The British Liberation Army: 1944-45, by Charles Whiting
Stroud, Glos.: The History Press, 2008/Chicago: Independent Publishing Group, 2010. Pp. 192. Illus., biblio., index. $34.95. ISBN: 1862274401.
The British Liberation Army
is a soldier’s-eye view of British and Canadian operations during the Liberation of northwestern Europe, from the eve of D-Day thrugh the aftgermath of VE Day.
Whiting, who died in 2007, was the author of over 250 volumes in military history, among them .
, The Other Battle of the Bulge: Operation Northwind,
andDisaster at Kasserine. In this book, he touches upon strategy, policy, and inter-allied politics only when necessary to put the experiences of the troops into proper context. So what we get is what the ordinary soldier, enlisted and officer, experienced in training, in transit, in combat, as a prisoner-of-war, on occupation duty, and even as a “volunteer” in the German Army. This gives often unique angles on the nature and experience of battle, not to mention a grim reminder of the cost of war, even in victory.
Although not a scholarly treatment, this is worthwhile reading for anyone interested in the common soldier at war.
Reviewer: A. A. Nofi, Review Editor
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