Topic | Topic Starter | Last Date | Resp | Views |
hi sorry to stir the pot | ppaul | 12/12/2015 11:09:24 PM | 1 | 8466 |
I was in Nam 69-70 | johnny yuma | 1/23/2012 3:07:26 AM | 0 | 4420 |
I was in Nam 69-70 | johnny yuma | 1/23/2012 3:07:10 AM | 0 | 4440 |
US superbases in Iraq | xylene | 6/29/2008 1:59:20 PM | 2 | 11508 |
Armed Forces PAY. | lacon22 | 10/17/2007 10:01:57 AM | 0 | 7306 |
BATTLEBOXes = Victory | dynmicpara | 10/3/2007 9:03:58 AM | 0 | 6889 |
SHUTUP!!!! | ArmyGulfWarVet | 5/17/2007 2:31:30 PM | 12 | 17931 |
Whiny Air Force Pukes | cptdanjou | 2/28/2007 11:37:50 AM | 52 | 39478 |
How Long American Forces will stay in Afghanistan | Human | 2/19/2007 8:11:32 PM | 9 | 11037 |
A bunch of Wuzziez! | Fenris | 2/16/2007 6:26:32 PM | 8 | 10711 |
Living Conditions in Afghanistan--Force Provider Modules | 1stcavman | 6/2/2005 2:44:11 PM | 2 | 15680 |
Lets hear it for KBR!!!! | Savant | 1/6/2005 10:16:56 PM | 1 | 12481 |
what the heck!!!!! | naterb | 12/3/2004 11:44:38 AM | 0 | 8151 |
This might have been touched on, but worth repeating... | foxbat | 5/23/2004 12:59:29 AM | 0 | 8543 |
Liberia and Taylor | Tax Payer | 7/10/2003 6:10:53 PM | 0 | 7929 |
Anti Jihad? | PatrioticBBer | 5/18/2003 10:25:32 PM | 0 | 7859 |
Don't beleive everything you see or read! | 2M Tech | 5/1/2003 7:35:46 PM | 0 | 8869 |
Cry Babies | sgtrock | 12/30/2002 11:50:06 AM | 0 | 8390 |
It seems that this is a BLAME ARMY photo shoot! | Chicken Warrior | 11/20/2002 8:18:53 AM | 0 | 9128 |
Air Farce you need cheeze with yout whine? | bullet | 11/16/2002 8:54:45 PM | 0 | 7890 |
Been There Done That at KKMC | Guns | 11/16/2002 7:43:22 PM | 0 | 8555 |
Been to worse | army SGT | 11/13/2002 12:46:00 AM | 0 | 7770 |
What's next, a Living Conditions in Guantanamo category? | American Kafir | 11/12/2002 2:54:37 PM | 0 | 7756 |
Complaining=money sometimes.. | Hadberz | 11/8/2002 5:14:47 AM | 1 | 7597 |
What kind of sick joke is this anyhow? | Jason | 11/4/2002 12:42:59 PM | 0 | 8468 |
Has something changed in the last few days | Lone Eagle | 11/3/2002 4:23:30 PM | 0 | 7756 |
hard times at hard sites | Elbandeedo | 11/3/2002 1:56:18 PM | 1 | 8935 |
Living Conditions in Afghanistan | recon1 | 11/2/2002 3:04:23 PM | 0 | 9926 |
Troop Living Conditions in Afganistan | Tax Payer | 11/1/2002 5:27:12 PM | 0 | 10198 |
Troop living conditions? | Duke6 | 11/1/2002 2:55:23 PM | 1 | 9029 |
Adopt a Pogue! | kgs1369 | 11/1/2002 12:02:17 PM | 0 | 8057 |
The Nintendo Generation | Elbandeedo | 11/1/2002 5:10:12 AM | 0 | 8500 |
what are people expecting | ppaul | 10/31/2002 10:11:35 PM | 0 | 8556 |