, 2021 |
The Fall of the Republic: A Novella of Ancient Rome based on Actual Events February 21, 2021 |
The Fall of the Republic: A Novella of Ancient Rome based on Actual Events February 21, 2021 |
Civil War Monuments and the Militarization of America February 19, 2021 |
Operation Chastise: The RAF's Most Brilliant Attack of World War II February 17, 2021 |
Fighting for Spain: The International Brigades in the Civil War, 1936�1939 February 15, 2021 |
Theodosius and the Limits of Empire February 13, 2021 |
John Finerty Reports the Sioux War February 11, 2021 |
Atomic Salvation: How the A-Bomb Attacks Saved the Lives of 32 Million People February 9, 2021 |
The Enduring Civil War: Reflections on the Great American Crisis February 7, 2021 |
Naval Warfare: A Global History since 1860 February 5, 2021 |
Britain 1940: The Decisive Year on the Home Front February 3, 2021 |
Britain 1940: The Decisive Year on the Home Front February 3, 2021 |
Britain 1940: The Decisive Year on the Home Front February 3, 2021 |
Confederate Citadel: Richmond and Its People at War February 1, 2021 |
Aurelian and Probus: The Soldier Emperors Who Saved Rome January 30, 2021 |
Aurelian and Probus: The Soldier Emperors Who Saved Rome January 30, 2021 |
The Sea and the Second World War: Maritime Aspects of a Global Conflict January 28, 2021 |
Caesar's Great Success: Sustaining the Roman Army on Campaign January 26, 2021 |
Caesar's Great Success: Sustaining the Roman Army on Campaign January 26, 2021 |
An Environmental History of the Civil War January 23, 2021 |
Supplying the British Army in the Second World War January 20, 2021 |
Women at War in the Classical World January 18, 2021 |
The Cavalries in the Nashville Campaign January 16, 2021 |
Patton: Battling with History January 14, 2021 |
The Attack on Troy January 12, 2021 |
Arguing until Doomsday: Stephen Douglas, Jefferson Davis, and the Struggle for American Democracy January 10, 2021 |
The French at Waterloo - Eyewitness Accounts: Napoleon, Imperial Headquarters and 1st Corps January 8, 2021 |
The Collapse of Rome: Marius, Sulla and the First Civil War December 31, 2020 |
An Unladylike Profession: American Women War Correspondents in World War I December 29, 2020 |
A Republic in the Ranks: Loyalty and Dissent in the Army of the Potomac December 27, 2020 |
Defense Engagement since 1900: Global Lessons in Soft Power December 25, 2020 |
Ancient Maya Politics: A Political Anthropology of the Classic Period, 150�900 CE December 23, 2020 |
Edward M. Almond and the US Army: From the 92nd Infantry Division to the X Corps December 21, 2020 |
American Discord: The Republic and Its People in the Civil War Era December 19, 2020 |
The Light Division in the Peninsular War, 1808�1811 December 17, 2020 |
Crossing the Pomerium: The Boundaries of Political, Religious, and Military Institutions from Caesar to Constantine December 15, 2020 |
A G.I. in The Ardennes: The Battle of the Bulge December 13, 2020 |
The War Went on: Reconsidering the Lives of Civil War Veterans December 11, 2020 |
The Open Sea: The Economic Life of the Ancient Mediterranean World from the Iron Age to the Rise of Rome December 9, 2020 |
The Perfection of Military Discipline: The Plug Bayonet and the English Army 1660-1705 December 7, 2020 |
Phase Line Attila: The Amphibious Campaign for Cyprus, 1974 December 5, 2020 |
Thoughts on War December 3, 2020 |
Indigenous Peoples and the Second World War: The Politics, Experiences and Legacies of War in the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand December 1, 2020 |
President without a Party: The Life of John Tyler November 29, 2020 |
Empires in the Sun: The Struggle for the Mastery of Africa November 27, 2020 |
African Dominion: A New History of Empire in Early and Medieval West Africa November 27, 2020 |
The Women's Fight: The Civil War's Battles for Home, Freedom, and Nation November 25, 2020 |
Attack at Chosin: The Chinese Second Offensive in Korea November 23, 2020 |
The Russian Baltic Fleet in the Time of War and Revolution 1914-1918: The Recollections of Admiral S N Timiryov November 21, 2020 |
Roman Conquests: Egypt and Judea November 19, 2020 |
Nigeria and World War II: Colonialism, Empire, and Global Conflict November 17, 2020 |
The False Cause: Fraud, Fabrication, and White Supremacy in Confederate Memory November 15, 2020 |
Churchill and Stalin: Comrades-in-Arms during the Second World War November 13, 2020 |
A Quest for Glory: A Biography of Rear Admiral John A. Dahlgren November 12, 2020 |
Mastermind of Dunkirk and D-Day: The Vision of Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay November 11, 2020 |
�Lee is Trapped and Must be Taken�: Eleven Fateful Days after Gettysburg, July 4�14, 1863 November 9, 2020 |
Normandy 1944: German Military Organization, Combat Power and Organizational Effectiveness November 7, 2020 |
Rome, Parthia, and the Politics of Peace: The Origins of War in the Ancient Middle East November 5, 2020 |
Grunt Slang in Vietnam: Words of the War November 3, 2020 |
America�s Buried History: Landmines in the Civil War November 1, 2020 |
Ian Fleming and SOE's Operation POSTMASTER: The Untold Top Secret Story October 30, 2020 |
Lincoln Takes Command: The Campaign to Seize Norfolk and the Destruction of the CSS Virginia October 28, 2020 |
Stalingrad: City on Fire October 26, 2020 |
Blazing Star, Setting Sun: The Guadalcanal-Solomons Campaign November 1942�March 1943 October 24, 2020 |
The War Went On: Reconsidering the Lives of Civil War Veterans October 22, 2020 |
Siege Warfare during the Crusades October 20, 2020 |
Soldiers and Their Horses: Sense, Sentimentality and the Soldier-Horse Relationship in The Great War October 18, 2020 |
Civil War Places: Seeing the Conflict through the Eyes of Its Leading Historians October 16, 2020 |
Churchill's Shadow Raiders: The Race to Develop Radar, World War II's Invisible Secret Weapon October 14, 2020 |
Carthage's Other Wars: Carthaginian Warfare Outside the 'Punic Wars' Against Rome October 12, 2020 |
The Splendid and the Vile: A Saga of Churchill, Family, and Defiance During the Blitz October 10, 2020 |
Battle in the Baltic: The Royal Navy and the Fight to Save Estonia and Latvia 1918�20 October 7, 2020 |
Farragut's Captain: Percival Drayton, 1861-1865 October 5, 2020 |
Farragut's Captain: Percival Drayton, 1861-1865 October 5, 2020 |
The Politics of Roman Memory: From the Fall of the Western Empire to the Age of Justinian October 3, 2020 |
God's Viking: Harald Hardrada: The Life and Times of the Last Great Viking October 1, 2020 |
Save Your Ammo: Working Across Cultures for National Security September 29, 2020 |
A Game of Birds and Wolves: The Ingenious Young Women Whose Secret Board Game Helped Win World War II September 27, 2020 |
"Tower of Skulls", A History of the Asia-Pacific War, Volume I: From the Marco Polo Bridge Incident to the Fall of Corregidor, July 1937-May 1942 September 25, 2020 |
Nature's Army: When Soldiers Fought for Yosemite September 23, 2020 |
Greek Warfare beyond the Polis: Defense, Strategy, and the Making of Ancient Federal States September 21, 2020 |
The Union Assaults at Vicksburg: Grant Attacks Pemberton, May 17�22, 1863 September 19, 2020 |
Churchill: A Graphic Biography September 17, 2020 |
Churchill: A Graphic Biography September 17, 2020 |
Dante�s Bones: How a Poet Invented Italy September 15, 2020 |
The Petersburg Regiment in the Civil War: A History of the 12th Virginia Infantry from John Brown�s Hanging to Appomattox, 1859-1865 September 10, 2020 |
Hitler: Downfall, 1939-1945 September 9, 2020 |
The RAF and Tribal Control: Airpower and Irregular Warfare between the World Wars September 7, 2020 |
Neville Chamberlain's Legacy: Hitler, Munich and the Path to War September 6, 2020 |
Bugs and Bullets: The True Story of an American Doctor on the Eastern Front during World War I September 3, 2020 |
Loss and Redemption at St. Vith: The 7th Armored Division in the Battle of the Bulge September 1, 2020 |
Over There in the Air: The Fightin' Texas Aggies in World War I, 1917-1918 August 30, 2020 |
The Sniper Anthology: Snipers of the Second World War August 28, 2020 |
Charles E. Callwell and the British Way in Warfare August 26, 2020 |
Foundations of Russian Military Flight 1885�1925 August 24, 2020 |
Colonels in Blue--Missouri and the Western States and Territories: A Civil War Biographical Dictionary August 22, 2020 |
Vincere: The Italian Royal Army's Counterinsurgency Operations in Africa, 1922�1940 August 20, 2020 |
The Imperial Russian Army in Peace, War, and Revolution, 1856-1917 August 18, 2020 |
In Memory of Self and Comrades: Thomas Wallace Colley's Recollections of Civil War Service in the 1st Virginia Cavalry August 16, 2020 |
The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Nero August 14, 2020 |
Images of War � The Fall of Berlin: Rare Photographs from Wartime Archives August 12, 2020 |
A Yankee Regiment in Confederate Louisiana: The 31st Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry in the Gulf South August 10, 2020 |
Army of the Roman Emperors August 8, 2020 |
Red Road From Stalingrad: Recollections of a Soviet Infantryman August 6, 2020 |
The Duke of York's Flanders Campaign: Fighting the French Revolution 1793�1795 August 4, 2020 |
Latin American Dictatorships in the Era of Fascism: The Corporatist Wave August 2, 2020 |
I Was Hitler's Pilot: The Memoirs of Hans Baur July 31, 2020 |
Agrippa II: The Last of the Herods July 29, 2020 |
Hitler's Savage Canary: A History of the Danish Resistance in World War II July 27, 2020 |
"An Arch Rebel Like Myself": Dan Showalter and the Civil War in California and Texas July 25, 2020 |
Churchill's Colonel: The War Diaries of Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Barne July 23, 2020 |
Romans at War: Soldiers, Citizens, and Society in the Roman Republic July 21, 2020 |
1917 and the Consequences July 19, 2020 |
Dorwart's History of the Office of Naval Intelligence 1865�1945 July 17, 2020 |
The Battle of the Wilderness in Myth and Memory: Reconsidering Virginia's Most Notorious Civil War Battlefield July 15, 2020 |
In Haig�s Shadow: The Letters of Major-General Hugo de Pree and Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig July 13, 2020 |
The Hunt for Jimmie Browne: An MIA Pilot in World War II China July 11, 2020 |
The Life of Alcibiades: Dangerous Ambition and the Betrayal of Athens July 9, 2020 |
Somewhere Over There: The Letters, Diaries, and Artwork of a World War I Corporal July 7, 2020 |
Winds, Waves, & Warriors: Battling the Surf at Normandy, Tarawa, Inchon July 5, 2020 |
Women as Veterans in Britain and France After the First World War July 3, 2020 |
Civil War Taxes: A Documentary History, 1860-1900 July 1, 2020 |
The Memoirs of Harry S. Truman, A Reader�s Edition June 29, 2020 |
Troy: Myth, City, Icon June 27, 2020 |
Constantius II: Usurpers, Eunuchs, and the Anti-Christ June 25, 2020 |
The Gulf of Mexico: A Maritime History June 23, 2020 |
The Greatest of All Leathernecks: John Archer Lejeune and the Making of the Modern Marine Corps, June 21, 2020 |
Bluecoat and Pioneer: The Recollections of John Benton Hart, 1864-1868 June 19, 2020 |
The Wars of Alexander�s Successors, 323-281 BC: Vol. II, Battles and Tactics June 17, 2020 |
Silent Witness: The Civil War through Photography and its Photographers June 15, 2020 |
Silent Witness: The Civil War through Photography and its Photographers June 15, 2020 |
Captives of Liberty: Prisoners of War and the Politics of Vengeance in the American Revolution June 13, 2020 |
The Machiavellian Enterprise: A Commentary on The Prince June 11, 2020 |
Devotion to Duty: A Biography of Admiral Clifton A. F. Sprague June 9, 2020 |
Rome Victorious: The Irresistible Rise of the Roman Empire June 7, 2020 |
George Rogers Clark and William Croghan: A Story of the Revolution, Settlement, and Early Life at Locust Grove June 5, 2020 |
From Texas to Tinian and Tokyo Bay: The Memoirs of Captain J. R. Ritter, Seabee Commander during the Pacific War June 3, 2020 |
African Kings and Black Slaves: Sovereignty and Dispossession in the Early Modern Atlantic June 1, 2020 |
The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire May 30, 2020 |
The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire May 30, 2020 |
The Napoleonic Wars: A Global History May 28, 2020 |
German Ground Forces of World War II: Complete Orders of Battle For Army Groups, Armies, Army Corps, and other Commands of the Wehrmacht and Waffen SS, September 1, 1939, to May 8, 1945 May 26, 2020 |
Chinese Communist Espionage: An Intelligence Primer May 24, 2020 |
Enduring the Whirlwind: The German Army and the Russo-German War, 1941-1943 May 22, 2020 |
Enduring the Whirlwind: The German Army and the Russo-German War, 1941-1943 May 22, 2020 |
Churchill�s Phoney War: A Study in Folly and Frustration May 20, 2020 |
American Guerrilla: The Forgotten Heroics of Russell W. Volckmann�the Man Who Escaped from Bataan, Raised a Filipino Army against the Japanese, and became the True �Father� of Army Special Forces May 18, 2020 |
The Great Illyrian Revolt: Rome's Forgotten War in the Balkans, AD 6�9 May 16, 2020 |
Fighting the People�s War: The British and Commonwealth Armies and the Second World War May 14, 2020 |
Countdown to D-Day: The German Perspective May 12, 2020 |
The United States Marine Corps: The Expeditionary Force at War May 10, 2020 |
The Frontiers of Imperial Rome May 8, 2020 |
Kazakhstan in World War II: Mobilization and Ethnicity in the Soviet Empire May 6, 2020 |
Roman Conquests: The Danube Frontier May 4, 2020 |
Lincoln�s Informer: Charles A. Dana and the Inside Story of the Union War May 2, 2020 |
Rear Admiral Herbert V. Wiley: A Career in Airships and Battleships April 30, 2020 |
Emperor and Senators in the Reign of Constantius II: Maintaining Imperial Rule Between Rome and Constantinople in the Fourth Century AD April 28, 2020 |
Oblivion or Glory: 1921 and the Making of Winston Churchill April 26, 2020 |
�They Were Good Soldiers�: African-Americans Serving in the Continental Army, 1775-1783 April 24, 2020 |
Days of Destruction: Augustine Thomas Smythe and the Civil War Siege of Charleston April 22, 2020 |
Mussolini�s Nation-Empire: Sovereignty and Settlement in Italy�s Borderlands, 1922-1943 April 20, 2020 |
The Persian War, In Herodotus and Other Ancient Voices April 18, 2020 |
The Battle of Leyte Gulf at 75: A Retrospective April 16, 2020 |
The Armies of Philip IV of Spain, 1621-1665: The Fight for European Supremacy April 14, 2020 |
The Hardest Lot of Men: The Third Minnesota Infantry in the Civil War April 12, 2020 |
Learning to Fight: Military Innovation and Change in the British Army, 1914-1918 April 10, 2020 |
Eutaw Springs: The Final Battle of the American Revolution�s Southern Campaign April 8, 2020 |
Athenian Democracy at War April 6, 2020 |
Athenian Democracy at War April 6, 2020 |
Six Victories: North Africa, Malta, and the Mediterranean Convoy War, November 1941�March 1942 April 4, 2020 |
The Boundless Sea: A Human History of the Oceans April 2, 2020 |
Marlborough�s Other Army: The British Army and the Campaigns of the First Peninsular War, 1702�1712 March 31, 2020 |
From the Halls of Montezuma: Mexican War Dispatches from James L. Freaner, Writing under the Pen Name �Mustang� March 29, 2020 |
Army and Society in Ptolemaic Egypt March 27, 2020 |
The Elite: The A�Z of Modern Special Operations Forces March 25, 2020 |
Washington�s Revolutionary War Generals March 23, 2020 |
Soviet Cavalry Operations during the Second World War & the Genesis of the Operational Manoeuvre Group March 21, 2020 |
The Secret World: A History of Intelligence March 19, 2020 |
Lincoln, Seward, and US Foreign Relations in the Civil War Era March 17, 2020 |
The Cambridge Companion to the Writings of Julius Caesar March 15, 2020 |
Battleships of the Iowa Class: A Design and Operational History March 13, 2020 |
Charles XI's War: The Scanian War Between Sweden and Denmark, 1675-1679 March 11, 2020 |
Emperor's Own: Ethiopians in the Korean War March 9, 2020 |
The Tragedy of Empire: From Constantine to the Destruction of Roman Italy March 7, 2020 |
A Destiny of Undying Greatness: Kiffin Rockwell and the Boys Who Remembered Lafayette March 5, 2020 |
Wellington's History of the Peninsular War: Battling Napoleon in Iberia 1808-1814 March 3, 2020 |
Union Command Failure in the Shenandoah: Major General Franz Sigel and the War in the Valley of Virginia, May 1864 March 1, 2020 |
An Army in Crisis: Social Conflict and the U.S. Army in Germany, 1968-1975 February 28, 2020 |
Winning a Future War: War Gaming and Victory in the Pacific War February 26, 2020 |
Athene Palace February 24, 2020 |
The Byzantine Hellene: The Life of Emperor Theodore Laskaris and Byzantium in the Thirteenth Century February 22, 2020 |
Roman Emperor Zeno: The Perils of Power Politics in Fifth-Century Constantinople February 20, 2020 |
Demystifying the American Military: Institutions, Evolution, and Challenges Since 1789 February 18, 2020 |
The Defenders of Taffy 3: Analysis and Retelling of the Battle of Leyte Gulf February 16, 2020 |
Landpower in the Long War: Projecting Force After 9/11 February 14, 2020 |
A Great Fear: Lu�s de On�s and the Shadow War against Napoleon in Spanish America, 1808-1812 February 12, 2020 |
Beyond Pearl Harbor: A Pacific History February 10, 2020 |
Maecenas February 8, 2020 |
Vanguard: The True Stories of the Reconnaissance and Intelligence Missions behind D-Day February 6, 2020 |
Sparta's First Attic War: The Grand Strategy of Classical Sparta, 478-446 B.C. February 4, 2020 |
Hunt the Bismarck: The Pursuit of Germany's Most Famous Battleship February 2, 2020 |
Italy Before Italy: Institutions, Conflicts and Political Hopes in the Italian States, 1815-1860 January 31, 2020 |
Useless Mouths: The British Army's Battles in France after Dunkirk May-June 1940 January 29, 2020 |
Greek Military Service in the Ancient Near East, 401-330 BCE January 27, 2020 |
Spain in Arms: A Military History of the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 January 25, 2020 |
Attack at Daylight and Whip Them: The Battle of Shiloh, April 6-7, 1862 January 23, 2020 |
The Kingdom and the Republic: Sovereign Hawai'i and the Early United States January 21, 2020 |
Battleships: The War at Sea January 19, 2020 |
Combined Arms Warfare in Ancient Greece: From Homer to Alexander the Great and his Successors January 17, 2020 |
Panzerfaust vs Sherman: European Theater 1944-45 January 15, 2020 |
War in the Far East: Storm Clouds over the Pacific, 1931-1941 January 12, 2020 |
Armies of the Great Northern War 1700-1720 January 10, 2020 |
Resolute Rebel: General Roswell S. Ripley, Charleston's Gallant Defender January 8, 2020 |
Brave Brothers, Grave Brothers: Two American Soldiers in the Argonne Forest; Their Families January 6, 2020 |
Sallust's Histories and Triumviral Historiography: Confronting the End of History January 4, 2020 |
Sand and Steel: The D-Day Invasion and the Liberation of France January 2, 2020 |
Sand and Steel: The D-Day Invasion and the Liberation of France January 2, 2020 |
The Will of the People: The Revolutionary Birth of America December 31, 2019 |
Logistics of Warfare in the Age of the Crusades December 29, 2019 |
Marketing the Blue and Gray: Newspaper Advertising and the American Civil War December 27, 2019 |
Churchill's Abandoned Prisoners: The British Soldiers Deceived in the Russian Civil War December 25, 2019 |
Polis Histories, Collective Memories and the Greek World December 23, 2019 |
Partisans, Guerillas, and Irregulars: Historical Archaeology of Asymmetric Warfare December 21, 2019 |
Atlas of the Blitzkrieg: 1939-41 December 19, 2019 |
Operations of the Arm�e du Nord: 1815: The Analysis - Vol. V December 17, 2019 |
Misfire: The Tragic Failure of the M16 in Vietnam December 15, 2019 |
An East Texas Family�s Civil War: The Letters of Nancy and William Whatley, May�December 1862 December 13, 2019 |
Understanding Greek Warfare December 11, 2019 |
Emperor: A New Life of Charles V December 9, 2019 |
MacArthur�s Air Force: American Airpower Over the Pacific and the Far East, 1941-1951 December 7, 2019 |
Searching for Black Confederates: The Civil War's Most Persistent Myth December 5, 2019 |
Admiral Gorshkov: The Man Who Challenged the U.S. Navy December 3, 2019 |
The Emperor Nero: A Guide to the Ancient Sources December 1, 2019 |
Politician in Uniform: General Lew Wallace and the Civil War November 27, 2019 |
The Origin of Empire: Rome from the Republic to Hadrian November 25, 2019 |
The Origin of Empire: Rome from the Republic to Hadrian November 25, 2019 |
Coalition Strategy and the End of the First World War: The Supreme War Council and War Planning, 1917-1918 November 23, 2019 |
Attila the Hun: Arch-Enemy of Rome November 21, 2019 |
Held in Highest Esteem by All: the Civil War Letters of William B. Chilvers, 95th Illinois Infantry November 19, 2019 |
A History of the Roman Equestrian Order November 17, 2019 |
Cover Name: Dr. Rantzau November 15, 2019 |
Leonidas Polk: Warrior Bishop of the Confederacy November 13, 2019 |
British Cruiser Warfare: The Lessons of the Early War 1939-1941 November 9, 2019 |
Hell in the Trenches: Austro-Hungarian Stormtroopers and Italian Arditi in the Great War November 7, 2019 |
Legion versus Phalanx: The Epic Struggle for Infantry Supremacy in the Ancient World November 5, 2019 |
So Close to Freedom: A World War II Story of Peril and Betrayal in the Pyrenees November 3, 2019 |
Alabamians in Blue: Freedmen, Unionists, and the Civil War in the Cotton State November 1, 2019 |
Hunter Liggett: A Soldier's General October 30, 2019 |
Harnessing the Airplane: American and British Cavalry Responses to a New Technology, 1903-1939 October 28, 2019 |
In the Land of a Thousand Gods: A History of Asia Minor in the Ancient World October 26, 2019 |
Of Islands, Ports and Sea Lanes: Africa and the Indian Ocean in the Second World War October 24, 2019 |
The Vicksburg Assaults, May 19-22, 1863 October 22, 2019 |
The Great War in the Middle East: A Clash of Empires October 20, 2019 |
The Early Roman Expansion into Italy: Elite Negotiation and Family Agendas October 18, 2019 |
George W. Goethals and the Army: Change and Continuity in the Gilded Age and Progressive Era October 16, 2019 |
Life In Jefferson Davis' Navy October 14, 2019 |
German Submarine U-1105 "Black Panther": The Naval Archaeology of a U-boat October 12, 2019 |
In the Eye of the Storm: George V and the Great War October 10, 2019 |
Nero: Emperor and Court October 8, 2019 |
Nero: Emperor and Court October 8, 2019 |
Tidal Wave: From Leyte Gulf to Tokyo Bay October 6, 2019 |
British Blockade Runners in the American Civil War October 4, 2019 |
Biplanes at War: US Marine Corps Aviation in the Small Wars Era, 1915-1934 October 3, 2019 |
Augustus at War: The Struggle for the Pax Augusta October 1, 2019 |
Selling Sea Power: Public Relations and the U.S. Navy, 1917-1941 September 29, 2019 |
In God's Presence: Chaplains, Missionaries, and Religious Space during the American Civil War September 27, 2019 |
A Machine-Gunner in France: The Memoirs of Ward Schrantz, 35th Division, 1917-1919 September 25, 2019 |
The Emperor in the Byzantine World: Papers of the Forty-Seventh Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies September 23, 2019 |
Empires of the Weak: The Real Story of European Expansion and the Creation of the New World Order September 19, 2019 |
Empires of the Weak: The Real Story of European Expansion and the Creation of the New World Order September 19, 2019 |
Spearhead: An American Tank Gunner, His Enemy, and a Collision of Lives in World War II September 17, 2019 |
The Fortifications of Pompeii and Ancient Italy September 15, 2019 |
The Civil War and Slavery Reconsidered: Negotiating the Peripheries September 13, 2019 |
The German Failure in Belgium, August 1914: How Faulty Reconnaissance Exposed the Weakness of the Schlieffen Plan September 11, 2019 |
The Half-Shilling Curate: A Personal Account Of War & Faith 1914-1918 September 9, 2019 |
Southern Gambit: Cornwallis and the British March to Yorktown September 7, 2019 |
Admiral John S. McCain and the Triumph of Naval Air Power September 5, 2019 |
Antony and Cleopatra September 3, 2019 |
Beyond the Quagmire: New Interpretations of the Vietnam War August 31, 2019 |
Revolutionary France's War of Conquest in the Rhineland: Conquering the Natural Frontier, 1792-1797 August 29, 2019 |
Women's War: Fighting and Surviving the American Civil War August 27, 2019 |
War at Sea: A Shipwrecked History from Antiquity to the Twentieth Century August 25, 2019 |
Armies of the Late Roman Empire AD 284 to 476: History, Organization & Equipment August 23, 2019 |
Decision in the Atlantic: The Allies and the Longest Campaign of the Second World War August 21, 2019 |
Romanland: Ethnicity and Empire in Byzantium August 19, 2019 |
Hitting the Military History Trail: VFW's Travel Guide to Battlefields, Museums, & Historic Sites August 17, 2019 |
Painting War: George Plante's Combat Art in World War II August 15, 2019 |
Unknown Conflicts of the Second World War: Forgotten Fronts August 13, 2019 |
Major General George H. Sharpe and The Creation of American Military Intelligence in the Civil War August 11, 2019 |
The Mediterranean Double-Cross System, 1941-1945 August 10, 2019 |
The Yankee Plague: Escaped Union Prisoners and the Collapse of the Confederacy August 8, 2019 |
America's School for War: Fort Leavenworth, Officer Education, and Victory in World War II August 7, 2019 |
The Decision Was Always My Own: Ulysses S. Grant and the Vicksburg Campaign August 5, 2019 |
Freeing Mussolini: Dismantling the Skorzeny Myth in the Gran Sasso Raid August 4, 2019 |
A Fierce Glory: Antietam--The Desperate Battle That Saved Lincoln and Doomed Slavery August 2, 2019 |
African Americans and American Indians in the Revolutionary War August 1, 2019 |
Winston Churchill: At War and Thinking of War before 1939 July 30, 2019 |
A Forgotten Front: Florida during the Civil War Era July 28, 2019 |
Landing in Hell: The Pyrrhic Victory of the First Marine Division on Peleliu, 1944 July 26, 2019 |
The Confederate Yellow Fever Conspiracy: The Germ Warfare Plot of Luke Pryor Blackburn, 1864-1865 July 24, 2019 |
Never in Finer Company: The Men of the Great War's Lost Battalion July 22, 2019 |
Engines of Rebellion: Confederate Ironclads and Steam Engineering in the American Civil War July 19, 2019 |
Meuse-Argonne Diary: A Division Commander in World War I July 18, 2019 |
The Army of the Cumberland: Organization, Strength, Casualties, 1862-1865 July 16, 2019 |
Hitler's Death: The Case Against Conspiracy July 14, 2019 |
Maryland, My Maryland: Music and Patriotism during the American Civil War July 12, 2019 |
Ian Fleming and Operation Golden Eye: Keeping Spain out of World War II July 10, 2019 |
America's "Foreign Legion": Immigrant Soldiers in the Great War July 8, 2019 |
The War for the Common Soldier: How Men Thought, Fought, and Survived in Civil War Armies July 6, 2019 |
Silver State Dreadnought: The Remarkable Story of Battleship Nevada July 4, 2019 |
Great Battles: Ypres July 3, 2019 |
The Civil War on the Rio Grande, 1846-1876 July 2, 2019 |
Air Group Commander Wade McClusky and the Battle of Midway June 30, 2019 |
Travel On Southern Antebellum Railroads, 1828-1860 June 28, 2019 |
The Plight of Rome in the Fifth Century AD June 26, 2019 |
Slavery in the North: Forgetting History and Recovering Memory June 24, 2019 |
Snapdragon: The World War II Exploits of Darby's Ranger and Combat Photographer Phil Stern June 23, 2019 |
Thomas Ewing Jr.: Frontier Lawyer and Civil War General June 21, 2019 |
Spying for Wellington: British Military Intelligence in the Peninsular War June 19, 2019 |
The Roman Empire in Late Antiquity: A Political and Military History June 17, 2019 |
Civil War Writing: New Perspectives on Iconic Texts June 14, 2019 |
The Third Reich is Listening: Inside German Codebreaking, 1939�45 June 12, 2019 |
The Holy Roman Empire: A Short History June 10, 2019 |
Jean Gabin: The Actor Who Was France June 8, 2019 |
L. Munatius Plancus: Serving and Surviving in the Roman Revolution June 5, 2019 |
Before the Battlecruiser: The Big Cruiser in the World's Navies, 1865-1910 June 3, 2019 |
Holding the Line on the River of Death: Union Mounted Forces at Chickamauga, September 18, 1863 June 1, 2019 |
The Girls Next Door: Bringing the Home Front to the Front Lines May 30, 2019 |
Haig's Tower of Strength: General Sir Edward Bulfin � Ireland's Forgotten General May 28, 2019 |
The Life of John Andr�: The Redcoat Who Turned Benedict Arnold May 26, 2019 |
Writing History with Lightning: Cinematic Representations of Nineteenth-Century America May 24, 2019 |
The Italian Wars, 1494-1559: War, State, and Society in Early Modern Europe May 22, 2019 |
The Taking of K-129: How the CIA Used Howard Hughes to Steal a Russian Sub in the Most Daring Covert Operation in History May 20, 2019 |
Lucius Verus and the Roman Defence of the East May 18, 2019 |
Doris Miller, Pearl Harbor, and the Birth of the Civil Rights Movement May 16, 2019 |
The Real Horse Soldiers: Benjamin Grierson�s Epic 1863 Civil War Raid Through Mississippi May 14, 2019 |
The Forgotten Front: The Eastern Theater of World War I, 1914 - 1915 May 12, 2019 |
A Battlefield Atlas of the American Revolution May 10, 2019 |
Constantine XI Draga� Palaeologus (1404�1453): The Last Emperor of Byzantium May 8, 2019 |
Flying with the Fifteenth Air Force: A B-24 Pilot's Missions from Italy during World War II May 6, 2019 |
�The Gallant Sims�: A Civil War Hero Rediscovered May 2, 2019 |
Imperial Germany and War, 1871-1918 April 30, 2019 |
After Jutland: The Naval War in Northern European Waters, June 1916�November 1918 April 26, 2019 |
The Philosophy of War Films April 24, 2019 |
Masters of Mayhem: Lawrence of Arabia and the British Military Mission to the Hejaz April 22, 2019 |
"The Man Who Took the Rap": Sir Robert Brooke-Popham and the Fall of Singapore April 20, 2019 |
Churchill's Thin Grey Line: British Merchant Ships at War 1939�1945 April 18, 2019 |
Interrupted Odyssey: Ulysses S. Grant and the American Indians April 16, 2019 |
Drawing Fire: A Pawnee, Artist, and Thunderbird in World War II April 14, 2019 |
An Aide to Custer: The Civil War Letters of Lt. Edward G. Granger April 12, 2019 |
How the Navy Won the War: The Real Instrument of Victory, 1914-1918 April 10, 2019 |
The Medal of Honor: The Evolution of America's Highest Military Decoration April 8, 2019 |
The Dutch Resistance Revealed: The Inside Story of Courage and Betrayal April 6, 2019 |
African American Officers in Liberia: A Pestiferous Rotation, 1910�1942 April 4, 2019 |
Andrew Foote: Civil War Admiral on Western Waters April 2, 2019 |
Pershing's Tankers: Personal Accounts of the AEF Tank Corps in World War I March 31, 2019 |
Voices of the Code Breakers - Personal Accounts of the Secret Heroes of World War II March 29, 2019 |
Disputed Victory: Schley, Sampson and the Spanish-American War of 1898 March 27, 2019 |
A British Lion in Zululand: Sir Garnet Wolseley in South Africa March 25, 2019 |
Peace at Last: A Portrait of Armistice Day, 11 November 1918 March 23, 2019 |
Heavy Laden: Union Veterans, Psychological Illness, and Suicide March 21, 2019 |
The Imperial Army Project: Britain and the Land Forces of the Dominions and India, 1902-1945 March 17, 2019 |
Dionysius of Halicarnassus and Augustan Rome: Rhetoric, Criticism and Historiography March 15, 2019 |
Joshua Barney: Hero of the Revolution and 1812 March 13, 2019 |
Mussolini and Hitler: The Forging of the Fascist Alliance March 11, 2019 |
'War Stuff: The Struggle for Human and Environmental Resources in the American Civil War' March 9, 2019 |
The Final Act: The Helsinki Accords and the Transformation of the Cold War March 7, 2019 |
White Hat: The Military Career of Captain William Philo Clark March 5, 2019 |
Progressives in Navy Blue: Maritime Strategy, American Empire, and the Transformation of U.S. Naval Identity, 1873-1898 March 3, 2019 |
Rome and the Making of a World State, 150 BCE-20 CE March 1, 2019 |
Gallipoli: New Perspectives on the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, 1915-1916 February 27, 2019 |
A Civil Life in an Uncivil Time: Julia Wilbur's Struggle for Purpose February 25, 2019 |
1777: Tipping Point at Saratoga February 24, 2019 |
Joining Hitler's Crusade: European Nations and the Invasion of the Soviet Union, 1941 February 21, 2019 |
1863: Lincoln's Pivotal Year February 19, 2019 |
A British Profession of Arms: The Politics of Command in the Late Victorian Army February 17, 2019 |
The Kongo Kingdom: The Origins, Dynamics and Cosmopolitan Culture of an African Polity February 15, 2019 |
Septimius Severus in Scotland: The Northern Campaigns of the First Hammer of the Scots February 13, 2019 |
De Gaulle February 11, 2019 |
Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals February 9, 2019 |
Armies of Early Colonial North America 1607�1713: History, Organization and Uniforms February 7, 2019 |
Our Man in Charleston: Britain's Secret Agent in the Civil War South February 5, 2019 |
The Land of the Elephant Kings: Space, Territory, and Ideology in the Seleucid Empire February 3, 2019 |
Futile Exercise?: The British Army's Preparations for War 1902-1914 February 1, 2019 |
The Black Prince and the Capture of a King: Poitiers 1356 January 30, 2019 |
African Americans and the Pacific War, 1941-1945: Race, Nationality, and the Fight for Freedom January 28, 2019 |
Lone Star Unionism, Dissent, and Resistance: Other Sides of Civil War Texas January 26, 2019 |
War by Numbers: Understanding Conventional Combat January 24, 2019 |
Sparta: Fall of a Warrior Nation January 22, 2019 |
The Return of Marco Polo's World: War, Strategy, and American Interests in the Twenty-first Century January 20, 2019 |
Napoleon's 1796 Italian Campaign January 18, 2019 |
The Myth and Reality of German Warfare: Operational Thinking from Moltke the Elder to Heusinger January 16, 2019 |
Ironclad Captains of the Civil War January 14, 2019 |
Clouds above the Hill: A Historical Novel of the Russo-Japanese War January 12, 2019 |
Thucydides on Strategy: Grand Strategies in the Peloponnesian War and Their Relevance Today January 10, 2019 |
The Forgotten Dead: The True Story of Operation Tiger, and the Disastrous Rehearsal for D-Day January 8, 2019 |
Bataan Survivor: A POW�s Account of Japanese Captivity in World War II January 6, 2019 |
A Broken Regiment: The 16th Connecticut's Civil War January 4, 2019 |
MacArthur's Coalition: US and Australian Military Operations in the Southwest Pacific Area, 1942-1945 January 2, 2019 |
Napoleon�s Commentaries on the Wars of Julius Caesar December 31, 2018 |
Persian Gulf Command: A History of the Second World War in Iran and Iraq December 29, 2018 |
I Held Lincoln: A Union Sailor's Journey Home December 27, 2018 |
A Balancing Act: British Intelligence in Spain during the Second World War December 25, 2018 |
The War Outside My Window: The Civil War Diary of LeRoy Wiley Gresham, 1860-1865 December 23, 2018 |
Dunkirk: Nine Days That Saved An Army: A Day-by-Day Account of the Greatest Evacuation December 21, 2018 |
The AEF in Print: An Anthology of American Journalism in World War I December 19, 2018 |
Bugle Resounding: Music and Musicians of the Civil War Era December 17, 2018 |
Roman Britain and the Roman Navy December 15, 2018 |
Soldiers of the Nation: Military Service and Modern Puerto Rico, 1868-1952 December 13, 2018 |
The Landing in the Dawn: Dissecting a Legend - The Landing at Anzac, Gallipoli, 25 April 1915 December 11, 2018 |
Ambivalent Nation: How Britain Imagined the American Civil War December 9, 2018 |
Lady Death: The Memoirs of Stalin's Sniper December 7, 2018 |
Friend or Foe?: Occupation, Collaboration and Selective Violence in the Spanish Civil War December 5, 2018 |
The Storm Before the Storm: The Beginning of the End of the Roman Republic December 3, 2018 |
Lincoln's Final Hours: Conspiracy, Terror, and the Assassination of America's Greatest President November 28, 2018 |
The Oxford Illustrated History of the Third Reich November 25, 2018 |
Haig's Enemy: Crown Prince Rupprecht and Germany's War on the Western Front November 23, 2018 |
In Command: Theodore Roosevelt and the American Military November 21, 2018 |
Age of Conquests: The Greek World from Alexander to Hadrian November 19, 2018 |
Rethinking the Civil War Era: Directions for Research November 17, 2018 |
The Grand Strategy of the Habsburg Empire November 15, 2018 |
We March Against England: Operation Sea Lion, 1940�41 November 13, 2018 |
British Battleships of the Victorian Era November 11, 2018 |
Man of War: The Fighting Life of Admiral James Saumarez: From The American Revolution to the Defeat of Napoleon November 7, 2018 |
Fighting Means Killing: Civil War Soldiers and the Nature of Combat November 6, 2018 |
The Rise of Rome: From the Iron Age to the Punic Wars November 4, 2018 |
Turning Points of the American Civil War November 2, 2018 |
The Rise and Fall of the French Air Force: French Air Operations and Strategy 1900-1940 October 31, 2018 |
Thunder in the Argonne: A New History of America's Greatest Battle October 29, 2018 |
By Fire and Bayonet: Grey's West Indies Campaign of 1794 October 27, 2018 |
Combined Operations: A Global History of Amphibious and Airborne Warfare October 25, 2018 |
Cocktails from Hell: Five Complex Wars Shaping the 21st Century October 23, 2018 |
Grant October 21, 2018 |
Warfare in Neolithic Europe: An Archaeological and Anthropological Analysis October 19, 2018 |
Behind the Lawrence Legend: The Forgotten Few Who Shaped the Arab Revolt October 17, 2018 |
Lincoln in the Atlantic World October 15, 2018 |
World War II at Sea: A Global History October 13, 2018 |
American Sea Power in the Old World: The United States Navy in European and Near Eastern Waters, 1865-1917 October 11, 2018 |
Abner Doubleday: A Civil War Biography October 9, 2018 |
Finland at War: The Continuation and Lapland Wars 1941�45 October 7, 2018 |
Guerrilleros and Neighbours in Arms: Identities and Cultures of Anti-fascist Resistance in Spain October 5, 2018 |
The Battleship Holiday: The Naval Treaties and Capital Ship Design October 3, 2018 |
Brigadier General Robert L. McCook and Colonel Daniel McCook, Jr.: A Union Army Dual Biography October 1, 2018 |
The Unknowns: The Untold Story of America�s Unknown Soldier and WWI�s Most Decorated Heroes Who Brought Him Home September 29, 2018 |
Finland at War: The Winter War 1939�40 September 27, 2018 |
Women at War: Subhas Chandra Bose and the Rani of Jhansi Regiment September 25, 2018 |
The Commanders: Civil War Generals Who Shaped the American West September 23, 2018 |
Spain's Martyred Cities: From the Battle of Madrid to Picasso's Guernica September 21, 2018 |
Patriot Priests: French Catholic Clergy and National Identity in World War I September 19, 2018 |
�Don�t Tell Father I have Been Shot At�: The Civil War Letters of George H. Bliss, First Rhode Island Cavalry September 17, 2018 |
French Warships in the Age of Sail 1626-1786: Design, Construction, Careers and Fates September 13, 2018 |
Gaiseric: The Vandal Who Destroyed Rome September 11, 2018 |
Braddock's Defeat: The Battle of the Monongahela and the Road to Revolution September 9, 2018 |
Decisive Battles in Chinese History September 7, 2018 |
Two Charlestonians at War: The Civil War Odysseys of a Lowcountry Aristocrat and a Black Abolitionist September 5, 2018 |
Advocating Overlord: The D-Day Strategy and the Atomic Bomb September 3, 2018 |
Disciplining the Empire: Politics, Governance, and the Rise of the British Navy September 1, 2018 |
Theodora: Actress, Empress, Saint August 30, 2018 |
The General Who Wore Six Stars: The Inside Story of John C. H. Lee August 28, 2018 |
Kings of the Sea: Charles II, James II and the Royal Navy August 26, 2018 |
Psychological Consequences of the American Civil War August 24, 2018 |
Building Militaries in Fragile States: Challenges for the United States August 22, 2018 |
Conspiracy, Coup d'etat and Civil War in Seville, 1936-1939: History and Myth in Francoist Spain August 19, 2018 |
Roman Power: A Thousand Years of Empire August 17, 2018 |
The Woman Who Fought an Empire: Sarah Aaronsohn and Her Nili Spy Ring August 15, 2018 |
The Decline of European Naval Forces: Challenges to Sea Power in an Age of Fiscal Austerity and Political Uncertainty August 13, 2018 |
Australia's Northern Shield?: Papua New Guinea and the Defence of Australia Since 1880 August 12, 2018 |
Madness Rules the Hour: Charleston, 1860 and the Mania for War August 9, 2018 |
The Blue Division: Spanish Blood in Russia, 1941-1945 August 6, 2018 |
Race and Imperial Defence in the British World, 1870-1914 August 4, 2018 |
Amalasuintha: The Transformation of Queenship in the Post-Roman World August 2, 2018 |
The Dead March: A History of the Mexican-American War July 31, 2018 |
American Amphibious Warfare: The Roots of Tradition to 1865 July 29, 2018 |
The Fate of Rome: Climate, Disease, and the End of an Empire July 27, 2018 |
Horses in the British Army 1750 to 1950 July 23, 2018 |
Standing in Their Own Light: African American Patriots in the American Revolution July 18, 2018 |
Frustrated Ambition: General Vicente Lim and the Philippine Military Experience, 1910�1944 July 16, 2018 |
Njinga of Angola: Africa�s Warrior Queen July 15, 2018 |
Caracalla: A Military Biography July 13, 2018 |
A Blueprint for War: FDR and the Hundred Days That Mobilized America July 6, 2018 |
Soldiers in the Southwest Borderlands, 1848-1886 July 4, 2018 |
Entangled Empires: The Anglo-Iberian Atlantic, 1500-1830 July 2, 2018 |
Rome Resurgent: War and Empire in the Age of Justinian June 30, 2018 |
Sharq: A Quincy McNeill Thriller June 28, 2018 |
Remembering World War I in America June 27, 2018 |
Case Red: The Collapse of France, 1940 June 25, 2018 |
King Arthur�s Wars: The Anglo-Saxon Conquest of England June 18, 2018 |
Anatomy of a Campaign: The British Fiasco in Norway, 1940 June 14, 2018 |
India�s Wars: A Military History, 1947-1971 June 10, 2018 |
Maximinus Thrax: From Common Soldier to Emperor of Rome June 8, 2018 |
The General's Niece: The Little-Known de Gaulle Who Fought to Free Occupied France June 6, 2018 |
Naval Officers Under Hitler: The Men of Crew 34 June 4, 2018 |
The Vest Pocket Kodak & The First World War June 1, 2018 |
Stanley Johnston's Blunder: The Reporter Who Spilled the Secret Behind the U.S. Navy's Victory at Midway May 30, 2018 |
Emperor Alexander Severus: Rome's Age of Insurrection, AD 222-235 May 25, 2018 |
The British Army and the First World War May 23, 2018 |
In the Shadows of Victory II: America's Forgotten Military Leaders, The Spanish-American War to World War II May 20, 2018 |
Hadrian's Wall: Archaeology and History at the Limit of Rome's Empire May 18, 2018 |
Churchill Warrior: How a Military Life Guided Winston's Finest Hours May 13, 2018 |
Stilwell and Mountbatten in Burma: Allies at War, 1943-1944 May 11, 2018 |
The Confederate Homefront: A History in Documents May 9, 2018 |
Herod: King of the Jews and Friend of the Romans May 6, 2018 |
The London Cage: The Secret History of Britain's World War II Interrogation Centre May 4, 2018 |
To Blind the Eyes of Our Enemies: Washington's Grand Deception May 2, 2018 |
Civil War Logistics: A Study of Military Transportation April 30, 2018 |
Preparing for War: The Emergence of the Modern U.S. Army, 1815�1917 April 27, 2018 |
Rome's Revolution: Death of the Republic and Birth of the Empire April 25, 2018 |
Cadets on Campus: History of Military Schools of the United States April 22, 2018 |
Waterloo Voices 1815: The Battle at First Hand April 20, 2018 |
Omar Nelson Bradley: America's GI General April 17, 2018 |
Rome and the Third Macedonian War April 15, 2018 |
Serbia under the Swastika: A World War II Occupation April 11, 2018 |
Wellington's Headquarters: The Command and Administration of the British Army during the Peninsular War April 9, 2018 |
War and Society in Early Rome: From Warlords to Generals April 7, 2018 |
The Golden Fleece: High-Risk Adventure at West Point April 4, 2018 |
Stormtroopers: A New History of Hitler's Brownshirts April 2, 2018 |
Female Tars: Women Aboard Ship in the Age of Sail March 30, 2018 |
Warfare in New Kingdom Egypt March 28, 2018 |
The Great War and the Middle East March 26, 2018 |
Colonels in Blue: Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota and Wisconsin: A Civil War Biographical Dictionary March 23, 2018 |
Between Thucydides and Polybius: The Golden Age of Greek Historiography March 21, 2018 |
21st Century Corbett: Maritime Strategy and Naval Policy for the Modern Era, March 19, 2018 |
21st Century Corbett: Maritime Strategy and Naval Policy for the Modern Era March 19, 2018 |
The Red Army in the Second World War March 17, 2018 |
Aristocrats and Statehood in Western Iberia, 300-600 C.E. March 15, 2018 |
In the Shadow of the Greatest Generation: The Americans Who Fought the Korean War March 14, 2018 |
Inglorious Passages: Noncombat Deaths in the American Civil War March 11, 2018 |
Sparta: Rise of a Warrior Nation March 9, 2018 |
Lossberg's War: The World War I Memoirs of a German Chief of Staff March 7, 2018 |
In the Highest Degree Tragic: The Sacrifice of the U.S. Asiatic Fleet in the East Indies during World War II March 4, 2018 |
The Forgotten War Against Napoleon: Conflict in the Mediterranean, 1793-1815 March 2, 2018 |
Soldiers of Empire: Indian and British Armies in World War II February 28, 2018 |
Hannibal's Road: The Second Punic War in Italy 213-203 BC February 25, 2018 |
King William's War: The First Contest for North America, 1689�1697 February 23, 2018 |
Churchill and Fisher: Titans at the Admiralty February 18, 2018 |
The War That Forged a Nation: Why the Civil War Still Matters February 18, 2018 |
Ancient States and Infrastructural Power: Europe, Asia, and America February 16, 2018 |
Hell to Pay: Operation DOWNFALL and the Invasion of Japan, 1945-46. Updated and Expanded February 14, 2018 |
Warfare and Armed Conflicts: A Statistical Encyclopedia of Casualty and Other Figures, 1492-2015 February 12, 2018 |
Emory Upton: Misunderstood Reformer February 9, 2018 |
A History of the Jewish War: AD 66-74 February 7, 2018 |
Single Star of the West: The Republic of Texas, 1836-1845 February 4, 2018 |
Brutus: The Noble Conspirator February 2, 2018 |
New Jersey: A Military History January 31, 2018 |
The Gun Club: USS Duncan at Cape Esperance January 29, 2018 |
Embrace the Suck, Revised and Expanded Edition January 24, 2018 |
Sevastopol�s Wars: Crimea from Potemkin to Putin January 21, 2018 |
A Critical Commentary on 'The Taktika' of Leo VI January 19, 2018 |
Caporetto and the Isonzo Campaign: The Italian Front 1915-1918 January 13, 2018 |
Sabers through the Reich: World War II Corps Cavalry from Normandy to the Elbe January 11, 2018 |
Clash of Fleets: Naval Battles of the Great War, 1914�18 January 10, 2018 |
Wars of Modern Babylon: A History of the Iraqi Army from 1921 to 2003 January 8, 2018 |
So Long for Now: A Sailor's Letters from the USS Franklin January 6, 2018 |
The Nisibis War: The Defence of the Roman East, AD 337-363 January 4, 2018 |
The Conscription Conflict and the Great War December 31, 2017 |
Joseph Brown and His Civil War Ironclads: The USS Chillicothe, Indianola and Tuscumbia December 29, 2017 |
The Naval War in the Baltic, 1939-1945 December 27, 2017 |
French Battleships of World War One December 25, 2017 |
Cataphracts: Knights of the Ancient Eastern Empires December 23, 2017 |
Civil War Battlefields Then and Now December 21, 2017 |
Rails of War: Supplying the Americans and Their Allies in China-Burma-India December 19, 2017 |
The Hooligans of Kandahar December 17, 2017 |
The Christmas Truce: Myth, Memory, and the First World War December 15, 2017 |
Warfare and Weaponry in Dynastic Egypt December 13, 2017 |
Civil War Dynasty: The Ewing Family of Ohio December 11, 2017 |
A Genius for Deception: How Cunning Helped the British Win Two World Wars December 9, 2017 |
World War II for Kids: A History with 21 Activities December 7, 2017 |
Roman Republic at War: A Compendium of Roman Battles from 502 to 31 BC December 5, 2017 |
Armies in Gray: The Organizational History of the Confederate States Army in the Civil War December 2, 2017 |
RAAF Bombers Over Germany 1941-42 November 30, 2017 |
Spy of the Century: Alfred Redl and the Betrayal of Austria-Hungary November 28, 2017 |
Riding for the Lone Star: Frontier Cavalry and the Texas Way of War, 1822-1865 November 26, 2017 |
Fiddlers and Whores: The Candid Memoirs of a Surgeon in Nelson's Fleet November 24, 2017 |
Mannerheim: The Finnish Years November 22, 2017 |
The Roman Emperor Aurelian: Restorer of the World November 20, 2017 |
The Army of the Potomac in the Overland and Petersburg Campaigns: Union Soldiers and Trench Warfare, 1864-1865 November 16, 2017 |
Triumph at Imphal-Kohima: How the Indian Army Finally Stopped the Japanese Juggernaut November 14, 2017 |
Reel History: The World According to the Movies November 12, 2017 |
The Knights Hospitaller: A Military History of the Knights of St John November 10, 2017 |
The Civil War for Kids: A History with 21 Activities November 8, 2017 |
The 1929 Sino-Soviet War: The War Nobody Knew November 6, 2017 |
Forging Napoleon's Grande Arm�e: Motivation, Military Culture, and Masculinity in the French Army, 1800-1808 November 4, 2017 |
In the Name of Lykourgos: The Rise and fall of the Spartan Revolutionary Movement (243-146 BC) November 2, 2017 |
The Third Reich on Screen, 1929-2015 October 31, 2017 |
Strategy: A History October 29, 2017 |
It�s My Country Too: Women�s Military Stories from the American Revolution to Afghanistan October 27, 2017 |
Regular Army O!: Soldiering on the Western Frontier, 1865�1891 October 25, 2017 |
The Plague of War: Athens, Sparta, and the Struggle for Ancient Greece October 23, 2017 |
Blood in the Forest: The End of the Second World War in the Courland Pocket October 21, 2017 |
Patton's Way: A Radical Theory of War October 19, 2017 |
The Rules of the Game: Jutland and British Naval Command October 16, 2017 |
Warfare and Culture in World History October 13, 2017 |
Women in Civil War Texas: Diversity and Dissidence in the Trans-Mississippi October 12, 2017 |
History of the World in Maps: The Rise and Fall of Empires, Countries and Cities October 10, 2017 |
A Military History of Afghanistan: From the Great Game to the Global War on Terror October 7, 2017 |
Churchill in the Trenches October 4, 2017 |
Pyrrhus of Epirus October 2, 2017 |
Pershing's Crusaders: The American Soldier in World War I September 29, 2017 |
Eleven Months to Freedom: A German POW's Unlikely Escape from Siberia in 1915 September 26, 2017 |
Stalin's World War II Evacuations: Triumph and Troubles in Kirov September 24, 2017 |
Kearny's Dragoons Out West: The Birth of the U.S. Cavalry September 22, 2017 |
Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1859-1941: A Concise Life September 21, 2017 |
Trevilian Station, June 11-12, 1864: Wade Hampton, Philip Sheridan and the Largest All-Cavalry Battle of the Civil War September 20, 2017 |
Death at Dawn: Captain Warburton-Lee VC and the Battle of Narvik, April 1940 September 13, 2017 |
Heroes of World War I: Fourteen Stories of Bravery September 10, 2017 |
The Civil War in Popular Culture: Memory and Meaning September 8, 2017 |
Truman, Franco's Spain, and the Cold War September 7, 2017 |
The Extreme Right in the French Resistance: Members of the Cagoule and Corvignolles in the Second World War September 6, 2017 |
The Great War: As Recorded through the Fine and Popular Arts September 2, 2017 |
�Double Canister at Ten Yards�: The Federal Artillery and the Repulse of Pickett�s Charge, July 3, 1863 September 1, 2017 |
Hoplites at War: A Comprehensive Analysis of Heavy Infantry Combat in the Greek World, 750-100 BCE August 30, 2017 |
The Japanese Navy in World War II, in the Words of Former Japanese Naval Officers August 24, 2017 |
The Outbreak of the First World War: Structure, Politics, and Decision-Making August 22, 2017 |
The American Revolution Reborn August 18, 2017 |
Lt. Spalding in Civil War Louisiana: A Union Officer's Humor, Privilege, and Ambition August 16, 2017 |
Praetorian: The Rise and Fall of Rome's Imperial Bodyguard August 15, 2017 |
Stout Hearts: The British and Canadians in Normandy 1944 August 13, 2017 |
America's Sailors in the Great War: Seas, Skies, and Submarines August 12, 2017 |
The French Army and Its African Soldiers: The Years of Decolonization August 8, 2017 |
Women Heroes of World War I: 16 Remarkable Resisters, Soldiers, Spies, and Medics August 6, 2017 |
Kentucky Rebel Town: The Civil War Battles of Cynthiana and Harrison County August 1, 2017 |
Roman Empire at War: A Compendium of Roman Battles from 31 B.C. to A.D. 565 July 30, 2017 |
The Allied Defense of the Malay Barrier 1941-1942 July 28, 2017 |
Lincoln before Lincoln: Early Cinematic Adaptations of the Life of America's Greatest President July 25, 2017 |
The Wars before the Great War: Conflict and International Politics before the Outbreak of the First World War July 22, 2017 |
America 1844: Religious Fervor, Westward Expansion, and the Presidential Election That Transformed the Nation July 21, 2017 |
The Church at War: The Military Activities of Bishops, Abbots and Other Clergy in England, c. 900�1200 July 19, 2017 |
Agente: Female Secret Agents in World Wars, Cold Wars and Civil Wars July 16, 2017 |
The Triumph of Empire: The Roman World from Hadrian to Constantine July 14, 2017 |
The Victory at Sea July 12, 2017 |
The Battle for Belorussia: The Red Army's Forgotten Campaign of October 1943 - April 1944 July 9, 2017 |
Failure to Pursue: How the Escape of Defeated Forces Prolonged the Civil War July 7, 2017 |
Frontier Country: The Politics of War in Early Pennsylvania July 6, 2017 |
Tlacaelel Remembered: Mastermind of the Aztec Empire July 4, 2017 |
The Emperor and the Army in the Later Roman Empire, AD 235�395 July 2, 2017 |
Congress Buys a Navy: Politics, Economics, and the Rise of American Naval Power, 1881-1921 June 30, 2017 |
Pacific Thunder: The US Navy's Central Pacific Campaign, August 1943�October 1944 June 28, 2017 |
Treacherous Passage: Germany�s Secret Plot against the United States in Mexico during World War I June 27, 2017 |
Front Lines: Soldiers' Writing in the Early Modern Hispanic World June 25, 2017 |
Henry Ware Lawton: Union Infantryman, Frontier Soldier, Charismatic Warrior June 23, 2017 |
The Restoration of Rome: Barbarian Popes and Imperial Pretenders June 21, 2017 |
Fighting over the Founders: How We Remember the American Revolution June 18, 2017 |
Africa and World War II June 16, 2017 |
Lincoln�s Greatest Journey: Sixteen Days that Changed a Presidency, March 24 - April 8, 1865 June 14, 2017 |
Italy and Its Eastern Border, 1866-2016 June 13, 2017 |
Grant Invades Tennessee: The 1862 Battles for Forts Henry and Donelson June 11, 2017 |
Eureka!: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Ancient Greeks But Were Afraid to Ask June 9, 2017 |
Italy 1636: Cemetery of Armies June 7, 2017 |
Courageous Women of the Civil War: Soldiers, Spies, Medics, and More June 6, 2017 |
Victory Was Beyond Their Grasp: With the 272nd Volks-Grenadier Division from the Huertgen Forest to the Heart of the Reich June 3, 2017 |
The Noise of Battle: The British Army and the Last Breakthrough Battle West of the Rhine, February-March 1945 May 23, 2017 |
The Path to War: How the First World War Created Modern America May 18, 2017 |
Blockade: Cruiser Warfare and the Starvation of Germany in World War One May 16, 2017 |
Confederate Saboteurs: Building the Hunley and Other Secret Weapons of the Civil War May 13, 2017 |
Pathfinder Pioneer: The Memoir of a Lead Bomber Pilot in World War II May 11, 2017 |
Augustus: The Biography May 9, 2017 |
August 1914: France, the Great War, and a Month That Changed the World Forever May 6, 2017 |
Panting For Glory: The Mississippi Rifles in the Mexican War May 4, 2017 |
Observing Hancock at Gettysburg: The General's Leadership Through Eyewitness Accounts May 2, 2017 |
War in Peace: Paramilitary Violence in Europe after the Great War April 28, 2017 |
Designing Gotham: West Point Engineers and the Rise of Modern New York, 1817-1898 April 26, 2017 |
Hitler's Wehrmacht, 1935�1945 April 24, 2017 |
Fall of the Double Eagle: The Battle for Galicia and the Demise of Austria-Hungary April 22, 2017 |
Fortune's Fool: The Life of John Wilkes Booth April 19, 2017 |
Pax Romana: War, Peace and Conquest in the Roman World April 17, 2017 |
To War with the 4th: A Century of Frontline Combat with the U.S. 4th Infantry Division, from the Argonne to the Ardennes to Afghanistan April 14, 2017 |
Lafayette: His Extraordinary Life and Legacy April 12, 2017 |
India At War: The Subcontinent and the Second World War April 9, 2017 |
The Origins of the Grand Alliance: Anglo-American Military Collaboration from the Panay Incident to Pearl Harbor April 7, 2017 |
The Battle of New Orleans in History and Memory April 5, 2017 |
Rome Seizes the Trident: The Defeat of Carthaginian Seapower and the Forging of the Roman Empire April 1, 2017 |
Amiable Scoundrel: Simon Cameron, Lincoln's Scandalous Secretary of War March 29, 2017 |
Hitler's Compromises: Coercion and Consensus in Nazi Germany March 27, 2017 |
Warriors Remembered -- Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home March 25, 2017 |
Fatal Sunday: George Washington, the Monmouth Campaign, and the Politics of Battle March 23, 2017 |
An Imperfect Occupation: Enduring the South African War March 21, 2017 |
Dynasty: The Rise and Fall of the House of Caesar March 19, 2017 |
And the World Went Dark: An Illustrated Interpretation of the Great War March 16, 2017 |
Occupied Vicksburg March 14, 2017 |
Hitler's Berlin: Abused City March 12, 2017 |
Guibert: Father of Napoleon's Grande Arm�e March 10, 2017 |
The Spanish Foreign Legion in the Spanish Civil War, 1936 March 8, 2017 |
Civil War Washington: History, Place, and Digital Scholarship March 7, 2017 |
The Spartan Regime: Its Character, Origins, and Grand Strategy March 5, 2017 |
21st Century Patton: Strategic Insights for the Modern Era March 4, 2017 |
Henry the Liberal: Count of Champagne, 1127-1181 March 3, 2017 |
Hell's Battlefield: The Australians in New Guinea in World War II February 28, 2017 |
Extreme Civil War: Guerrilla Warfare, Environment, and Race on the Trans-Mississippi Frontier February 26, 2017 |
Kill Jeff Davis: The Union Raid on Richmond, 1864 February 25, 2017 |
In the Shadows of Victory: America's Forgotten Military Leaders, 1776-1876 February 23, 2017 |
The Campaigns of Sargon II, King of Assyria, 721-705 B.C. February 21, 2017 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt. Vol. II, The War Years, 1939-1945 February 19, 2017 |
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Vol I, Road to the New Deal, 1882-1939 February 19, 2017 |
The Civil War on the Mississippi: Union Sailors, Gunboat Captains, and the Campaign to Control the River February 18, 2017 |
Titan: The Art of British Power in the Age of Revolution and Napoleon February 16, 2017 |
Dracula's Wars: Vlad The Impaler and His Rivals February 14, 2017 |
Conduct Unbecoming: Fifteen Military Criminals, Rogues and Victims of Justice from the Revolutionary War to Vietnam February 12, 2017 |
Constantine and the Cities: Imperial Authority and Civic Politics February 9, 2017 |
Jutland: World War I�s Greatest Naval Battle February 7, 2017 |
World War I on Film: English Language Releases Through 2014 February 5, 2017 |
Farming, Fighting and Family: A Memoir of the Second World War February 4, 2017 |
African American Doctors of World War I: The Lives of 104 Volunteers February 2, 2017 |
The Royal Air Force in American Skies: The Seven British Flight Schools in the United States during World War II January 31, 2017 |
Sea of Darkness: Unraveling the Mysteries of the H.L. Hunley January 29, 2017 |
From Versailles to Mers El-Kebir: The Promise of Anglo-French Naval Cooperation, 1919-40 January 28, 2017 |
Voyage to Gallipoli January 26, 2017 |
Against the Grain: Colonel Henry M. Lazelle and the U.S. Army January 25, 2017 |
Rediscovering Irregular Warfare: Colin Gubbins and the Origins of Britain�s Special Operations Executive January 23, 2017 |
Jutland: The Unfinished Battle: A Personal History of a Naval Controversy January 21, 2017 |
Two Civil Wars: The Curious Shared Journal of a Baton Rouge Schoolgirl and a Union Sailor on the USS 'Essex' January 19, 2017 |
The British Army in Mesopotamia, 1914-1918 January 18, 2017 |
From Victory to Stalemate: The Western Front, Summer 1944, Decisive and Indecisive Military Operations, Volume 1 January 16, 2017 |
The Collapse of Price's Raid: The Beginning of the End in Civil War Missouri January 14, 2017 |
Veni, Vidi, Vici: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Romans But Were Afraid to Ask January 12, 2017 |
Mussolini's Army in the French Riviera: Italy's Occupation of France January 9, 2017 |
Lincoln and Shakespeare January 7, 2017 |
The American Revolution for Kids: A History with 21 Activites January 5, 2017 |
The Man He Became: How FDR Defied Polio to Win the Presidency January 3, 2017 |
Before Jutland: The Naval War in Northern European Waters, August 1914-February 1915 January 1, 2017 |
Calamity in Carolina: The Battles of Averasboro and Bentonville, March 1865 December 30, 2016 |
My War in Italy: On the Ground and in Flight with the 15th Air Force December 28, 2016 |
Bondarchuk's War and Peace: Literary Classic to Soviet Cinematic Epic December 26, 2016 |
Wilfred Owen December 23, 2016 |
A Rebel War Clerk's Diary: At the Confederate States Capital, Vol. II: August 1863-April 1865 December 21, 2016 |
A Rebel War Clerk's Diary: At the Confederate States Capital, Vol. I: April 1861-July 1863 December 21, 2016 |
Speer: Hitler's Architect December 19, 2016 |
American Crimes and the Liberation of Paris: Robbery, Rape and Murder by Renegade GIs 1944-1947 December 17, 2016 |
Churchill, Kitchener & Lloyd George: First World Warlords December 15, 2016 |
Lincoln's Final Hours: Conspiracy, Terror, and the Assassination of America's Greatest President December 13, 2016 |
History of the Maginot Line December 11, 2016 |
Winston Churchill Reporting: Adventures of a Young War Correspondent December 6, 2016 |
The Civil War in Missouri: A Military History December 4, 2016 |
MacArthur's Korean War Generals December 2, 2016 |
In the Fields and the Trenches: The Famous and the Forgotten on the Battlefields of World War I November 30, 2016 |
Hollywood Presents Jules Verne: The Father of Science Fiction on Screen November 28, 2016 |
Victoria's Scottish Lion: The Life of Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde November 26, 2016 |
Teacher of Civil War Generals: Major General Charles Ferguson Smith, Soldier and West Point Commandant November 22, 2016 |
Health of the Seventh Cavalry: A Medical History November 20, 2016 |
Torch: North Africa and the Allied Path to Victory November 18, 2016 |
A Powerful Mind: The Self-Education of George Washington November 16, 2016 |
German Propaganda and U.S. Neutrality in World War I November 14, 2016 |
Machiavelli's Legacy: The Prince After Five Hundred Years November 10, 2016 |
Fight Like the Devil: The First Day at Gettysburg, July 1, 1863 November 8, 2016 |
24 Hours at Waterloo 18 June 1815: Eyewitness Accounts from the Battle November 5, 2016 |
Somme: Into the Breach November 3, 2016 |
Democracy's Beginning: The Athenian Story November 2, 2016 |
General David S. Stanley, USA: A Civil War Biography October 31, 2016 |
Churchill Comes of Age: Cuba 1895 October 29, 2016 |
Storming the City: U.S. Military Performance in Urban Warfare from World War II to Vietnam October 27, 2016 |
Citizen-Officers: The Union and Confederate Volunteer Junior Officer Corps in the American Civil War October 25, 2016 |
In Nelson's Wake: The Navy and the Napoleonic Wars October 21, 2016 |
The Man Who Captured Washington: Major General Robert Ross and the War of 1812 October 18, 2016 |
SPQR: A Roman Miscellany October 16, 2016 |
The Sailor's Homer: The Life and Times of Richard McKenna, Author of The Sand Pebbles October 14, 2016 |
Spearhead of the Fifth Army: The 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment in Italy, from the Winter Line to Anzio October 12, 2016 |
Les Parisiennes: How the Women of Paris Lived, Loved, and Died Under Nazi Occupation October 10, 2016 |
Californio Lancers: The 1st Battalion of Native Cavalry in the Far West, 1863-1866 October 9, 2016 |
Wellington's Hidden Heroes: The Dutch and the Belgians at Waterloo October 7, 2016 |
The British Battleship: 1906-1946 October 5, 2016 |
Martial Bliss.: The Story of The Military Bookman October 3, 2016 |
Kingdom Overthrown: Ireland and the Battle for Europe, 1688-1691 October 1, 2016 |
Bacteria and Bayonets: The Impact of Disease in American Military History September 29, 2016 |
SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome September 27, 2016 |
From Imperial Splendor to Internment: The German Navy in the First World War September 25, 2016 |
Gold Run: The Rescue of Norway's Gold Bullion from the Nazis, 1940 September 23, 2016 |
The Great War at Sea: A Naval Atlas, 1914-1919 September 21, 2016 |
From Broomsticks to Battlefields: The Cadets of Delaware Military Academy in the Civil War and Beyond September 19, 2016 |
The Civil War Diary of Gideon Welles, Lincoln's Secretary of the Navy: The Original Manuscript Edition September 14, 2016 |
African American Army Officers of World War I: A Vanguard of Equality in War and Beyond September 12, 2016 |
Lincoln's Trident: The West Gulf Blockading Squadron during the Civil War September 10, 2016 |
Thunder and Flames: Americans in the Crucible of Combat, 1917-1918 September 8, 2016 |
Civil War Biographies from the Western Waters: 956 Confederate and Union Naval and Military Personnel, Contractors, Politicians, Officials, Steamboat Pilots and Others September 6, 2016 |
The Russian Army in the Great War: The Eastern Front, 1914-1917 September 4, 2016 |
The Gray Fox: George Crook and the Indian Wars September 2, 2016 |
Elusive Alliance: The German Occupation of Poland in World War I August 31, 2016 |
Mary Lincoln: Southern Girl, Northern Woman August 28, 2016 |
Stemming the Tide: Officers and Leadership in the British Expeditionary Force, 1914 August 25, 2016 |
Ghost Patrol: A History of the Long Range Desert Group, 1940 - 1945 August 23, 2016 |
Spring 1865: The Closing Campaigns of the Civil War August 21, 2016 |
MI5 at War 1909-1918: How MI5 Foiled the Spies of the Kaiser in the First World War August 19, 2016 |
The Battle of Ezra Church and the Struggle for Atlanta August 17, 2016 |
Remembering the First World War August 15, 2016 |
The Battle of Petersburg, June 15-18, 1864 August 11, 2016 |
General Lesley J. McNair: Unsung Architect of the U. S. Army August 9, 2016 |
Joe, the Slave Who Became an Alamo Legend August 7, 2016 |
No Pyrrhic Victories: The 1918 Raids on Zeebrugge and Ostend - a Radical Reappraisal August 5, 2016 |
Yangtze Showdown: China and the Ordeal of HMS Amethyst August 3, 2016 |
"Stand to It and Give Them Hell": Gettysburg as the Soldiers Experienced it From Cemetery Ridge to Little Round Top, July 2, 1863 July 30, 2016 |
Big Gun Battles: Warship Duels of the Second World War July 28, 2016 |
Seventeen Fathoms Deep: The Saga of the Submarine S-4 Disaster July 26, 2016 |
The Vicksburg Campaign: Strategy, Battles and Key Figures July 24, 2016 |
July 24, 2016 |
A Scientific Way of War: Antebellum Military Science, West Point, and the Origins of American Military Thought July 22, 2016 |
Muslims and Crusaders: Christianity's Wars in the Middle East, 1095-1382, from the Islamic Sources July 20, 2016 |
Mexico and the Spanish Civil War: Political Repercussions for the Republican Cause July 18, 2016 |
German U-Boat Losses During World War II: Details of Destruction July 15, 2016 |
Wellington: Waterloo and the Fortunes of Peace 1814�1852 July 13, 2016 |
"We Never Retreat": Filibustering Expeditions into Spanish Texas, 1812-1822 July 11, 2016 |
Gallipoli: Command Under Fire July 9, 2016 |
Mark Antony: A Plain Blunt Man July 6, 2016 |
The Battle of Lake Champlain: A "Brilliant and Extraordinary Victory" July 4, 2016 |
The Viking Diaspora July 2, 2016 |
The Battle for Britain: Interservice Rivalry between the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy, 1909-1940 June 30, 2016 |
The Yellowhammer War: The Civil War and Reconstruction in Alabama June 28, 2016 |
European Armies of the French Revolution, 1789-1802 June 26, 2016 |
Legions in Crisis: Transformation of the Roman Soldier AD 192-284 June 24, 2016 |
For God and Kaiser: The Imperial Austrian Army, 1619-1918 June 22, 2016 |
Medieval Maritime Warfare June 20, 2016 |
The Admirals -- Nimitz, Halsey, Leahy, and King: The Five-Star Admirals Who Won the War at Sea June 18, 2016 |
Nanjing 1937: Battle for a Doomed City June 16, 2016 |
Procopius of Caesarea: Tyranny, History, and Philosophy at the End of Antiquity June 14, 2016 |
The Great Call-Up: The Guard, the Border, and the Mexican Revolution June 12, 2016 |
Franco's Crypt: Spanish Culture and Memory Since 1936 June 10, 2016 |
Barbarian Tides: The Migration Age and the Later Roman Empire June 6, 2016 |
The Frozen Chosen: The 1st Marine Division and the Battle of the Chosin Reservoir June 4, 2016 |
German Battlecruisers of World War One: Their Design, Construction and Operations June 2, 2016 |
The Unknown Travels and Dubious Pursuits of William Clark May 30, 2016 |
The Great War at Sea: A Naval History of the First World War May 28, 2016 |
Legendary Rivals: Collegiality and Ambition in the Tales of Early Rome May 26, 2016 |
The Baltimore Sabotage Cell: German Agents, American Traitors, and the U-boat Deutschland During World War I May 23, 2016 |
The Grand Strategy of Classical Sparta: The Persian Challenge May 21, 2016 |
The Somme Chronicles: South Africans on the Western Front, 1916 May 19, 2016 |
The Red Army and the Great Terror: Stalin's Purge of the Soviet Military May 17, 2016 |
The Truce: The Day the War Stopped May 15, 2016 |
The Mediterranean Air War: Airpower and Allied Victory in World War II May 13, 2016 |
The Finnish Civil War, 1918: History, Memory, Legacy May 11, 2016 |
Fighting the Great War at Sea: Strategy, Tactics and Technology May 9, 2016 |
Fallen Never Forgotten: Vietnam Memorials in the USA May 7, 2016 |
The Second World War May 5, 2016 |
100 Days to Victory: How the Great War Was Fought and Won 1914-1918 May 3, 2016 |
Harlem�s Rattlers and the Great War: The Undaunted 369th Regiment and the African American Quest for Equality April 30, 2016 |
Americans at War in Foreign Forces: A History, 1914-1945 April 28, 2016 |
Sino-Japanese Naval War 1894-1895 April 25, 2016 |
No Labour, No Battle: Military Labour During the First World War April 23, 2016 |
The Battle of Maida, 1806: Fifteen Minutes of Glory April 21, 2016 |
South Pacific Cauldron: World War II's Great Forgotten Battlegrounds April 19, 2016 |
Frederick the Great and the Seven Years� War, 1759-1763 April 17, 2016 |
Battleship Ramillies: The Final Salvo April 14, 2016 |
Stopping the Panzers: The Untold Story of D-Day April 11, 2016 |
Other Fronts, Other Wars? First World War Studies on the Eve of the Centennial April 8, 2016 |
Antiochus the Great April 6, 2016 |
A Doctor in The Great War: Unseen Photographs of Life in the Trenches March 31, 2016 |
British Aircraft Carriers: Design, Development and Service Histories March 28, 2016 |
Wars of Latin America, 1948-1982: The Rise of the Guerrillas March 24, 2016 |
Women in the Peninsular War March 21, 2016 |
The Battle of Marathon in Scholarship: Research, Theories and Controversies Since 1850 March 18, 2016 |
For Brotherhood and Duty: The Civil War History of the West Point Class of 1862 March 15, 2016 |
Imperial Germany and the Great War, 1914-1918 March 12, 2016 |
Armies of Bismarck's Wars: The Army of Prussia-History, Uniforms and Equipment, 1860-1867 March 9, 2016 |
Attack Transport: USS Charles Carroll in World War II March 7, 2016 |
Wealth of an Empire: The Treasure Shipments that Saved Britain and the World March 4, 2016 |
The Roman Navy: Ships, Men & Warfare 350 BC - AD 475 March 1, 2016 |
'El Proyecto Macnamara': The Maverick Irish Priest and the Race to Seize California 1844-1846 February 28, 2016 |
Home Squadron: The U.S. Navy on the North Atlantic Station February 25, 2016 |
The Last Ironsides: The English Expedition to Portugal, 1662-1668 February 23, 2016 |
Rebels in the Rockies: Confederate Irregulars in the Western Territories February 18, 2016 |
The Pacific War and Contingent Victory: Why Japanese Defeat Was Not Inevitable February 15, 2016 |
Connecticut Unscathed: Victory in the Great Narragansett War, 1675�1676 February 12, 2016 |
Law, Language, and Empire in the Roman Tradition February 9, 2016 |
Leadership in War: From Lincoln to Churchill February 7, 2016 |
The Deluge: The Great War, America and the Remaking of the Global Order, 1916-1931 February 4, 2016 |
Field Marshal: The Life and Death of Erwin Rommel February 2, 2016 |
The Peninsula Campaign and the Necessity of Emancipation: African Americans and the Fight for Freedom January 29, 2016 |
The Rome that Did Not Fall: The Survival of the East in the Fifth Century January 26, 2016 |
Projecting Britain at War: The National Character in British World War II Films January 24, 2016 |
Nature's Civil War: Common Soldiers and the Environment in 1862 Virginia January 21, 2016 |
Hitler and America January 18, 2016 |
Ghosts of the ETO: American Tactical Deception Units in the European Theater, 1944 - 1945 January 16, 2016 |
Valuing the Past in the Greco-Roman World: Proceedings from the Penn-Leiden Colloquia on Ancient Values VII January 13, 2016 |
Trial by Gas: The British Army at the Second Battle of Ypres January 7, 2016 |
Governments in Exile and the Jews During World War II January 5, 2016 |
Churchill's School For Saboteurs: Station 17 January 2, 2016 |
Belisarius: The Last Roman General December 27, 2015 |
At War on the Gothic Line: Fighting in Italy, 1944-45 December 22, 2015 |
CANARIS: The Life and Death of Hitler's Spymaster December 18, 2015 |
Palestine in the Second World War: Strategic Plans and Political Dilemmas, the Emergence of a New Middle East December 14, 2015 |
Allied Fighting Effectiveness in North Africa and Italy, 1942-1945 December 9, 2015 |
Braddock's Defeat: The Battle of the Monongahela and the Road to Revolution December 7, 2015 |
The Good Soldier: A Biography of Douglas Haig December 3, 2015 |
D-Day: Minute by Minute November 30, 2015 |
Swastika Over the Acropolis: Re-Interpreting the Nazi Invasion of Greece in World War II November 28, 2015 |
The 143rd in Iraq: The Story of the 143rd MP Company, In Spite of it All. November 23, 2015 |
Dublin Nazi No. 1: The Life of Adolf Mahr November 20, 2015 |
AD69: Emperors, Armies and Anarchy November 17, 2015 |
The Namibian War of Independence, 1966-1989: Diplomatic, Economic and Military Campaigns November 12, 2015 |
Lincoln and the Jews: A History November 9, 2015 |
Hitler's Gateway to the Atlantic: German Naval Bases in France, 1940-1945 November 6, 2015 |
The Second Pearl Harbor: The West Loch Disaster, May 21, 1944 November 3, 2015 |
Malta and British Strategic Policy, 1925-1943 October 30, 2015 |
World War I for Kids: A History with 21 Activities October 26, 2015 |
Naval Anti-Aircraft Guns and Gunnery October 24, 2015 |
'Peace after the Final Battle': The Story of the Irish Revolution 1912-1924 October 22, 2015 |
The British Defence of Egypt, 1935-40: Conflict and Crisis in the Eastern Mediterranean October 19, 2015 |
Theoderic and the Roman Imperial Restoration October 15, 2015 |
Soldiers' Tales: Two Palestinian Jewish Soldiers in the Ottoman Army during the First World War October 12, 2015 |
To Rule the Winds: The Evolution of the British Fighter Force Through Two World Wars Volume 1: Prelude to Air War - The Years to 1914 October 10, 2015 |
Buffalo Soldiers and Officers of the Ninth Cavalry, 1867-1898: Black & White Together October 8, 2015 |
The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Attila October 4, 2015 |
Hessians: Mercenaries, Rebels, and the War for British North America October 2, 2015 |
Hitler's Commanders: Officers of the Wehrmacht, the Luftwaffe, the Kriegsmarine, and the Waffen-SS October 1, 2015 |
General Washington's Commando: Benjamin Tallmadge in the Revolutionary War September 29, 2015 |
Northern European Overture to War, 1939-1941: From Memel to Barbarossa September 28, 2015 |
Wounded: A New History of the Western Front in World War I September 26, 2015 |
Soldiers West: Biographies from the Military Frontier September 24, 2015 |
Constantine and the Christian Empire September 17, 2015 |
The Literary Churchill: Author, Reader, Actor September 17, 2015 |
Revolutionary Marxism in Spain, 1930-1937 September 15, 2015 |
A Few Lawless Vagabonds: Ethan Allen, the Republic of Vermont, and the American Revolution September 14, 2015 |
Marching Home: Union Veterans and Their Unending Civil War September 12, 2015 |
Sky Pilots: The Yankee Division Chaplains in World War I September 11, 2015 |
Jewish War under Trajan and Hadrian September 10, 2015 |
The Pope's Jews: The Vatican's Secret Plan to Save Jews from the Nazis September 8, 2015 |
Franco: A Personal and Political Biography September 3, 2015 |
Terrorist Attacks on American Soil: From the Civil War Era to the Present September 2, 2015 |
Imprudent King: A New Life of Philip II September 1, 2015 |
Holocaust versus Wehrmacht: How Hitler's "Final Solution" Undermined the German War Effort August 31, 2015 |
The Long Road to Annapolis: The Founding of the Naval Academy and the Emerging American Republic August 29, 2015 |
Taken at the Flood: The Roman Conquest of Greece August 28, 2015 |
Brandywine: A Military History of the Battle that Lost Philadelphia but Saved America, September 11, 1777 August 27, 2015 |
Britain's Two World Wars against Germany: Myth, Memory and the Distortions of Hindsight August 24, 2015 |
How the Telegraph Changed the World August 24, 2015 |
The Hundred Years War: A People's History August 22, 2015 |
War, Entrepreneurs, and the State in Europe and the Mediterranean, 1300-1800 August 21, 2015 |
Augustus: First Emperor of Rome August 19, 2015 |
The Road to Dunkirk: The British Expeditionary Force and the Battle of the Ypres-Comines Canal, 1940 August 18, 2015 |
The Caucasus Emirate Mujahedin: Global Jihadism in Russia's North Caucasus and Beyond August 14, 2015 |
The Gathering Storm: The Naval War in Northern Europe, September 1939-April 1940 August 13, 2015 |
The Indian Army on the Western Front: India's Expeditionary Force to France and Belgium in the First World War August 11, 2015 |
Shattered Genius: The Decline and Fall of the German General Staff in World War II August 10, 2015 |
Scapegoats: Thirteen Victims of Military Injustice August 8, 2015 |
The Fights on the Little Big Horn: Unveiling the Mysteries of Custer�s Last Stand August 5, 2015 |
Alexander the Great: Themes and Issues August 4, 2015 |
The Devils' Alliance: Hitler's Pact with Stalin, 1939-1941 August 3, 2015 |
Loyal Sons: Jews in the German Army in the Great War August 1, 2015 |
Field Guide to the Battlefields of South Africa July 31, 2015 |
The Armed Forces of Poland in the West 1939-46: Strategic Concepts, Planning, Limited Success but no Victory! July 30, 2015 |
Cicero: Politics and Persuasion in Ancient Rome July 29, 2015 |
"A" Force: The Origins of British Deception During the Second World War July 27, 2015 |
United Nations Participants in the Korean War: The Contributions of 45 Member Countries July 23, 2015 |
FDR and the Jews July 22, 2015 |
Medicine and Warfare: Spain, 1936-1939 July 21, 2015 |
Germanicus: The Magnificent Life and Mysterious Death of Rome's Most Popular General July 20, 2015 |
Sacrificing Childhood: Children and the Soviet State in the Great Patriotic War July 18, 2015 |
The Evolution of Operational Art, 1740-1813: From Frederick the Great to Napoleon July 17, 2015 |
Custer, Cody, and Grand Duke Alexis: Historical Archaeology of the Royal Buffalo Hunt July 16, 2015 |
Byron's War: Romantic Rebellion, Greek Revolution July 14, 2015 |
Zero Night: The Untold Story of World War Two's Greatest Escape July 13, 2015 |
Wellington's Right Hand: Rowland, Viscount Hill July 9, 2015 |
Perceiving War and the Military in Early Christian Gaul (ca. 400-700 A.D.) July 8, 2015 |
Churchill's South Africa: Travels during the Anglo-Boer War July 6, 2015 |
Defender of Canada: Sir George Prevost and the War of 1812 July 4, 2015 |
Hitler's Stormtroopers and the Attack on the German Republic, 1919-1933 July 3, 2015 |
Zulu Warriors: The Battle for the South African Frontier July 1, 2015 |
Aspects of Roman History 31 BC-AD 117 June 22, 2015 |
Wellington: The Path to Victory 1769-1814 June 19, 2015 |
Waterloo: the French Perspective June 18, 2015 |
Prelude to Waterloo: Quatre Bras, The French Perspective June 16, 2015 |
American Relief Aid and the Spanish Civil War June 15, 2015 |
Bl�cher: Scourge of Napoleon June 13, 2015 |
The Contribution of the Royal Bavarian Army to the War of 1866 June 12, 2015 |
Cicero and the Catilinarian Conspiracy June 11, 2015 |
The Many Not The Few: The Stolen History of the Battle of Britain June 8, 2015 |
Giap: The General Who Defeated America in Vietnam June 6, 2015 |
The Embattled Past: Reflections on Military History June 5, 2015 |
Foreign-Born American Patriots: Sixteen Volunteer Leaders in the Revolutionary War June 2, 2015 |
John of Salisbury: Military Authority of the Twelfth-Century Renaissance June 1, 2015 |
Nazi Film Melodrama May 29, 2015 |
Memory and Cultural History of the Spanish Civil War May 28, 2015 |
The French Army and the First World War May 25, 2015 |
Citizen Emperor: Napoleon in Power May 23, 2015 |
A History of Pergamum: Beyond Hellenistic Kingship May 22, 2015 |
The Battles of Monte Cassino: The Campaign and Its Controversies May 21, 2015 |
Teddy Roosevelt and Leonard Wood: Partners in Command May 19, 2015 |
Every Inch a King: Comparative Studies on Kings and Kingship in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds May 18, 2015 |
On War: The Best Military Histories May 4, 2015 |
The Pennsylvania Reserves in the Civil War: A Comprehensive History May 2, 2015 |
At the Crossroads Between Peace and War: The London Naval Conference of 1930 May 1, 2015 |
Maestro John Monash: Australia's Greatest Citizen General April 28, 2015 |
The Collaboration: Hollywood's Pact with Hitler April 27, 2015 |
Posters of the Great War April 24, 2015 |
War and Warfare in Late Antiquity: Current Perspectives April 23, 2015 |
The Fifth New York Cavalry in the Civil War April 20, 2015 |
The Capture of Louisbourg, 1758 April 18, 2015 |
Verdun: The Longest Battle of the Great War April 16, 2015 |
The 14th Brooklyn Regiment in the Civil War April 13, 2015 |
Theodosius II: Rethinking the Roman Empire in Late Antiquity April 11, 2015 |
Robert E. Lee in War and Peace: The Photographic History of a Confederate and American Icon April 9, 2015 |
World War I and Propaganda April 3, 2015 |
Guide to the Richmond-Petersburg Campaign April 2, 2015 |
Alvin York: A New Biography of the Hero of the Argonne March 26, 2015 |
Tom Worthington's Civil War: Shiloh, Sherman, and the Search for Vindication March 24, 2015 |
Slavery, Race, and Conquest in the Tropics: Lincoln, Douglas, and the Future of Latin America March 16, 2015 |
Armies of the War of the Triple Alliance, 1864-70: Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay, & Argentina March 13, 2015 |
Theophilus Hunter Holmes: A North Carolina General in the Civil War March 9, 2015 |
A Civil War Correspondent in New Orleans: The Journals and Reports of Albert Gaius Hills, of The Boston Journal March 6, 2015 |
They Called Them Soldier Boys: A Texas Infantry Regiment in World War I March 2, 2015 |
The Civil War Round Table Quiz Book February 28, 2015 |
Wars of Latin America, 1899-1941 February 27, 2015 |
Josephus Daniels: His Life and Times February 26, 2015 |
The Last of the Doughboys: The Forgotten Generation and Their Forgotten World War February 24, 2015 |
Battle of Big Bethel: Crucial Clash in Early Civil War Virginia February 23, 2015 |
The Stalingrad Cauldron: Inside the Encirclement and Destruction of the 6th Army February 21, 2015 |
The Confederate Surrender at Greensboro: The Final Days of the Army of Tennessee, April 1865 February 20, 2015 |
The Battle of Midway: The Naval Institute Guide to the U.S. Navy's Greatest Victory February 19, 2015 |
The Schlieffen Plan: International Perspectives on the German Strategy for World War I February 17, 2015 |
The Resistance: The French Fight Against the Nazis February 16, 2015 |
Civil War General and Indian Fighter James M. Williams: Leader of the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry and the 8th U.S. Cavalry February 14, 2015 |
Sunk in Kula Gulf: The Final Voyage of the USS Helena and the Incredible Story of Her Survivors in World War II February 13, 2015 |
New Images of Nazi Germany: A Photographic Collection February 10, 2015 |
The Italian Army and the First World War February 9, 2015 |
The Last Battle: When U.S. and German Soldiers Joined Forces in the Waning Hours of World War II in Europe February 7, 2015 |
Battalion Commanders at War: U.S. Army Tactical Leadership in the Mediterranean Theater, 1942-1943 February 6, 2015 |
Command and Morale: The British Army on the Western Front 1914-1918 February 5, 2015 |
Suddenly, While Abroad: Hitler's Irish Slaves February 3, 2015 |
Agent Garbo: The Brilliant, Eccentric Secret Agent Who Tricked Hitler and Saved D-Day February 2, 2015 |
Generals of the Army: Marshall, MacArthur, Eisenhower, Arnold, Bradley January 31, 2015 |
The Month that Changed the World: July 1914 January 30, 2015 |
French Cruisers, 1922-1956 January 29, 2015 |
My Life before the World War, 1860-1917: A Memoir January 27, 2015 |
A Land of Aching Hearts: The Middle East in the Great War January 26, 2015 |
British and Japanese Military Leadership in the Far Eastern War, 1941-1945 January 24, 2015 |
1914: The Year the World Ended January 23, 2015 |
The Civil War Lover's Guide to New York City January 22, 2015 |
Fighting to the End: The Pakistan Army's Way of War January 21, 2015 |
The Sinking of the Laconia and the U-Boat War: Disaster in the Mid-Atlantic December 6, 2014 |
Pearl Harbor: Selected Testimonies, Fully Indexed, from the Congressional Hearings (1945-1946) and Prior Investigations of the Events Leading Up to the Attack November 29, 2014 |
The Last Legionary: Life as a Roman Soldier in Britain, AD 400 November 27, 2014 |
Command Decisions: Langsdorff and the Battle of the River Plate November 24, 2014 |
Barksdale's Charge: The True High Tide of the Confederacy at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863 November 22, 2014 |
Nothing Less Than War: A New History of America's Entry into World War I November 20, 2014 |
British Liberators in the Age of Napoleon: Volunteering under the Spanish Flag in the Peninsular War November 18, 2014 |
Richmond Must Fall: The Richmond-Petersburg Campaign, October 1864 November 16, 2014 |
Practicing Stalinism: Bolsheviks, Boyars, and the Persistence of Tradition November 13, 2014 |
Galerius and the Will of Diocletian November 11, 2014 |
Crisis Management during the Roman Republic: The Role of Political Institutions in Emergencies November 6, 2014 |
The British Imperial Army in the Middle East: Morale and Military Identity in the Sinai and Palestine Campaigns, 1916-18 November 4, 2014 |
The Timberclads in the Civil War: The Lexington, Conestoga and Tyler on the Western Waters November 3, 2014 |
Samurai War Stories: Teachings and Tales of Samurai Warfare October 31, 2014 |
Viriathus: and the Lusitanian Resistance to Rome 155-139 BC October 27, 2014 |
The American Expeditionary Force in World War I: A Statistical History, 1917-1918 October 22, 2014 |
The Frontiers of the Roman Empire October 17, 2014 |
Army at Home: Women and the Civil War on the Northern Home Front October 15, 2014 |
Defending Heaven: China's Mongol Wars, 1209-1370 October 8, 2014 |
Fighting Back: British Jewry's Military Contribution to the Second World War October 6, 2014 |
The British Army in Italy, 1917-1918 September 29, 2014 |
Furies: War in Europe, 1450-1700 September 27, 2014 |
Los Angeles in Civil War Days, 1860-1865 September 25, 2014 |
The Military and Colonial Destruction of the Roman Landscape of North Africa, 1830-1900 September 23, 2014 |
"Casualty Projections for the U.S. Invasions of Japan, 1945-1946: Planning and Policy Implications" September 16, 2014 |
At War in Distant Waters: British Colonial Defense in the Great War September 15, 2014 |
Captives in Blue: The Civil War Prisons of the Confederacy September 11, 2014 |
Neither Victor nor Vanquished: America in the War of 1812 September 8, 2014 |
Athens, Thrace, and the Shaping of Athenian Leadership September 6, 2014 |
Sickness, Suffering, and the Sword: The British Regiment on Campaign, 1808-1815 September 4, 2014 |
D-Day Encyclopedia: Everything You Want to Know About the Normandy Invasion September 1, 2014 |
'Unsinkable': Churchill and the First World War August 30, 2014 |
The Men Who Lost America: British Leadership, the American Revolution, and the Fate of the Empire August 28, 2014 |
Rituals of Triumph in the Mediterranean World August 26, 2014 |
Kennesaw Mountain: Sherman, Johnston, and the Atlanta Campaign August 25, 2014 |
Changing War: The British Army, the Hundred Days Campaign, and the Birth of the Royal Air Force, 1918 August 23, 2014 |
Loyalty Betrayed: Jewish Chaplains in the German Army During the First World War August 21, 2014 |
The Hundred Day Winter War: Finland's Gallant Stand against the Soviet Army August 18, 2014 |
Colonels in Blue-Indiana, Kentucky and Tennessee: A Civil War Biographical Dictionary August 16, 2014 |
Out of Sight, Out of Mind: The Royal Australian Navy's Role, Vietnam, 1965-1972 August 14, 2014 |
Churchill and Sea Power August 12, 2014 |
The Ancient Greek Hero in 24 Hours August 11, 2014 |
The French Army's Tank Force and Armoured Warfare in the Great War: The Artillerie Speciale August 9, 2014 |
America's Corporal: James Tanner in War and Peace August 7, 2014 |
Airship: Design, Development and Disaster August 4, 2014 |
Peacekeepers and Conquerors: The Army Officer Corps on the American Frontier, 1821-1846 August 1, 2014 |
Living on the Western Front: Annals and Stories, 1914-1919 July 28, 2014 |
Debating War in Chinese History July 25, 2014 |
The Tigress of Forli: Renaissance Italy's Most Courageous and Notorious Countess, Caterina Riario Sforza de' Medici July 24, 2014 |
The Marshals of Alexander's Empire July 22, 2014 |
July 1914: Countdown to War July 21, 2014 |
Hoax: Hitler's Diaries, Lincoln's Assassins, and Other Famous Frauds July 20, 2014 |
Yankee Dutchmen Under Fire: Civil War Letters from the 82nd Illinois Infantry July 17, 2014 |
The Army in British India: From Colonial Warfare to Total War 1857 - 1947 July 15, 2014 |
The Ancient Sailing Season July 14, 2014 |
Crisis in the Mediterranean: Naval Competition and Great Power Politics, 1904-1914 July 12, 2014 |
The Republican Army in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 July 10, 2014 |
War in Afghanistan: A Short History of Eighty Wars and Conflicts in Afghanistan and the North-West Frontier 1839-2011 July 8, 2014 |
Germany and the Causes of the First World War July 6, 2014 |
Organizing Victory: The War Conferences, 1941-1945 July 5, 2014 |
Army at Home: Women and the Civil War on the Northern Home Front July 4, 2014 |
July 3, 2014 |
Defending Neutrality: The Netherlands Prepares for War, 1900-1925 July 3, 2014 |
Between Flesh and Steel: A History of Military Medicine from the Middle Ages to the War in Afghanistan July 1, 2014 |
The Great War for Peace June 30, 2014 |
The Wars for Asia, 1911-1949 June 28, 2014 |
The Great War: Myth and Memory June 27, 2014 |
June 27, 2014 |
Beyond the Gates of Fire: New Perspectives on the Battle of Thermopylae June 24, 2014 |
The Fascists and the Jews of Italy: Mussolini's Race Laws, 1938-1943 June 23, 2014 |
The Edwardian Army: Recruiting. Training. and Deploying the British Army. 1902-1914 June 20, 2014 |
Horses and Mules in the Civil War: A Complete History with a Roster of More Than 700 War Horses June 19, 2014 |
The Other Side of the Wire, Vol II, Battle of the Somme with the German XIV Reserve Corps June 16, 2014 |
The Other Side of the Wire, Vol. I, With the German XIV Reserve Corps on the Somme, September 1914 - June 1916 June 12, 2014 |
The Trojan War June 12, 2014 |
Twelve Turning Points of the Second World War June 9, 2014 |
Tolkien and the Peril of War June 7, 2014 |
The Sword of Rome: A Biography of Marcus Claudius Marcellus June 5, 2014 |
Operation KE: The Cactus Air Force and the Japanese Withdrawal from Guadalcanal June 2, 2014 |
The Oxford Illustrated History of the First World War: New Edition May 31, 2014 |
Dog Company: The Boys of Pointe du Hoc--the Rangers Who Accomplished D-Day's Toughest Mission and Led the Way across Europe May 29, 2014 |
The Holy Roman Empire, 1495-1806: A European Perspective May 22, 2014 |
To Crown the Waves: The Great Navies of the First World War May 20, 2014 |
For Crew and Country: The Inspirational True Story of Bravery and Sacrifice Aboard the USS Samuel B. Roberts May 16, 2014 |
The Hunters and the Hunted: The Elimination of German Surface Warships around the World 1914-15 May 15, 2014 |
Under the Heel of Bushido: Last Voices of the Jewish POWs of the Japanese in the Second World War May 13, 2014 |
A Mad Catastrophe: The Outbreak of World War I and the Collapse of the Habsburg Empire May 12, 2014 |
The End of Sparta: A Novel May 10, 2014 |
Exposing the Third Reich: Colonel Truman Smith in Hitler's Germany May 8, 2014 |
The Zimmermann Telegram: Intelligence, Diplomacy, and America's Entry into World War I May 5, 2014 |
A Storm of Spears: Understanding the Greek Hoplite in Action May 3, 2014 |
The Making of the First World War May 1, 2014 |
Dragon Storm: China invades Taiwan April 28, 2014 |
Reinventing Warfare 1914-18: Novel Munitions and Tactics of Trench Warfare April 26, 2014 |
Offa and the Mercian Wars: The Rise and Fall of the First Great English Kingdom April 24, 2014 |
Avoiding Armageddon: From the Great War to the Fall of France, 1918-40 April 21, 2014 |
The Seven Years' War: Global Views April 19, 2014 |
The Rocky Road to the Great War: The Evolution of Trench Warfare to 1914 April 17, 2014 |
Latin American Dictators of the 20th Century: The Lives and Regimes of 15 Rulers April 15, 2014 |
The Julio-Claudian Succession: Reality and Perception of the "Augustan Model" April 10, 2014 |
Exorcising Hitler: The Occupation and Denazification of Germany April 8, 2014 |
Another Life: Lawrence After Arabia April 5, 2014 |
A Companion to Women's Military History March 31, 2014 |
The Sleepwalkers: How Europe Went to War in 1914 March 29, 2014 |
The Trident Deception March 27, 2014 |
The Tyrants of Syracuse: War in Ancient Sicily, Vol. II, 367-211 BC March 25, 2014 |
The Tyrants of Syracuse: War in Ancient Sicily, Vol I, 480-367 BC March 25, 2014 |
Allied Master Strategists: The Combined Chiefs of Staff in World War II March 22, 2014 |
Women and the Texas Revolution March 20, 2014 |
England and Scotland at War, c.1296-c.1513 March 18, 2014 |
Three German Invasions of France, The Summer Campaigns of 1870, 1914, and 1940 March 17, 2014 |
Bracketing the Enemy: Forward Observers in World War II March 15, 2014 |
Philosopher-Kings of Antiquity March 13, 2014 |
Navies and State Formation: The Schumpeter Hypothesis Revisited and Reflected March 11, 2014 |
The British Field Marshals, 1736-1997: A Biographical Dictionary March 8, 2014 |
Embers of War: The Fall of an Empire and the Making of America's Vietnam March 6, 2014 |
Defending Whose Country?: Indigenous Soldiers in the Pacific War March 4, 2014 |
Hybrid Warfare: Fighting Complex Opponents to the Present March 3, 2014 |
Elusive Dove: The Search for Peace During World War I March 1, 2014 |
A Companion to Roman Imperialism February 27, 2014 |
American Girls, Beer, and Glenn Miller: GI Morale in World War II February 25, 2014 |
Young Titan: The Making of Winston Churchill February 24, 2014 |
Fratricide in Battle: (Un)Friendly Fire February 22, 2014 |
Bismarck's First War: The Campaign of Schleswig and Jutland, 1864 February 21, 2014 |
Monty's Men: The British Army and the Liberation of Europe February 18, 2014 |
Jackson's Sword: The Army Officer Corps on the American Frontier, 1810-1821 February 17, 2014 |
Siege Warfare and Military Organization in the Successor States (400-800 AD), Byzantium, the West and Islam February 15, 2014 |
Khedive Ismail's Army February 13, 2014 |
America's Black Sea Fleet: The U.S. Navy Amidst War and Revolution, 1919-1923 February 11, 2014 |
Hadrian February 10, 2014 |
Dance of the Furies: Europe and the Outbreak of World War I February 8, 2014 |
Castro's Secrets: Cuban Intelligence, the CIA, and the Assassination of John F. Kennedy February 6, 2014 |
Brill's Encyclopedia of the First World War February 4, 2014 |
The Measure of a Man: My Father, the Marine Corps, and Saipan February 3, 2014 |
The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo February 1, 2014 |
Benedict Arnold in the Company of Heroes: The Lives of the Extraordinary Patriots Who Followed Arnold to Canada at the Start of the American Revolution January 30, 2014 |
Aineias the Tactician: How to Survive Under Siege January 28, 2014 |
George Rogers Clark: "I Glory in War" January 25, 2014 |
The U.S. Army in World War II January 24, 2014 |
American Naval History, 1607-1865: Overcoming the Colonial Legacy January 20, 2014 |
All Hands: The Lower Deck of the Royal Navy Since 1939 January 18, 2014 |
Aetius: Attila's Nemesis January 16, 2014 |
The Projection and Limitations of Imperial Powers, 1618-1850 January 14, 2014 |
William B. Cushing in the Far East: A Civil War Naval Hero Abroad, 1865-1869 January 13, 2014 |
World War I: The Global Revolution January 11, 2014 |
Tower: An Epic History of the Tower of London January 9, 2014 |
The Election of 1860 Reconsidered January 6, 2014 |
The Third Reich's Celluloid War: Propaganda in Nazi Feature Films, Documentaries and Television January 2, 2014 |
The Verdict of Battle: The Law of Victory and the Making of Modern War December 31, 2013 |
The U.S. Navy and the War in Europe December 29, 2013 |
Byzantine Military Organization on the Danube, 10th-12th Centuries December 27, 2013 |
The Eagle Unbowed: Poland and the Poles in the Second World War December 21, 2013 |
The Union Forever: Lincoln, Grant, and the Civil War December 19, 2013 |
The Ghosts of Cannae: Hannibal and the Darkest Hour of the Roman Republic December 17, 2013 |
The War of 1812: A Forgotten Conflict, Bicentennial Edition December 16, 2013 |
The Generals: American Military Command from World War II to Today December 14, 2013 |
The Battle for China: Essays on the Military History of the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945 December 12, 2013 |
Zebulon Pike, Thomas Jefferson, and the Opening of the American West December 10, 2013 |
The Second Spanish Republic Revisited: From Democratic Hopes to Civil War (1931-1936) December 9, 2013 |
One World, Big Screen: Hollywood, the Allies, and World War II December 7, 2013 |
Frontiers in the Roman World December 5, 2013 |
Mussolini's Navy: A Reference Guide to the Regia Marina, 1930-1945 December 3, 2013 |
Wellington's Wars: The Making of a Military Genius December 2, 2013 |
Navy SEAL Dogs: My Tale of Training Canines for Combat November 29, 2013 |
After Thermopylae: The Oath of Plataea and the End of the Graeco-Persian War November 27, 2013 |
Scandinavia in the First World War November 22, 2013 |
War at Sea: A Naval Atlas, 1939-1945 November 19, 2013 |
Strategies for the Human Realm: Crux of the T'ai-pai Yin-ching November 18, 2013 |
The Complete Encyclopedia of Terrorist Organizations, Concise Edition November 16, 2013 |
Strategy in the American War of Independence: A Global Approach November 15, 2013 |
Torn Families: Death And Kinship at the Battle of Gettysburg November 14, 2013 |
Rhodes Besieged: A New History November 12, 2013 |
Nomonhan, 1939: The Red Army's Victory That Shaped World War II November 11, 2013 |
Making Patton: A Classic War Film's Epic Journey to the Silver Screen November 8, 2013 |
The Logistics of the Roman Army at War (264 BC-AD 235) November 6, 2013 |
Indigenous Peoples of the British Dominions and the First World War November 4, 2013 |
Hitler's Berlin: Abused City November 3, 2013 |
The 48th Pennsylvania in the Battle of the Crater: A Regiment of Coal Miners Who Tunneled Under the Enemy November 1, 2013 |
Rainy Street Stories: Reflections on Secret Wars, Espionage and Terrorism October 30, 2013 |
Marcus Aurelius: A Guide for the Perplexed October 28, 2013 |
Sino-French Naval War 1884-1885 October 27, 2013 |
Portugal's War in Angola, 1961-1974 October 25, 2013 |
Strategy and War Planning in the British Navy, 1887-1918 October 23, 2013 |
Military Comedy Films: A Critical Survey and Filmography of Hollywood Releases Since 1918 October 21, 2013 |
Military Adaptation in War: With Fear of Change October 20, 2013 |
Spartacus October 9, 2013 |
Finland in World War II: History, Memory, Interpretations October 6, 2013 |
The 36th Infantry United States Colored Troops in the Civil War: A History and Roster October 4, 2013 |
Empire of the Sikhs: The Life and Times of Maharaja Ranjit Singh October 2, 2013 |
The Naval Institute Guide to Combat Fleets of the World, 16th Edition: Their Ships, Aircraft, and Systems September 30, 2013 |
The Forgotten Axis: Germany's Partners and Foreign Volunteers in World War II September 27, 2013 |
Forgotten Allies: The Military Contribution of the Colonies, Exiled Governments, and Lesser Powers to the Allied Victory in World War II September 27, 2013 |
Legions of Rome: The Definitive History of Every Imperial Roman Legion September 25, 2013 |
Malcontents, Rebels, & Pronunciados: The Politics of Insurrection in Nineteenth Century Mexico September 23, 2013 |
Illinois in the War of 1812 September 22, 2013 |
Free France's Lion: The Life of Philippe Leclerc, de Gaulle's Greatest General September 18, 2013 |
The Guns at Last Light: The War in Western Europe, 1944-1945 (Liberation Trilogy) September 16, 2013 |
The Rock Island Civil War Prison: Andersonville of the North? September 14, 2013 |
September 14, 2013 |
Greek Warfare: Myth and Realities September 13, 2013 |
The 124th New York State Volunteers in the Civil War: A History and Roster September 10, 2013 |
The Assassination of the Archduke: Sarajevo 1914 and the Romance That Changed the World September 8, 2013 |
Float Planes and Flying Boats: The U.S. Coast Guard and Early Naval Aviation September 6, 2013 |
Blueprints for Battle: Planning for War in Central Europe, 1948-1968 September 4, 2013 |
Babylon: Mesopotamia and the Birth of Civilization September 1, 2013 |
The Attack on Pearl Harbor: Strategy, Combat, Myths, Deceptions August 30, 2013 |
A General Who Will Fight: The Leadership of Ulysses S. Grant August 28, 2013 |
Alexander the Great: King, Commander and Statesman August 25, 2013 |
Athenia Torpedoed: The U-boat Attack That Ignited the Battle of the Atlantic August 23, 2013 |
A History of the Vandals August 21, 2013 |
Thomas J. Wood: A Biography of the Union General in the Civil War August 18, 2013 |
A Bastard of a Place: The Australians in Papua August 16, 2013 |
Men of Color to Arms!: Black Soldiers, Indian Wars, and the Quest for Equality August 14, 2013 |
Arms and the Man: Military History Essays in Honor of Dennis Showalter August 11, 2013 |
A Jew Among Romans: The Life and Legacy of Flavius Josephus August 9, 2013 |
1812: War and the Passions of Patriotism August 7, 2013 |
The Measure of a Man: My Father, the Marine Corps, and Saipan August 4, 2013 |
The Battle of Carthage, Missouri: First Trans-Mississippi Conflict of the Civil War August 2, 2013 |
Warships After Washington: The Development of the Five Major Fleets, 1922-1930 July 31, 2013 |
With a Sword in One Hand and Jomini in the Other: The Problem of Military Thought in the Civil War North July 28, 2013 |
The Stalin Cult: A Study in the Alchemy of Power July 25, 2013 |
Standing Firmly by the Flag: Nebraska Territory and the Civil War, 1861-1867 July 22, 2013 |
The Frontiers of Imperial Rome July 21, 2013 |
Unholy Sabbath: The Battle of South Mountain in History and Memory, September 14, 1862 July 19, 2013 |
The Fighting Tudors July 18, 2013 |
Colonel Edward E. Cross, New Hampshire Fighting Fifth: A Civil War Biography July 16, 2013 |
Tiger Command! July 14, 2013 |
The Civil War in Missouri: A Military History July 12, 2013 |
American Military Transport Aircraft Since 1925 July 11, 2013 |
Spain and the American Civil War July 9, 2013 |
The Last Full Measure: How Soldiers Die in Battle July 5, 2013 |
The Russian Origins of the First World War July 3, 2013 |
President Lincoln's Recruiter: General Lorenzo Thomas and the United States Colored Troops in the Civil War June 30, 2013 |
Eyes Only: The Top Secret Correspondence Between Eisenhower and Marshall June 28, 2013 |
Animals and War: Studies of Europe and North America June 26, 2013 |
Land Campaigns of the Civil War June 24, 2013 |
The Captain Who Burned His Ships: Captain Thomas Tingey, USN, 1750-1829 June 23, 2013 |
Modern Warfare in Spain: American Military Observations on the Spanish Civil War June 21, 2013 |
Starving the South: How the North Won the Civil War June 19, 2013 |
Raising the Red Banner: The Pictoral History of Stalin's Fleet 1920-1945 June 16, 2013 |
Mission to Berlin: The American Airmen Who Struck the Heart of Hitler's Reich June 13, 2013 |
Major General Alexander M. McCook, USA: A Civil War Biography June 12, 2013 |
Military Saints in Byzantium and Rus, 900-1200 June 10, 2013 |
The White War: Life and Death on the Italian Front 1915-1919 June 9, 2013 |
Race and Radicalism in the Union Army June 7, 2013 |
Hitler, D�nitz, and the Baltic Sea: The Third Reich's Last Hope, 1944-1945 June 5, 2013 |
The Impact of the Russo-Japanese War June 3, 2013 |
Jefferson Davis and the Civil War Era June 2, 2013 |
Silence of the Guns: The History of the Long Toms of the Anglo-Boer War May 31, 2013 |
Revolutionaries: A New History of the Invention of America May 29, 2013 |
Confederate Incognito: The Civil War Reports of "Long Grabs," a.k.a. John McSween, 26th and 35th North Carolina Infantry May 27, 2013 |
River Wide, Ocean Deep: A New Perspective on Operation Sea Lion May 26, 2013 |
Reminiscences of Conrad S. Babcock: The Old U.S. Army and the New, 1898-1918 May 24, 2013 |
Weirding the War: Stories from the Civil War's Ragged Edges May 23, 2013 |
Rivers and the Power of Ancient Rome May 21, 2013 |
The Burma Campaign: Disaster into Triumph, 1942-45 May 16, 2013 |
The Best Station of Them All: The Savannah Squadron, 1861-1865 May 15, 2013 |
Five Days That Shocked the World: Eyewitness Accounts from Europe at the End of World War II May 13, 2013 |
Man and Wound in the Ancient World: A History of Military Medicine from Sumer to the Fall of Constantinople May 12, 2013 |
Commander and Builder of Western Forts: The Life and Times of Major General Henry C. Merriam, 1862-1901 May 10, 2013 |
A Child's War: Growing Up on the Home Front May 8, 2013 |
Illinois in the War of 1812 May 6, 2013 |
Civil War Battlefield Orders Gone Awry: The Written Word and Its Consequences in 13 Engagements May 5, 2013 |
The German 1918 Offensives: A Case Study in The Operational Level of War May 3, 2013 |
Battle of Stones River: The Forgotten Conflict Between the Confederate Army of Tennessee and the Union Army of the Cumberland May 1, 2013 |
Rome and its Frontiers: The Dynamics of Empire April 29, 2013 |
Isandlwana 1879 April 28, 2013 |
War on the Waters: The Union and Confederate Navies, 1861-1865 April 26, 2013 |
The Will to Win: American Military Advisors in Korea, 1946-1953 April 24, 2013 |
Preparing for Victory: Thomas Holcomb and the Making of the Modern Marine Corps, 1936-1943 April 21, 2013 |
The Crimes of Elagabalus: The Life and Legacy of Rome's Decadent Boy Emperor April 17, 2013 |
Utmost Gallantry: The U.S. and Royal Navies at Sea in the War of 1812 April 16, 2013 |
From Boer War to World War: Tactical Reform of the British Army, 1902-1914 April 12, 2013 |
Invisible Romans April 10, 2013 |
The Romanian Battlefront in World War I April 8, 2013 |
The Business of War: Military Enterprise and Military Revolution in Early Modern Europe April 7, 2013 |
War and Society in the Greek World April 5, 2013 |
Churchill's Empire: The World That Made Him and the World He Made April 3, 2013 |
Stephen Russell Mallory: A Biography of the Confederate Navy Secretary And United States April 1, 2013 |
How Britain Won the War of 1812: The Royal Navy's Blockades of the United States, 1812-1815 March 31, 2013 |
Howard Pyle: Imagining an American School of Art March 29, 2013 |
Finding Common Ground: New Directions in First World War Studies March 28, 2013 |
Failure in the Saddle: Nathan Bedford Forrest, Joe Wheeler, and the Confederate Cavalry in the Chickamauga Campaign March 26, 2013 |
A Very British Experience: Coalition, Defence and Strategy in the Second World War March 21, 2013 |
Heroes and Romans in Twelfth-Century Byzantium: The Material for History of Nikephoros Bryennios March 19, 2013 |
George Washington and the Final British Campaign for the Hudson River, 1779 March 18, 2013 |
The Fighting Irish: The Story of the Extraordinary Irish Soldier March 13, 2013 |
Conceptualising Modern War March 13, 2013 |
Essays on the Presidents: Principles and Politics March 11, 2013 |
British Cruisers: Two World Wars and After March 10, 2013 |
Disabled Veterans in History March 8, 2013 |
Abraham Lincoln on Screen: Fictional and Documentary Portrayals on Film and Television (Second edition) March 6, 2013 |
Battleground New York City: Countering Spies, Saboteurs, and Terrorists since 1861 March 4, 2013 |
Rome's Wars in Parthia: Blood in the Sand March 3, 2013 |
Hacks, Sycophants, Adventurers, and Heroes: Madison's Commanders in the War of 1812 February 28, 2013 |
Marshall and His Generals: U.S. Army Commanders in World War II February 27, 2013 |
Britain and World War One February 25, 2013 |
American Privateers in the War of 1812: The Vessels and Their Prizes as Recorded in Niles' Weekly Register February 24, 2013 |
Double Cross: The True Story of the D-Day Spies February 22, 2013 |
"Burning Rails as We Pleased": The Civil War Letters of William Garrigues Bentley, 104th Ohio Volunteer Infantry February 20, 2013 |
IMPERIAL GENERAL: The Remarkable Career of Petellius Cerialis February 18, 2013 |
A Few Well-Positioned Castles: The Norman Art of War February 17, 2013 |
A Desert Named Peace: The Violence of France's Empire in the Algerian Sahara, 1844-1902 February 15, 2013 |
The British Pacific Fleet: The Royal Navy's Most Powerful Strike Force February 13, 2013 |
Flames Beyond Gettysburg: The Confederate Expedition to the Susquehanna River, June 1863 February 11, 2013 |
Devotion to the Adopted Country: U.S. Immigrant Volunteers in the Mexican War February 10, 2013 |
The Last English Revolutionary: Tom Wintringham, 1898-1949 February 8, 2013 |
The USS Ward: An Operational History of the Ship That Fired the First American Shot of World War II February 6, 2013 |
Special Forces in the Desert War, 1940-1943 February 4, 2013 |
Soldiers for Sale: German "Mercenaries" with the British in Canada during the American Revolution (1776-83) February 2, 2013 |
Conquest: The English Kingdom of France, 1417-1450 January 31, 2013 |
A Little Short of Boats: The Civil War Battles of Ball's Bluff and Edwards Ferry, October 21 - 22, 1861 January 29, 2013 |
Sparta at War: Strategy, Tactics and Campaigns, 550-362 BC January 27, 2013 |
Surface and Destroy: The Submarine Gun War in the Pacific January 25, 2013 |
Outnumbered, Outgunned, Undeterred: Twenty Battles Against All Odds January 23, 2013 |
The Indian Army in the Two World Wars January 22, 2013 |
The Civil War and American Art January 20, 2013 |
Hitler and America January 18, 2013 |
The Complete Roman Emperor: Imperial Life at Court and on Campaign January 17, 2013 |
Starving the South: How the North Won the Civil War January 15, 2013 |
War, Strategy, and Military Effectiveness January 14, 2013 |
With Fire and Sword: The Battle of Bunker Hill and the Beginning of the American Revolution January 13, 2013 |
Iron Curtain: The Crushing of Eastern Europe, 1944-1956 January 9, 2013 |
The Shadow of the Past: Reputation and Military Alliances before the First World War January 7, 2013 |
Why Stalin's Soldiers Fought: The Red Army's Military Effectiveness in World War II January 5, 2013 |
Valley Thunder: The Battle of New Market and the Opening of the Shenandoah Campaign, May 1864 January 3, 2013 |
'Blinker' Hall: Spymaster: The Man Who Brought America into World War I December 31, 2012 |
The Blood of Free Men: The Liberation of Paris, 1944 December 29, 2012 |
The Power Game in Byzantium: Antonina and the Empress Theodora December 27, 2012 |
Victors in Blue: How Union Generals Fought the Confederates, Battled Each Other, and Won the Civil War December 22, 2012 |
HMS Warrior 1860: Victoria's Ironclad Deterrent December 20, 2012 |
Embers of War: The Fall of an Empire and the Making of America's Vietnam December 18, 2012 |
Strangling the Confederacy: Coastal Operations in the American Civil War December 16, 2012 |
Rome and the Sword: How Warriors and Weapons Shaped Roman History December 14, 2012 |
Ruckzug: The German Retreat from France, 1944 December 12, 2012 |
The 11th Missouri Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War: A History and Roster December 10, 2012 |
Deterrence through Strength: British Naval Power and Foreign Policy under Pax Britannica December 8, 2012 |
The Forgotten Generation: American Children and World War II December 6, 2012 |
The Age of the Dromon: The Byzantine Navy, ca. 500-1204 December 4, 2012 |
Edmund J. Davis of Texas: Civil War General, Republican Leader, Reconstruction Governor December 2, 2012 |
Triumph at Midnight of the Century: A Critical Biography of Arturo Barea - Explaining the Roots of the Spanish Civil War November 30, 2012 |
Tennessee in the Civil War: Selected Contemporary Accounts of Military and Other Events, Month by Month November 28, 2012 |
Refighting the Pacific War: An Alternative History of World War II November 26, 2012 |
Normandy Crucible: The Decisive Battle that Shaped World War II in Europe November 24, 2012 |
Gladiator: The Roman Fighter's [Unofficial] Manual November 22, 2012 |
The Road to Koniggratz: Helmuth von Moltke and the Austro-Prussian War, 1866 November 20, 2012 |
Brothers to the Buffalo Soldiers: Perspectives on the African-American Militia and Volunteers, 1865-1917 November 18, 2012 |
The Jeune Ecole: The Strategy of the Weak November 16, 2012 |
The African Wars: Warriors and Soldiers of the Colonial Campaigns November 14, 2012 |
Savage Continent: Europe in the Aftermath of World War II November 12, 2012 |
A Small but Spartan Band: The Florida Brigade in Lee's Army of Northern Virginia November 10, 2012 |
United States Naval Aviation, 1919-1941: Aircraft, Airships and Ships Between the Wars November 8, 2012 |
The Black Count: Glory, Revolution, Betrayal, and the Real Count of Monte Cristo November 6, 2012 |
The Crimean War: British Grand Strategy Against Russia, 1853-1856 November 4, 2012 |
Hell's Broke Loose in Georgia: Survival in a Civil War Regiment November 2, 2012 |
Wellington's Two-front War: The Peninsular Campaigns, at Home and Abroad, 1808-1814 October 31, 2012 |
Fighting Patton: George S. Patton Jr. Through the Eyes of His Enemies October 29, 2012 |
The Slaves Who Defeated Napoleon: Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian War of Independence, 1801-1804 October 27, 2012 |
The Civil War in Georgia October 25, 2012 |
Eager for Glory: The Untold Story of Drusus the Elder, Conqueror of Germania October 23, 2012 |
Warfare on the Mediterranean in the Age of Sail: A History, 1571-1866 October 21, 2012 |
Manstein: Hitler's Greatest General October 18, 2012 |
The French and Indian War: A Complete Chronology October 12, 2012 |
Virginia at War, 1865 October 10, 2012 |
The Column of Marcus Aurelius: The Genesis and Meaning of a Roman Imperial Monument October 8, 2012 |
Rudder: From Leader to Legend October 6, 2012 |
The Great War and the Making of the Modern World October 4, 2012 |
Warfare in Eastern Europe, 1500-1800 October 2, 2012 |
The Confederate Heartland: Military and Civilian Morale in the Western Confederacy September 29, 2012 |
The Path of Infinite Sorrow: The Japanese on the Kokoda Track September 27, 2012 |
World War I: The American Soldier Experience September 25, 2012 |
The Real Jim Hawkins: Ships' Boys in the Georgian Navy September 23, 2012 |
Claudius Caesar: Image and Power in the Early Roman Empire September 21, 2012 |
The Rashness of That Hour: Politics, Gettysburg, and the Downfall of Confederate Brigadier General Alfred Iverson September 19, 2012 |
Military Loyalists of the American Revolution: Officers and Regiments, 1775-1783 September 14, 2012 |
Small Powers in the Age of Total War, 1900-1940 September 12, 2012 |
Spartacus Road: A Journey Through Ancient Italy September 10, 2012 |
Their Arrows Will Darken the Sun: The Evolution and Science of Ballistics September 6, 2012 |
The Littorio Class: Italy's Last and Largest Battleships 1937-1948 September 3, 2012 |
The Dynamics of Ancient Empires: State Power from Assyria to Byzantium September 1, 2012 |
On Flexibility: Recovery from Technological and Doctrinal Surprise on the Battlefield August 30, 2012 |
Orderly and Humane: The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War August 28, 2012 |
A Taste for War: The Culinary History of the Blue and the Gray August 26, 2012 |
Alexander the Great at the Battle of Granicus: A Campaign in Context August 23, 2012 |
Grand Strategies: Literature, Statecraft, and World Order August 22, 2012 |
Riders of the Apocalypse: German Cavalry and Modern Warfare, 1870-1945 August 20, 2012 |
The Earliest Romans: A Character Sketch August 18, 2012 |
We Are the Revolutionists: German-Speaking Immigrants and American Abolitionists after 1848 August 16, 2012 |
Fighting for MacArthur: The Navy and Marine Corps' Desperate Defense of the Philippines August 14, 2012 |
The Shaping of Grand Strategy: Policy, Diplomacy, and War August 12, 2012 |
Colonels in Blue--Michigan, Ohio and West Virginia: A Civil War Biographical Dictionary August 10, 2012 |
Forgotten Land: Journeys Among the Ghosts of East Prussia August 8, 2012 |
The Wehrmacht Retreats: Fighting a Lost War, 1943 August 5, 2012 |
Pauline Cushman: Spy of the Cumberland August 2, 2012 |
Deathride: Hitler vs. Stalin - The Eastern Front, 1941-1945 July 31, 2012 |
New Perspectives on Ancient Warfare July 28, 2012 |
The Pope's Soldiers: A Military History of the Modern Vatican July 26, 2012 |
Big Gun Monitors: Design, Construction and Operations, 1914-1945 July 22, 2012 |
American Civil War: The Essential Reference Guide July 17, 2012 |
A Civil War Gunboat in Pacific Waters: Life on Board USS Saginaw July 15, 2012 |
Ruin Nation: Destruction and the American Civil War July 12, 2012 |
Kamikaze Attacks of World War II: A Complete History of Japanese Suicide Strikes on American Ships, by Aircraft and Other Means July 9, 2012 |
"God Alone Knows Which Was Right": The Blue and Gray Terrill Family of Virginia in the Civil War July 6, 2012 |
Bardia: Myth, Reality and the Heirs of ANZAC July 4, 2012 |
Routes of War: The World of Movement in the Confederate South July 1, 2012 |
Racing the Sun: Reinforcing America's Pacific Outposts, 1941-1942 June 29, 2012 |
War upon the Land: Military Strategy and the Transformation of Southern Landscapes during the American Civil War June 27, 2012 |
Westmoreland: The General Who Lost Vietnam June 24, 2012 |
A Perfect Gibraltar: The Battle for Monterrey, Mexico, 1846 June 21, 2012 |
Finland's War of Choice: The Troubled German-Finnish Alliance in World War II June 19, 2012 |
Of Duty Well and Faithfully Done: A History of the Regular Army in the Civil War June 15, 2012 |
The Retreat: Hitler's First Defeat June 12, 2012 |
Invisible Southerners: Ethnicity in the Civil War June 10, 2012 |
BISMARCK: THE EPIC CHASE: The Sinking of the German Menace June 8, 2012 |
George Crook: From the Redwoods to Appomattox June 6, 2012 |
Passport Not Required: U.S. Volunteers in the Royal Navy, 1939-1941 June 4, 2012 |
Protecting President Lincoln: The Security Effort, the Thwarted Plots and the Disaster at Ford's Theatre June 1, 2012 |
World in the Balance: The Perilous Months of June-October, 1940 May 29, 2012 |
Lincoln, the Cabinet, and the Generals May 27, 2012 |
Savage Continent: Europe in the Aftermath of World War II May 24, 2012 |
The Dogs of War: 1861 May 22, 2012 |
Stalin's Genocides May 19, 2012 |
Confederate Reckoning: Power and Politics in the Civil War South May 17, 2012 |
Gallipoli: The Ottoman Campaign May 15, 2012 |
Siege of Washington: The Untold Story of the Twelve Days That Shook the Union May 13, 2012 |
Savage Continent: Europe in the Aftermath of World War II May 7, 2012 |
May 1940: The Battle for the Netherlands May 5, 2012 |
The Last Battle of the Civil War: United States Versus Lee, 1861-1883 May 3, 2012 |
Desert Hell: The British Invasion of Mesopotamia May 1, 2012 |
Columbus and the Quest for Jerusalem April 28, 2012 |
"Execute against Japan": The U.S. Decision to Conduct Unrestricted Submarine Warfare April 26, 2012 |
The Spanish Republic and Civil War April 22, 2012 |
The Way of Duty, Honor, Country: The Memoir of General Charles Pelot Summerall April 20, 2012 |
The Union War April 17, 2012 |
Shepherds of the Sea: Destroyer Escorts in World War II April 15, 2012 |
The British Liberation Army: 1944-45 April 12, 2012 |
A World on Fire: Britain's Crucial Role in the American Civil War April 8, 2012 |
Silent Strategists: Harding, Denby, and the U.S. Navy's Trans-Pacific Offensive, World War II April 6, 2012 |
Missed Signals on the Western Front: How the Slow Adoption of Wireless Restricted British Strategy and Operations in World War I April 4, 2012 |
1917: Beyond the Western Front April 2, 2012 |
The Generalissimo: Chiang Kai-shek and the Struggle for Modern China March 31, 2012 |
Killer Elite: Completely Revised and Updated: The Inside Story of America's Most Secret Special Operations Team March 29, 2012 |
Black Valor: Buffalo Soldiers and the Medal of Honor, 1870-1898 March 27, 2012 |
Architect of Soviet Victory in World War II: The Life and Theories of G.S. Isserson March 25, 2012 |
A Civil War Gunboat in Pacific Waters: Life on Board USS Saginaw March 22, 2012 |
Under the Flags of Freedom: British Mercenaries in the War of the Two Brothers, the First Carlist War, and the Greek War of Independence (1821-1840) March 19, 2012 |
The Thirty Years War: Europe's Tragedy March 16, 2012 |
Ministry of Defeat: The British in Iraq 2003-2009 March 14, 2012 |
Wild Bill Donovan: The Spymaster Who Created the OSS and Modern American Espionage March 11, 2012 |
The Warship Development and Design Series March 8, 2012 |
Cities at War in Early Modern Europe March 5, 2012 |
Homer Lea: American Soldier of Fortune March 2, 2012 |
Zenobia of Palmyra: History, Myth and the Neo-Classical Imagination February 28, 2012 |
Military Culture in Imperial China February 24, 2012 |
The Mexican Wars for Independence February 21, 2012 |
Pipes & Drums: From Helmand to Horse Guards February 19, 2012 |
Fire and Fury: The Allied Bombing of Germany, 1942-1945 February 16, 2012 |
Conquered into Liberty: Two Centuries of Battles along the Great Warpath that Made the American Way of War February 13, 2012 |
Twenty-Three Minutes to Eternity: The Final Voyage of the Escort Carrier USS Liscome Bay February 10, 2012 |
Following the Drum: Women at the Valley Forge Encampment February 7, 2012 |
MILK COWS: The U-Boat Tankers at War 1941 - 1945 February 4, 2012 |
Soldiering for God: Christianity and the Roman Army February 1, 2012 |
On Seas Contested: The Seven Great Navies of the Second World War January 29, 2012 |
Chronology of American Military History: Vol. 1 Independence to Civil War 1775 to 1865; Vol. 2 Indian Wars to World War II 1866 to 1945; Vol. 3 Cold War to the War on Terror 1946 to Present January 26, 2012 |
The War of 1812 in the Chesapeake: A Reference Guide to Historic Sites in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia January 24, 2012 |
Livia, Empress of Rome: A Biography January 22, 2012 |
Royal Tars: The Lower Deck of the Royal Navy, 875-1850 January 19, 2012 |
The Grand Turk: Sultan Mehmet II - Conqueror of Constantinople and Master of an Empire January 16, 2012 |
My Friend the Mercenary: A Memoir January 13, 2012 |
Ancient Chinese Warfare January 10, 2012 |
Hitler's First War: Adolf Hitler, the Men of the List Regiment, and the First World War January 6, 2012 |
A Sailor of Austria: In Which, Without Really Intending to, Otto Prohaska Becomes Official War Hero No. 27 of the Habsburg Empire January 1, 2012 |
Saga of the Sioux: An Adaptation from Dee Brown's Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee December 28, 2011 |
The German Wars: A Concise History, 1859-1945 December 19, 2011 |
Constantine: Roman Emperor, Christian Victor December 15, 2011 |
Masodja: The History of the Rhodesian African Rifles and Its Forerunner, the Rhodesia Native Regiment December 11, 2011 |
If Mahan Ran the Great Pacific War: An Analysis of World War II Naval Strategy December 7, 2011 |
The New American Revolution Handbook: Facts and Artwork for Readers of All Ages, 1775-1783 December 3, 2011 |
A Century of British Naval Aviation, 1909-2009 November 29, 2011 |
The Fortifications of Paris: An Illustrated History November 25, 2011 |
Big Enough to Be Inconsistent: Abraham Lincoln Confronts Slavery and Race November 21, 2011 |
Spies of the First World War: Under Cover for King and Kaiser November 16, 2011 |
Fire from the Sky: Surviving the Kamikaze Threat November 12, 2011 |
Hell in the Holy Land: World War I in the Middle East November 8, 2011 |
Wellington's Peninsular War Generals and Their Battles: A Biographical and Historical Dictionary November 4, 2011 |
The Other Schindlers: Why Some People Chose to Save Jews in the Holocaust October 31, 2011 |
Thanks for the Memories: Love, Sex, and World War II October 23, 2011 |
War Planning, 1914 October 18, 2011 |
Lincoln Legends: Myths, Hoaxes, and Confabulations Associated with Our Greatest President October 15, 2011 |
The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, a Chronology October 10, 2011 |
The End: The Defiance and Destruction of Hitler's Germany, 1944-1945 October 6, 2011 |
Kiwi Companeros: New Zealand and the Spanish Civil War October 2, 2011 |
Racial Borders: Black Soldiers Along the Rio Grande September 28, 2011 |
The Real German War Plan, 1904-14 September 24, 2011 |
The War of 1812 in Person: Fifteen Accounts by United States Army Regulars, Volunteers and Militiamen September 20, 2011 |
Balkan Breakthrough: The Battle of Dobro Pole 1918 September 16, 2011 |
Why Stalin's Soldiers Fought: The Red Army's Military Effectiveness in World War II September 12, 2011 |
The Cognitive Challenge of War: Prussia 1806 September 8, 2011 |
AD 43: The Roman Invasion of Britain, A Reassessment September 4, 2011 |
Flotilla: The Patuxent Naval Campaign in the War of 1812 August 31, 2011 |
The Golden Spurs of Kortrijk: How the Knights of France Fell to the Footsoldiers of Flanders in 1302 August 27, 2011 |
The Royal Navy and the Battle of Britain August 23, 2011 |
How Did Davy Die? And Why Do We Care So Much?: Commemorative Edition August 19, 2011 |
Britannia: The Failed State: Ethnic Conflict and the End of Roman Britain August 16, 2011 |
SACRIFICE ON THE STEPPE: The Italian Alpine Corps in the Stalingrad Campaign, 1942-1943 August 13, 2011 |
War and State Building in Medieval Japan August 8, 2011 |
The Jewish Revolts Against Rome, A.D. 66-135: A Military Analysis August 4, 2011 |
The Greatest Briton: Essays on Winston Churchill's Life and Political Philosophy July 30, 2011 |
Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin July 26, 2011 |
Empires in World History: Power and the Politics of Difference July 22, 2011 |
Armageddon in Stalingrad: September-November 1942 (The Stalingrad Trilogy, Volume 2) July 12, 2011 |
Hannibal July 8, 2011 |
Dogface Soldier: The Life of General Lucian K. Truscott, Jr. July 4, 2011 |
Racing the Sunrise: The Reinforcement of America's Pacific Outposts, 1941-1942 June 30, 2011 |
Blood on the Snow: The Carpathian Winter War of 1915 June 26, 2011 |
The Way of Duty, Honor, Country: The Memoir of General Charles Pelot Summerall June 22, 2011 |
Wolfram von Richthofen: Master of the German Air War June 14, 2011 |
African Americans in the United States Army in World War II June 10, 2011 |
The War of 1812 in the Chesapeake: A Reference Guide to Historic Sites in Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia June 6, 2011 |
THE UNPOPULAR MR. LINCOLN: The Story of America's Most Reviled President May 22, 2011 |
Churchill's Bunker: The Cabinet War Rooms and the Culture of Secrecy in Wartime London May 18, 2011 |
The United States Army: A Chronology, 1775 to the Present May 15, 2011 |
Forgotten ANZACs: The Campaign in Greece, 1941 May 12, 2011 |
Forgotten Weapon: U.S. Navy Airships and the U-Boat War May 9, 2011 |
Commodore Abraham Whipple of the Continental Navy: Privateer, Patriot, Pioneer May 6, 2011 |
The First World War: A Concise Global History April 30, 2011 |
Mosquito Soldiers: Malaria, Yellow Fever, and the Course of the American Civil War April 27, 2011 |
TIRPITZ: The Life and Death of Germany's Last Super Battleship April 24, 2011 |
From Broomsticks To Battlefields: After the Battle, The Story of Henry Clay Robinett April 21, 2011 |
Jefferson Davis and the Civil War Era April 18, 2011 |
Racing the Sunrise: The Reinforcement of America's Pacific Outposts, 1941-1942 April 15, 2011 |
American Generals of the Revolutionary War: A Biographical Dictionary April 12, 2011 |
War by Land, Sea, and Air: Dwight Eisenhower and the Concept of Unified Command April 9, 2011 |
Allies Against the Rising Sun: The United States, the British Nations, and the Defeat of Imperial Japan April 6, 2011 |
Lincoln of Kentucky April 3, 2011 |
All the Tsar's Men: Russia's General Staff and the Fate of the Empire, 1898--1914 March 31, 2011 |
The Civil War on Pensacola Bay March 28, 2011 |
Chewing Gum, Candy Bars, and Beer: The Army PX in World War II March 25, 2011 |
The United States Army in the War of 1812: Concise Biographies of Commanders and Operational Histories of Regiments, with Bibliographies of Published and Primary Sources March 22, 2011 |
Sir Samuel Hood and the Battle of the Chesapeake March 19, 2011 |
The Scarecrow Press "A to Z" Guides Series March 16, 2011 |
Rommel's Desert War: Waging World War II in North Africa, 1941-1943 March 12, 2011 |
Sister States, Enemy States: The Civil War in Kentucky and Tennessee March 9, 2011 |
Beersheba: A Journey Through Australia's Forgotten War March 7, 2011 |
Naval Firepower: Battleship Guns and Gunnery in the Dreadnought Era March 4, 2011 |
Exodus from the Alamo: The Anatomy of the Last Stand Myth March 1, 2011 |
Comrades And Commissars: The Lincoln Battalion in the Spanish Civil War February 26, 2011 |
Captives in Gray: The Civil War Prisons of the Union February 23, 2011 |
We Shall Fight Them on the Beaches: Defying Napoleon and Hitler, 1805 and 1940 February 20, 2011 |
Black Officer in a Buffalo Soldier Regiment: The Military Career of Charles Young February 17, 2011 |
Eight Weeks in Washington, 1861: Abraham Lincoln and the Hazards of Transition February 15, 2011 |
E ight Weeks in Washington, 1861: Abraham Lincoln and the Hazards of Transition February 15, 2011 |
Distant Drums: The Role of Colonies in British Imperial Warfare February 12, 2011 |
Struggle for the Middle Sea: The Great Navies at War in the Mediterranean Theater, 1940-1945 February 9, 2011 |
The Syrian Wars February 6, 2011 |
Blue Water Patriots: The American Revolution Afloat February 3, 2011 |
Marathon: How One Battle Changed Western Civilization January 30, 2011 |
Japan's Imperial Army: Its Rise and Fall, 1853-1945 January 27, 2011 |
Civil War Arkansas, 1863: The Battle for a State January 23, 2011 |
After the Bounty: A Sailor's Account of the Mutiny and Life in the South Seas January 20, 2011 |
The Taktika of Leo VI January 16, 2011 |
The Men of Barbarossa: Commanders of the German Invasion of Russia, 1941 January 13, 2011 |
Ancient Greece: A History in Eleven Cities January 10, 2011 |
The Last Lincoln Conspirator: John Surratt's Flight from the Gallows January 7, 2011 |
To Train the Fleet for War: The U.S. Navy Fleet Problems, 1923-1940 January 2, 2011 |
1688: The First Modern Revolution December 30, 2010 |
The Maryland Campaign of September 1862, Volume I, South Mountain December 26, 2010 |
Makers of Ancient Strategy, From the Persian Wars to the Fall of Rome December 22, 2010 |
The Fourth Star: Four Generals and the Epic Struggle for the Future of the United States Army December 18, 2010 |
ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA: The Doomed Love Affair That United Ancient Rome and Egypt December 15, 2010 |
Capital Cities at War: Paris, London, Berlin, 1914-1918, Vol. II, A Cultural History December 12, 2010 |
Defying Rome: The Rebels of Roman Britain December 8, 2010 |
Upton's Regulars: The 121st New York Infantry in the Civil War December 4, 2010 |
Combat Ready?: The Eighth U.S. Army on the Eve of the Korean War (Williams-Ford Texas A&M University Military History Series) November 30, 2010 |
Years of Change and Suffering: Modern Perspectives on Civil War Medicine November 26, 2010 |
The Marne, 1914: The Opening of World War I and the Battle That Changed the World November 22, 2010 |
Throwing Fire: Projectile Technology through History November 18, 2010 |
The Pledge: A History of the Pledge of Allegiance November 14, 2010 |
The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire November 11, 2010 |
Bluejackets and Contrabands: African Americans and the Union Navy November 7, 2010 |
Hell to Pay: Operation DOWNFALL and the Invasion of Japan, 1945-1947 November 3, 2010 |
The Battle of the Narrow Seas: The History of the Light Coastal Forces in the Channel & North Sea, 1939-1945 November 1, 2010 |
United States Marine Corps Generals of World War II: A Biographical Dictionary October 24, 2010 |
Armed Progressive: General Leonard Wood October 21, 2010 |
The American Civil War: The Soldier's Story October 19, 2010 |
The War of 1812 in the Age of Napoleon October 7, 2010 |
Fireship: The Terror Weapon of the Age of Sail October 4, 2010 |
The 10th Kentucky Volunteer Infantry in the Civil War: A History and Roster October 1, 2010 |
Defenders of Fortress Europe: The Untold Story of the German Officers during the Allied Invasion September 28, 2010 |
Napoleon as a General: Command from the Battlefield to Grand Strategy September 24, 2010 |
Confederate Admiral: The Life and Wars of Franklin Buchanan (Blue Jacket Books) September 22, 2010 |
Historical Dictionary of United States-Africa Relations (Historical Dictionaries of U. S. Diplomacy) September 17, 2010 |
The Complete Gettysburg Guide: Walking and Driving Tours of the Battlefield, Town, Cemeteries, Field Hosptial Sites, and Other Topics of Historical Interest September 14, 2010 |
Militant Islamist Ideology: Understanding the Global Threat September 10, 2010 |
Gustavus Vasa Fox of the Union Navy: A Biography September 8, 2010 |
BISMARCK: The Final Days of Germany's Greatest Battleship September 5, 2010 |
Baseball in Blue and Gray: The National Pastime during the Civil War September 2, 2010 |
Carrier Operations in World War II August 29, 2010 |
Heroes and Cowards: The Social Face of War August 26, 2010 |
British Warship Losses in the Ironclad Era, 1860-1919 August 23, 2010 |
Confederate Colonels: A Biographical Register (SHADES OF BLUE & GRAY) August 21, 2010 |
Gallipoli: The End of the Myth August 17, 2010 |
Why the Dreyfus Affair Matters August 13, 2010 |
Until Antietam: The Life and Letters of Major General Israel B. Richardson, U.S. Army August 11, 2010 |
Gentlemen, We Will Stand and Fight: Le Cateau 1914 August 9, 2010 |
Commander of All Lincoln's Armies : A Life of General Henry W. Halleck August 7, 2010 |
The Roman Revolution of Constantine July 22, 2010 |
SICKLES AT GETTYSBURG: The Controversial�Civil War General Who Committed Murder, Abandoned Little Round Top, and Declared Himself the Hero of Gettysburg July 19, 2010 |
Churchill and Spain: The Survival of the Franco Regime, 1940-1945 July 17, 2010 |
Like a Meteor Blazing Brightly: The Short but Controversial Life of Colonel Ulric Dahlgren July 15, 2010 |
Class and Race in the Frontier Army: Military Life in the West, 1870-1890 July 13, 2010 |
Lincoln's Political Generals July 11, 2010 |
Hitler's Italian Allies: Royal Armed Forces, Fascist Regime, and the War of 1940-1943 July 6, 2010 |
Success Is All That Was Expected: The South Atlantic Blockading Squadron During the Civil War July 4, 2010 |
The Soldier from Independence: A Military Biography of Harry Truman July 2, 2010 |
Rogue: A Biography of Civil War General Justus McKinstry June 30, 2010 |
Theodore Roosevelt's Naval Diplomacy: The U.S. Navy and the Birth of the American Century June 28, 2010 |
Sherman's Forgotten General: Henry W. Slocum (Shades of Blue and Gray Series) June 26, 2010 |
Black Flag: The Surrender of Germany's U-Boat Forces June 24, 2010 |
Soldiers West: Biographies from the Military Frontier June 22, 2010 |
The Training Ground: Grant, Lee, Sherman, and Davis in the Mexican War, 1846-1848 June 18, 2010 |
Yankee Warhorse: A Biography of Major General Peter Osterhaus June 16, 2010 |
Kitchener's War: British Strategy from 1914-1916, June 14, 2010 |
Commanding Lincoln's Navy: Union Naval Leadership During the Civil War June 13, 2010 |
San Martin: Argentine Soldier, American Hero June 11, 2010 |
Kentuckians in Gray: Confederate Generals and Field Officers of the Bluegrass State June 9, 2010 |
Diplomats and Diplomacy in the Roman World June 8, 2010 |
The Victorians at War June 6, 2010 |
The Age of the Ship of the Line: The British and French Navies, 1650-1815 June 3, 2010 |
Engineering Security: The Corps of Engineers and Third System Defense Policy, 1815-1861 June 1, 2010 |
The Virgin Warrior: The Life and Death of Joan of Arc May 30, 2010 |
General Lee's Army: From Victory to Collapse May 28, 2010 |
Captain Cook's War and Peace: The Royal Navy Years, 1755-1768 May 26, 2010 |
Clad in Iron: The American Civil War and the Challenge of British Naval Power May 24, 2010 |
Feeding the Roman Army: The Archaeology of Production and Supply in NW Europe May 21, 2010 |
Slaughter at Sea: The Story of Japan's Naval War Crimes May 18, 2010 |
Eleanor of Aquitaine May 15, 2010 |
Great Liners at War May 12, 2010 |
To the Last Salute: Memoirs of an Austrian U-Boat Commander May 9, 2010 |
Yankee Division in the First World War: In the Highest Tradition May 6, 2010 |
Roman Warfare May 3, 2010 |
Admiral Saumarez Versus Napoleon: The Baltic, 1807-1812 April 30, 2010 |
428 AD, An Ordinary Year at the End of the Roman Empire April 27, 2010 |
The Landings at Sulva Bay, 1915: An Analysis of British Failure During the Gallipoli Campaign April 23, 2010 |
The Grand Strategy of the Byzantine Empire April 20, 2010 |
Pepys's Navy: Ships, Men, and Warfare, 1649-1689 April 18, 2010 |
The Antonine Wall April 15, 2010 |
Merchant Mariners at War: An Oral History of World War II April 13, 2010 |
Thutmose III: The Military Biography of Egypt's Greatest Warrior King April 10, 2010 |
The Legacy of the Great War, Ninety-Years On April 8, 2010 |
A Blue Sea of Blood: Deciphering the Mysterious Fate of the USS Edsall April 6, 2010 |
The Black Citizen-Soldiers of Kansas, 1864-1901 April 4, 2010 |
The "New" Terrorism: Myths and Realities April 2, 2010 |
The Resurrection and Collapse of Empire in Habsburg Serbia, 1914-1918 March 31, 2010 |
How Rome Fell: Death of a Superpower March 29, 2010 |
The Paraguayan War March 27, 2010 |
Armchair Warriors: Private Citizens, Popular Press, and the Rise of American Power March 25, 2010 |
Cannae: The Experience of Battle in the Second Punic War March 22, 2010 |
Hitler's Man in Havana: Heinz L�ning and Nazi Espionage in Latin America March 20, 2010 |
The Question of MacArthur's Reputation: C�te de Ch�tillon, October 14-16, 1918 March 18, 2010 |
Legionary: The Roman Soldier's Unofficial Hand-book March 16, 2010 |
A Century of Carrier Aviation: The Evolution of Ships and Shipborne Aircraft March 14, 2010 |
Espionage in the Ancient World: An Annotated Bibliography of Books and Articles in Western Languages March 12, 2010 |
Great Powers and the Quest for Hegemony: The World Order since 1500 March 9, 2010 |
Why We Fought: America's Wars in Film and History March 7, 2010 |
The Language of Empire: Rome and the Idea of Empire from the Third Century BC to the Second Century AD March 2, 2010 |
A Great & Glorious Victory: New Perspectives on the Battle of Trafalgar March 2, 2010 |
Clausewitz: Contemporary War February 26, 2010 |
Hitler's Pre-Emptive War: The Battle for Norway, 1940 February 23, 2010 |
The Battle of the Otranto Straits: Controlling the Gateway to the Adriatic in WW I February 19, 2010 |
Blood in the Forum: The Struggle for the Roman Republic February 18, 2010 |
Bismarck: The Final Days of Germany's Greatest Battleship February 16, 2010 |
Lives of Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: Untold Tales of Men of Jewish Descent Who Fought for the Third Reich February 14, 2010 |
The Origins of World War I February 12, 2010 |
Feeding the Roman Army: The Archaeology of Production and Supply in NW Europe February 9, 2010 |
Pioneers of Amphibious Warfare, 1898-1945 February 7, 2010 |
The Cruel Sea Retold: The Truth Behind Monsarrat's Epic Convoy Drama February 4, 2010 |
Why We Fought: America's Wars in Film and History February 2, 2010 |
Rome and the Barbarians, 100 B.C.-A.D. 400 January 30, 2010 |
The Press Gang: Naval Impressment and its Opponents in Georgian Britain January 28, 2010 |
Truceless War: Cathage's Fight for Survival, 241 to 237 BC January 26, 2010 |
The Victorians at War January 23, 2010 |
Battle for the Baltic Islands: Triumph of the Imperial German Navy January 20, 2010 |
Three Byzantine Military Treatises January 17, 2010 |
C-47/R4D Units of World War II January 15, 2010 |
Hollywood War Films, 1937-1945: An Exhaustive Filmography of American Feature-Length Motion Pictures Relating to World War II January 13, 2010 |
The Misadventures of Jane January 9, 2010 |
Great Military Leaders and their Campaigns January 7, 2010 |
Cleopatra and Rome January 3, 2010 |
The Fall of a Black Army Officer: Racism & the Myth of Henry O. Flipper December 31, 2009 |
The Mother of All Battles: Saddam Hussein's Strategic Plan for the Persian Gulf War December 27, 2009 |
The Echo of Battle: The Army's Way of War December 22, 2009 |
The U.S.S. Flier: Death and Survival on a World War II Submarine December 20, 2009 |
Fields of Conflict: Battlefield Archaeology from the Roman Empire to the Korean War December 17, 2009 |
The Art of Command: Military Leadership from George Washington to Colin Powell December 14, 2009 |
Battleship Oklahoma (BB-37) December 8, 2009 |
Napoleon's Enfant Terrible: General Dominique Vandamme November 30, 2009 |
The Pacific War: The Strategy, Politics, and Players that Won the War November 26, 2009 |
Nelson's Battles: The Triumph of British Sea Power November 23, 2009 |
Mussolini and His Generals: The Armed Forces and Fascist Foreign Policy, 1923-1940 November 16, 2009 |
Philip II of Macedonia November 8, 2009 |
With Zeal and With Bayonets Only: The British Army on Campaign in North America, 1775-1783 November 4, 2009 |
Warhorse: Cavalry in Ancient Warfare October 27, 2009 |
A Date Which Will Live: Pearl Harbor in American Memory October 23, 2009 |
Canaris: The Life and Death of Hitler's Spymaster October 15, 2009 |
Women, Armies, and Warfare in Early Modern Europe October 12, 2009 |
The Battle of the River Plate: A Grand Delusion October 8, 2009 |
Mobilizing Minerva: American Women in the First World War October 4, 2009 |
RISINGS AND REBELLIONS 1919-39: Organisation, Warfare, Dress and Weapons. Interwar Colonial Campaigns in Africa, Asia, and the Americas October 1, 2009 |
The Battlecruiser HMS Hood: An Illustrated Biography, 1916-1941 September 27, 2009 |
Genghis Khan: History's Greatest Empire Builder September 23, 2009 |
The First Day of the Blitz, September 7, 1940 September 16, 2009 |
Agents of Innovation: The General Board and the Design of the Fleet that Defeated Japan September 11, 2009 |
Hitler's Bandit Hunters: The SS and the Nazi Occupation of Europe September 8, 2009 |
Clausewitz: Contemporary War September 2, 2009 |
Eighth Army in Italy, 1943-1945: The Long Hard Slog August 27, 2009 |
John Hawkwood: An English Mercenary in Fourteenth Century Italy August 23, 2009 |
The Australian Cruiser Perth, 1939-1942 August 18, 2009 |
Intensely Human: The Health of the Black Soldier in the American Civil War August 14, 2009 |
Land Battles in 5th Century B.C. Greece: A History and Analysis of 173 Engagements August 10, 2009 |
Some Recent Books about Garibaldi August 6, 2009 |
War of Annihilation: Combat and Genocide on the Eastern Front, 1941 August 3, 2009 |
The Enemies of Rome: From Hannibal to Attila the Hun August 1, 2009 |
The Irish Militia, 1793-1802: Ireland's Forgotten Army July 29, 2009 |
The Anabasis of Cyrus July 25, 2009 |
Napoleon's Men: The Soldiers of the Revolution and Empire July 15, 2009 |
Sparta & War July 12, 2009 |
Three Days in the Shenandoah: Stonewall Jackson at Front Royal and Winchester July 9, 2009 |
Churchill And War July 7, 2009 |
Shipping and Military Power in the Seven Years' War: The Sails of Victory June 30, 2009 |
Confederate Colonels: A Biographical Register June 26, 2009 |
Imperial City: Rome, Romans And Napoleon, 1796-1815 June 18, 2009 |
Churchill Goes to War: Winston's Wartime Journeys June 14, 2009 |
Meade's Army: The Private Notebooks of Lt. Col. Theodore Lyman June 11, 2009 |
In Which They Served: The Royal Navy Officer Experience in the Second World War June 7, 2009 |
Muhammad: Islam's First Great General June 4, 2009 |
Harvest of Despair: Life and Death in Ukraine Under Nazi Rule June 1, 2009 |
Churchill and America May 26, 2009 |
The Civil War and the Limits of Destruction May 23, 2009 |
Fighting for Franco: International Volunteers in Nationalist Spain during the Spanish Civil War May 19, 2009 |
Death of the Wehrmacht: The German Campaigns of 1942 May 14, 2009 |
Santa Anna of Mexico May 12, 2009 |
Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway May 7, 2009 |
Operation Albion: The German Conquest of the Baltic Islands May 5, 2009 |
The British Empire and the Second World War May 3, 2009 |
"Friends in Peace and War": The Russian Navy's Landmark Visit to Civil War San Francisco April 28, 2009 |
Red Storm Over the Balkans: The Failed Soviet Invasion of Romania, Spring 1944 April 25, 2009 |
Red Storm Over the Balkans: The Failed Soviet Invasion of Romania, Spring 1944 April 25, 2009 |
Texas Terror: The Slave Insurrection Panic of 1860 and the Secession of the Lower South April 18, 2009 |
Lost Battles: Reconstructing the Great Clashes of the Ancient World April 14, 2009 |
Africa Squadron: The U.S. Navy and the Slave Trade, 1842-1861 April 8, 2009 |
Shiloh and the Western Campaign of 1862 March 24, 2009 |
Chief of Staff: The Principal Officers Behind History's Great Commanders March 20, 2009 |
Operation Albion: The German Conquest of the Baltic Islands March 17, 2009 |
Grant and Lee: Victorious American and Vanquished Virginian March 5, 2009 |
Indian Conquistadors: Indigenous Allies in the Conquest of Mesoamerica March 1, 2009 |
Franco and Hitler: Spain, Germany, and World War II February 25, 2009 |
Army of the Potomac: Vol. III, McClellan's First Campaign, March-May 1862: A Wide-Ranging Study of the Army's Leaders and Their Decisions February 21, 2009 |
The AEF Way of War: The American Army and Combat in World War I February 17, 2009 |
Hitler and His Allies in World War II February 14, 2009 |
Iron Hulls, Iron Hearts: Mussolini's Elite Armoured Divisions in North Africa February 11, 2009 |
The Sea Rover's Practice: Pirate Tactics and Techniques, 1630-1730 February 8, 2009 |
The Franco-Prussian War, 1870-1871 February 6, 2009 |
Lincolnites and Rebels: A Divided Town in the American Civil War February 1, 2009 |
Making a Killing: The Explosive Story of a Hired Gun In Iraq January 27, 2009 |
Women in the Line of Fire: What You should Know About Women in the Military January 24, 2009 |
Dunkirk: Fight to the Last Man January 20, 2009 |
Kill Bin Laden: A Delta Force Commander's Account of the Hunt for World's Most Wanted Man January 17, 2009 |
Ottoman Army Effectiveness in World War I: A Comparative Study January 13, 2009 |
War Summits: The Meetings that Shaped World War II and the Postwar World August 6, 2008 |
The Roman Triumph July 15, 2008 |
The Last Days of Mussolini July 5, 2008 |
Power at Sea June 19, 2008 |
Ship of Ghosts: The Story of the USS Houston, FDR's Legendary Lost Cruiser and the Epic Saga of Her Survivors June 13, 2008 |
Through the Wheat March 19, 2008 |
Texas Aggie Go To War January 24, 2008 |
The Imjin War: Japan's Sixteenth-Century Invasion of Korea and the Attempt to Conquer China January 9, 2008 |
On the Roads of War: A Soviet Cavalryman on the Eastern Front July 26, 2007 |
The Mighty Fallen July 11, 2007 |
Inside the Jihad June 26, 2007 |
Women in the Civil War June 23, 2007 |
Washington's Crossing March 14, 2007 |
Bomb Squad: A Year Inside the Nation's Most Exclusive Police Unit February 16, 2007 |
My Men Are My Heroes: The Brad Kasal Story February 11, 2007 |
Caesar: Life of a Colossus February 7, 2007 |
The Devil's Own Work: The Civil War Draft Riots and the Fight to Reconstruct America February 1, 2007 |
Embrace the Suck: A Pocket Guide to Milspeak January 22, 2007 |
Admiral Lord Howe: A Biography January 17, 2007 |
The 2007 Subsim Almanac: Articles, Stories, and Art from Subvets, Game Developers, Players, and Historians January 14, 2007 |
Red Storm Over the Balkans: The Failed Soviet Invasion of Romania, Spring 1944 January 7, 2007 |
One Soldier's Story: A Memoir December 30, 2006 |
Gators of Neptune: Naval Amphibious Planning for the Normandy Invasion December 27, 2006 |
The Last Generation: Young Virginians in Peace, War, and Reunion December 20, 2006 |
Black Shoe Carrier Admiral: Frank Jack Fletcher at Coral Sea, Midway, and Guadalcanal December 10, 2006 |
AK-47: The Weapon that Changed the Face of War December 1, 2006 |
Home of the Brave: Honoring the Unsung Heroes in the War on Terror November 30, 2006 |
Showdown: Why China Wants War with the United States October 8, 2006 |
Bomber Offensive September 25, 2006 |
Warlord: No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy September 24, 2006 |
Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up To The Facts September 11, 2006 |
The D-Day Companion September 4, 2006 |
The Ninety Days: Five Battles That Changed The World August 23, 2006 |
The Battle for Spain: The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 July 30, 2006 |
Never Quit the Fight July 24, 2006 |
A Spy's Journey: A CIA Memoir July 24, 2006 |
Saddam's Secrets: How an Iraqi General Defied and Survived Saddam Hussein July 2, 2006 |
Theodore Roosevelt and World Order: Police Power in International Relations June 8, 2006 |
Duty, Honor, Privilege: New York’s Silk Stock-ing Regiment and the Breaking of the Hindenburg Line June 7, 2006 |
Twenty-Two Hundred Days to Pulo We: My Education in the Navy June 5, 2006 |
The Future of War: Organizations as Weapons May 31, 2006 |
Not a Good Day to Die: The Untold Story of Operation Anaconda May 28, 2006 |
Leave No Man Behind: Liberation and Capture Missions May 25, 2006 |
Germany and the Axis Powers May 21, 2006 |
China: The Gathering Threat March 4, 2006 |
Jawbreaker: The Attack on Bin Laden and al-Qaeda: A Personal Account by the CIA�s Key Field Commander March 2, 2006 |
The Memory of the Civil War in American Culture February 26, 2006 |
Ripples of Battle: How Wars of the Past Still Determine How We Fight, How We Live, and How We Think February 20, 2006 |
Waging Peace: A Special Operations Team�s Battle to Rebuild Iraq February 19, 2006 |
Red Star Rogue: The Untold Story of a Soviet Submarine�s Nuclear Strike Attempt on the U.S January 31, 2006 |
The United States 15th Infantry Regiment in China, 1912-1938 January 4, 2006 |
Disinformation: 22 Media Myths That Undermine the War on Terror December 22, 2005 |
Shinano! The Sinking of Japan�s Secret Supership December 21, 2005 |
Treachery: How America�s Friends and Foes Are Secretly Arming Our Enemies December 5, 2005 |
Mao: The Unknown Story November 28, 2005 |
Shattered Sword: The Untold Story of the Battle of Midway November 22, 2005 |
Crusades: The Illustrated History November 15, 2005 |
Left to Die: The Tragedy of the USS Juneau October 27, 2005 |
The CIA at War: Inside the Secret Campaign Against Terror October 7, 2005 |
And I Was There: Pearl Harbor and Midway � Breaking the Secrets September 18, 2005 |
Shadow War: The Untold Story of How America Is Winning the War on Terror September 12, 2005 |
The Franco-Prussian War: The German Conquest of France in 1870-1871 September 4, 2005 |
How Robert E. Lee Lost the Civil War September 1, 2005 |
The Guns of Independence: The Siege of Yorktown, 1781 August 30, 2005 |
The Somme August 28, 2005 |
Hunting Al Qaeda: A Take-No-Prisoners Account of Terror, Adventure, and Disillusionment August 10, 2005 |
Killing Pablo: The Hunt for the World�s Greatest Outlaw August 8, 2005 |
Dereliction of Duty August 4, 2005 |
U.S. Army Intelligence and Interrogation Handbook; The Official Guide to Prisoner Interrogation July 14, 2005 |
Military Chronicles June 22, 2005 |
The Worlds of Herman Kahn: The Intuitive Science of Thermonuclear War March 28, 2005 |
By the Sword: A History of Gladiators, Musketeers, Samurai, Swashbucklers, and Olympic Champions March 1, 2005 |
Under the Loving Care of the Fatherly Leader: North Korea and the Kim Dynasty February 24, 2005 |
Ha-Milkhamah Ha-Shvi�it: Ekh Nitzakhnu Vi-Lamah Hifsadnu Bi-Milkhamah Im ha-Falistinayim (The Seventh War: How We Won and Why We Lost in the War against the Palestinians) February 20, 2005 |
To Rule the Waves: How the British Navy Shaped the Modern World February 8, 2005 |
Blowing My Cover: My life as a CIA Spy and Other Misadventures February 3, 2005 |
Thunder Run January 20, 2005 |
Storm of Steel January 13, 2005 |
Partisans and Redcoats: The Southern Conflict that Turned the Tide of the American Revolution January 12, 2005 |
An End To Evil: How to Win the War on Terror December 10, 2004 |
The Complete Idiot�s Guide to World Conflict December 9, 2004 |
Lincoln�s War: The Untold Story of America�s Greatest President as Commander-in-Chief December 6, 2004 |
Inside Centcom: The Unvarnished Truth About the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq December 2, 2004 |
Raid on the Sun: inside Israel�s Secret Campaign that Denied Saddam the Bomb December 1, 2004 |
The Supply for Tomorrow Must Not Fail: The Civil War of Captain Simon Perkins Jr., A Union Quartermaster November 30, 2004 |
Walker�s Texas Division, CSA: Greyhounds of the Trans-Mississippi November 29, 2004 |
The War within the Union High Command: Politics and Generalship During the Civil War November 28, 2004 |
Confederate General R.S. Ewell: Robert E Lee�s Hesitant Commander November 27, 2004 |
The Making of Robert E. Lee November 26, 2004 |
Gunpowder: Alchemy, Bombards, and Pyrotechnics: The History of the Explosive that Changed the World November 24, 2004 |
Ten Days to D-Day: Citizens and Soldiers on the Eve of the Invasion November 19, 2004 |
Storm on the Horizon: Khafji�The Battle that Changed the Course of the Gulf War November 18, 2004 |
Condi: The Condoleeza Rice Story November 17, 2004 |
Between War and Peace: Lessons from Afghanistan to Iraq November 3, 2004 |
Shadow Divers: The True Adventure of Two Americans Who Risked Everything to Solve one of the Last Mysteries of World War II October 24, 2004 |
Wellington's Rifles: Six Years to Waterloo with England's Legendary Sharpshooters September 18, 2004 |
Lone Star Rising: The Revolutionary Birth of the Texas Republic August 29, 2004 |
Emergency Sex and Other Desperate Measures: A True Story of Hell on Earth August 22, 2004 |
American Soldier August 10, 2004 |
The Quiet Warrior, A Biography of Admiral Raymond A. Spruance August 8, 2004 |
Downfall: The End of the Imperial Japanese Empire August 5, 2004 |
None Braver: U.S. Air Force Pararescuemen in the War on Terrorism July 27, 2004 |
Guadalcanal: The Definitive Account of the Landmark Battle July 26, 2004 |
Jarhead: A Marine�s Chronicle of the Gulf War and Other Battles July 18, 2004 |
Combat Jump July 11, 2004 |
The Connection: How al Qaeda's Collaboration with Saddam Hussein has Endangered America June 24, 2004 |
The March Up: Taking Baghdad with the 1st Marine Division June 3, 2004 |
Rumsfeld�s War: The Untold Story of America�s Anti-Terrorist Commander June 2, 2004 |
The Naval Battle of Guadalcanal: Night Action, 13 November, 1942 May 22, 2004 |
Greek Fire, Poison Arrows, and Scorpion Bombs: Biological and Chemical Warfare, in the Ancient World April 14, 2004 |
Jarhead: A Marine�s Chronicle of the Gulf War and Other Battles April 11, 2004 |
The Pentagon's New Map: War and Peace in the Twenty-First Century March 6, 2004 |
Intelligence in War: Knowledge of the Enemy from Napoleon to al Qaeada February 13, 2004 |
Latin America�s Wars Vol. I & II February 11, 2004 |
None Braver: U.S. Air Force Pararescuemen in the War on Terrorism February 3, 2004 |
An Army at Dawn: The War in North Africa, 1942-1943 February 2, 2004 |
Terrorism, Afghanistan, and America�s New Way of War February 1, 2004 |
Airpower in Small Wars: Fighting Insurgents and Terrorists January 28, 2004 |
Combat Jump January 27, 2004 |
The Peloponnesian War January 23, 2004 |
El Dorado Canyon: Reagan's Undeclared War With Qaddafi January 19, 2004 |
Boots On The Ground: A Month with the 82nd Airborne in the Battle for Iraq January 16, 2004 |
The Fires of Pride January 10, 2004 |
Army Life in Virginia: The Civil War Letters of George G. Benedict November 4, 2003 |
Brigades of Gettysburg: The Union and Confederate Brigades at the Battle of Gettysburg November 4, 2003 |
Storming Little Round Top: The 15th Alabama and Their Fight for the High Ground, July 2, 1863 November 4, 2003 |
The Illustrated Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era November 4, 2003 |
Arabs at War Military Effectiveness, 1948-1991 September 9, 2003 |
It Doesn�t Take A Hero September 4, 2003 |
The Sands of Pride August 11, 2003 |
Wellington Invades France: The Final Phase of the Peninsular War, 1813-1814 August 4, 2003 |
The Military Maxims of Napoleon August 2, 2003 |
Napoleon�s Italian Campaigns, 1805-1815 August 2, 2003 |
The Prize Game: Lawful Looting on the High Seas in the Days of Fighting Sail July 31, 2003 |
Technological Change and the United States Navy, 1865-1945 July 31, 2003 |
The American Home Guard: The State Militia in the Twentieth Century, July 30, 2003 |
All the Factors of Victory: Adm. Joseph Mason Reeves and the Origins of Carrier Aviation, July 30, 2003 |
Trust No One The Secret World of Sidney Reilly July 11, 2003 |
Odysseus In America: Combat Trauma and the Trials of Homecoming July 11, 2003 |
Death Traps The Survival of an American Armored Division in World War II June 30, 2003 |
Marine Corps Tank Battles in Korea June 30, 2003 |
All the Factors of Victory: Adm. Joseph Mason Reeves and the Origins of Carrier Aviation June 30, 2003 |
The Hunt for Bin Laden: Task Force Dagger On the ground with the Special Forces in Afghanistan May 23, 2003 |
A Patriot's Handbook: Songs, Poems, Stories, and Speeches Celebrating the Land We Love May 12, 2003 |
The Battle of the Casbah: Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism in ALgeria, 1955-1957 February 8, 2003 |
Fredericksburg! Fredericksburg! February 5, 2003 |
Stamping Out the Virus: Allied Intervention in the Russian Civil War, 1918-1920 January 20, 2003 |
Inside the White House in War Times: Memoirs and Reports of Lincoln's Secretary January 9, 2003 |
Hell in H�rtgen Forest: The Ordeal and Triumph of an American Infantry Regiment January 7, 2003 |
Republic of Korea Official History of the Korean War December 30, 2002 |
The Roman-Judaeo War of 66-74 A.D.: A Military Analysis November 30, 2002 |
Military History's Most Wanted: : The Top 10 Book of Improbable Victories, Unlikely Heroes, and Other Martial Oddities (Brassey's Most Wanted Series) September 20, 2002 |
China Attacks July 9, 2002 |
The Last Year of the Luftwaffe, May1944 to May 1945 June 25, 2002 |
Doctrine Under Fire: American Artillery Employment in World War I April 27, 2002 |
After Clausewitz: German Military Thinkers Before the Great War April 27, 2002 |
A Bright and Uncertain Hold: A History of the Sixty-Sixth Ohio Volunteer Infantry April 27, 2002 |
The Philadelphia Navy Yard: From the Birth of the U.S. Navy to the Nuclear Age April 27, 2002 |
The Battle of Glorieta: Union Military Victory in the West April 13, 2002 |
Buffalo Soldiers and Officers of the Ninth Cavalry, 1867-1898: Black and White Together April 13, 2002 |
The Black Infantry in the West, 1869-1891 April 13, 2002 |
Stars in the Corps: Movie Actors in the United States Marines April 13, 2002 |
Terror on the Chesapeake: The War of 1812 on the Bay April 13, 2002 |
Major McKinley: William McKinley and the Civil War April 3, 2002 |
Stars in Khaki: Movie Actors in the Army and the Air Services April 3, 2002 |
A War to be Won: Fighting the Second World War April 3, 2002 |
Don Carlos Buell: Most Promising of All March 29, 2002 |
Patton and His Third Army March 29, 2002 |
Training, Tactics and Leadership in the Confederate Army of Tennessee: Seeds of Failure March 21, 2002 |
See No Evil : The True Story of a Ground Soldier in the CIA's War on Terrorism March 2, 2002 |
Monitor: The Story of the Legendary Civil War Ironclad and the Men Whose Invention Changed the Course of Naval History February 5, 2002 |
The First 24 Hours of War in the Pacific January 28, 2002 |
The Chessboard of War: Sherman and Hood in the Autumn Campaigns of 1864 January 26, 2002 |
Operation Compass 1940: Wavell's Whirlwind Offensive (Osprey Military Campaign, No. 73) January 19, 2002 |
Christianity and the Roman Empire: Background Texts October 18, 2001 |
War and the World: Military Power and the Fate of Continents, 1450-2000 September 19, 2001 |
Marines Under Armor: The Marine Corps and the Armored Fighting Vehicle, 1961-2000 September 19, 2001 |
Mars Learning: The Marine Corps� Development of Small Wars Doctrine, 1915-1940 September 19, 2001 |
Agent of Destiny: The Life and Times of General Winfield Scott August 20, 2001 |
Five Days in London: May 1940 August 20, 2001 |
The Lusitania: The Life, Loss, and Legacy of an Ocean Legend August 20, 2001 |
Joseph E. Johnston and the Defense of Richmond July 30, 2001 |
The African-American Soldier: From Crispus Attucks to Colin Powell July 30, 2001 |
Strange Victory: Hitler�s Conquest of France July 30, 2001 |
Ghost of War: The Sinking of the Awa Maru and Japanese American Relations, 1945-1995 June 19, 2001 |
Inside Fortress Norway: Bjorn West � Norwegian Guerrilla Base, 1944-1945 June 19, 2001 |
Medieval Warfare: A History June 19, 2001 |
The Memoirs of Brigadier General William Passmore Carlin, U.S.V. June 2, 2001 |
The Coast Guard at War: Vietnam, 1965-1975 June 2, 2001 |
Inside the Afrika Korps: The Crusader Battles, 1941-1942 June 2, 2001 |
Andrew Foote: Civil War Admiral on Western Waters May 21, 2001 |
After D-Day: Operation Cobra and the Normandy Breakout May 21, 2001 |
General William Maxwell and the New Jersey Continentals May 21, 2001 |
Mobilizing for Modern War: The Political Economy of American Warfare, 1865-1919 May 14, 2001 |
The Italian Navy and Fascist Expansionism, 1935-1940 May 14, 2001 |
Confederate Admiral: The Life and Times of Franklin Buchanan May 14, 2001 |
An Encyclopedia of Naval History May 9, 2001 |
Ulysses S. Grant: Triumph Over Adversity, 1822-1865 May 9, 2001 |
The Making of a Professional: Manton S. Eddy, U.S.A May 9, 2001 |
Joshua Chamberlain: The Soldier and the Man May 7, 2001 |
With Alex at War: From the Irrawaddy to the Po, 1941-1945 May 7, 2001 |
The Encyclopedia of Revolutions and Revolutionaries: From Anarchism to Zhou En-lai May 7, 2001 |
Kharkov 1942: Anatomy of a Military Disaster May 2, 2001 |
Who Was Who in the American Revolution May 2, 2001 |
Civil War Etchings: Edwin Forbes May 2, 2001 |
The Road to Total War: The American Civil War and the German Wars of Unification, 1861-1871 April 30, 2001 |
Gardiner�s Photographic Sketch Book of the Civil War April 30, 2001 |
Fascist and Liberal Visions of War: Fuller, Liddell Hart, Douhet, and Other Modernists April 30, 2001 |
Taken at the Flood: Robert E. Lee and Confederate Strategy in the Maryland Campaign of 1862 April 26, 2001 |
Between Two Fires: American Indians in the Civil War April 26, 2001 |
Those Damned Rebels: The American Revolution as Seen through British Eyes April 26, 2001 |
Fire and Thunder: Exploits of the Confederate States Navy April 23, 2001 |
The Book of War: 25 Centuries of Great War Writing April 23, 2001 |
Buff Facings and Gilt Buttons: Staff and Headquarters Operations in the Army of Northern Virginia, 1861-1865 April 23, 2001 |
Morals Under the Gun: The Cardinal Virtues, Military Ethics, and American Society April 19, 2001 |
MacArthur's Jungle War: The 1944 New Guinea Campaign April 19, 2001 |
Lee's Miserables: Life in the Army of Northern Virginia from the Wilderness to Appomattox April 17, 2001 |
Isaac Shelby: A Driving Force in America�s Struggle for Independence April 17, 2001 |
Stopped at Stalingrad: The Luftwaffe and Hitler's Defeat in the East, 1942-1943 April 16, 2001 |
While Cannons Roared: The Civil War Behind the Lines April 16, 2001 |
America and Guerrilla Warfare April 16, 2001 |
Franco: A Biography April 11, 2001 |
The SA Generals and the Rise of the Nazis April 11, 2001 |
The African Rank-and-File: Social Implications of Colonial Military Service in the King�s African Rifles, 1902-1964 April 11, 2001 |
The General�s General: The Life and Times of Arthur MacArthur April 9, 2001 |
The Battle of the Bulge, The German View: Perspectives from Hitler�s High Command April 9, 2001 |
The Cold War at Sea: High-Seas Confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union April 9, 2001 |
Thomas ap Catesby Jones: Commodore of Manifest Destiny April 7, 2001 |
Exit Rommel: The Tunisian Campaign, 1942-1943 April 7, 2001 |
The War Against Rommel�s Supply Lines, 1942-1943 April 5, 2001 |
Giant of the Grand Si�cle: The French Army, 1710-1715 April 4, 2001 |
Ancient Siege Warfare April 4, 2001 |
The Eyes of Orion: Five Tank Lieutenants in the Persian Gulf War April 4, 2001 |
Citizen Soldiers in the War of 1812 April 2, 2001 |
The Life and Wars of Gideon J. Pillow April 2, 2001 |
Hamburger Hill: The Brutal Battle for Dong Ap Bia, May 11-20, 1969 April 2, 2001 |
The Battle of Gettysburg March 29, 2001 |
Venona: Decoding Soviet Espionage in America March 29, 2001 |
Doniphan�s Epic March: The 1st Missouri Volunteers in the Mexican War March 29, 2001 |
To the North Anna River: Grant and Lee, May 13-25, 1864 March 28, 2001 |
The Siege at Hue March 28, 2001 |
Insurgent Cuba: Race, Nation, and Revolution, 1868-1898 March 28, 2001 |
Lincoln�s Abolitionist General: The Biography of David Hunter March 26, 2001 |
Spies & Commandos: How America Lost the Secret War in Vietnam March 26, 2001 |
Roots of Strategy, Book 4 March 26, 2001 |
Dictionary of Military Terms March 24, 2001 |
The Pen & Ink Sailor: Charles Middleton and the King�s Navy, 1778-1813 March 24, 2001 |
Banners to the Breeze: The Kentucky Campaign, Corinth, and Stones River March 24, 2001 |
Sounding the Shallows: A Confederate Companion for the Maryland Campaign of 1862 March 22, 2001 |
Kalishnikov Machine Pistols, Assault Rifles, and Machine-Guns, 1945 to the Present March 22, 2001 |
Jerome Bonaparte: The War Years, 1800-1815 March 22, 2001 |
Confederate Tide Rising: Robert E. Lee and the Making of Southern Strategy, 1861-1862 March 21, 2001 |
Gates of Fire: An Epic Novel of the Battle of Thermopylae March 21, 2001 |
In the Shadow of Nelson: The Naval Leadership of Admiral Sir Charles Cotton, 1753-1812 March 21, 2001 |
This Grand Spectacle: The Battle of Chattanooga March 20, 2001 |
The Fighting Rabbis: Jewish Military Chaplains and American History March 20, 2001 |
Wellington: A Personal History March 20, 2001 |
Wilson�s Creek: The Second Battle of the Civil War and the Men Who Fought It March 19, 2001 |
Benedict Arnold, Revolutionary Hero: An American Warrior Reconsidered March 19, 2001 |
Most Secret and Confidential: Intelligence in the Age of Nelson March 19, 2001 |
The Battle of the Wilderness, May 5-6, 1864 and The Battle of Spotsylvania Court House and the Road to Yellow Tavern, May 7-12, 1864 March 17, 2001 |
Soissons, 1918 March 17, 2001 |
For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War March 17, 2001 |
Citizen Soldiers March 15, 2001 |
Victory in the East: The Rise and Fall of the Imperial German Army March 15, 2001 |
Doughboy War: The American Expeditionary Force in World War I March 14, 2001 |
MacArthur's Jungle War: The 1944 New Guinea Campaign March 14, 2001 |
A Signal Victory: The Lake Erie Campaign, 1812-1813 March 13, 2001 |
Sir John Fisher�s Naval Revolution March 13, 2001 |
A Time for War: The United States and Vietnam, 1941-1975 March 13, 2001 |
Victory at Any Cost: The Genius of Viet Nam�s Gen. Vo Nguyen Giap March 12, 2001 |
The First World War March 12, 2001 |
The Wilderness Campaign March 12, 2001 |
The Roman War Machine March 10, 2001 |
The Nazis� March to Chaos: The Hitler Era Through the Lenses of Chaos-Complexity Theory March 10, 2001 |
The Road to Total War: The American Civil War and the German Wars of Unification, 1861-1871 March 10, 2001 |
The Luftwaffe: Creating the Operational Air War, 1918-1940 March 8, 2001 |
Sharpshooter: A Novel of the Civil War March 8, 2001 |
From Pusan to Panmunjom: Wartime Memoirs of the Republic of Korea�s First Four-Star General March 8, 2001 |
Women Warriors: A History March 7, 2001 |
Battles of the Bible March 7, 2001 |
The Law of Information Conflict: National Security Law in Cyberspace March 7, 2001 |
Dr. Mudd and the Lincoln Assassination: The Case Reopened March 6, 2001 |
Sword of the Border: Major General Jacob Jennings Brown, 1775-1828 March 6, 2001 |
Beyond Declaring Victory and Coming Home: The Challenges of Peace and Stablity Operations March 6, 2001 |
Encyclopedia of the Vietnam War March 5, 2001 |
The Fredericksburg Campaign March 5, 2001 |
Peace Operations and Intrastate Conflict: The Sword or the Olive Branch March 5, 2001 |
Admiral David Dixon Porter: The Civil War Years March 3, 2001 |
Inside Hitler�s High Command March 3, 2001 |
Famine Crimes: Politics and the Disaster Relief Insudtry in Africa March 3, 2001 |
Getting to Dayton: The Making of America�s Bosnia Policy March 2, 2001 |
Hard Choices: Moral Dilemmas In Humanitarian Intervention March 1, 2001 |
Deliver Us From Evil: Peacekeepers, Warlords and a World of Endless Conflict February 28, 2001 |
Making Peace Prevail: Preventing Violent Conflict In Macedonia February 27, 2001 |
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon: A Journey through Yugoslavia February 26, 2001 |
Why Peacekeeping Fails February 24, 2001 |
The G.I. Offensive in Europe, The Triumph of American Infantry Divisions, 1941-1945 November 18, 2000 |
Battle Cries and Lullabies, Women in War from Prehistory to the Present November 16, 2000 |
Stolen Valor, How the Vietnam Generation Was Robbed of its Heros and History November 16, 2000 |
Roots of Strategy, Book 4 March 6, 2000 |
Dictionary of Military Terms March 6, 2000 |
A Signal Victory: The Lake Erie Campaign, 1812-1813 March 2, 2000 |
Kalishnikov Machine Pistols, Assault Rifles, and Machine-Guns, 1945 to the Present March 2, 2000 |
The Fighting Rabbis: Jewish Military Chaplains and American History March 1, 2000 |
Gates of Fire: An Epic Novel of the Battle of Thermopylae March 1, 2000 |
Benedict Arnold, Revolutionary Hero: An American Warrior Reconsidered March 1, 2000 |