Chronology of American Military History: Vol. 1 Independence to Civil War 1775 to 1865; Vol. 2 Indian Wars to World War II 1866 to 1945; Vol. 3 Cold War to the War on Terror 1946 to Present, by John C. Fredriksen
New York: Facts on File, 2010. Three volumes. Illus., maps, notes, index. $300.00. ISBN: 0816077614.
A very good reference guide to the military history of the United States from the prolific Dr. Fredricksen, author, among many other works, of
Fighting Elites: A History of U.S. S
pecial Forces
The B-45 Tornado
, and more,
In Chronology of American Military History Fredricksen gives us often highly detailed, sometimes day-to-day accounts of wars, battles, and campaigns, often delving into obscure operations or events. But he also also covers legislation, technological innovations, exploratory expeditions, of which there were a surprising number, and more.
Volume I, Independence to Civil War, 1775-1865. Pp. ix, 662.
Volume II, Indian Wars to World War II, 1866-1945. Pp. ix, 667.
Volume III, Cold War to the War on Terror, 1946 to the Present. Pp. ix, 773.
The principal flaw is one shared by most works of this nature, a neglect of the nearly two centuries of American military history before the War for Independence, the period that saw the formation of many of the nation's most important military institutions, with a number of very impressive campaigns by colonial forces, and during which the men who became the leaders of the Revolution received their basic training, though Fredricksen has covered some of this in earlier works, suc
h as
America's Military Ad
versaries: From Colonial Times to the Present
American Military Leaders: From
Colonial Times
to the Present
Despite this, students of American military history will find this work of great value.
Reviewer: A.A. Nofi
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