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Boots On The Ground: A Month with the 82nd Airborne in the Battle for Iraq, by Karl Zinsmeister

St. Martin's Press. 213. . 24.95. ISBN:0-312-32663-7.

Boots on the Ground is a diary like report of Karl Zinsmeister personal experiences while embedded with the 82nd Airborne. If you are looking for a history of the battle for Iraq, don�t look here. But, if you want a very engaging story of one reporter�s experiences as an embedded reporter this is a great book.

Zinsmeister, a reporter for American Enterprise, begins the book from the moment he finds out about the opportunity to become an embedded. The book is very pro-military and very pro-invasion of Iraq.

Once pass the initial getting ready and why we are going chapters Zinsmeister tells some very entertaining and gripping stories of the 82nd�s experiences in Iraq. Everything from the boredom, the dust and dirt, the heat, the �smokin� and jokin�� to the danger of battle is covered.

The book finishes up with a chapter that condemns some of the other reporters of the war and the anti-war movement in the United States.

If you are looking for a very quick read that gives you the experiences of an embedded reporter during then this is the book to pick-up. Reviewer: Dan Masterson   

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