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Roman Republic - Military History Discussion Board
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TopicTopic StarterLast DateRespViews
Was Scipio Africanus the Greatest General?CJH 6/26/2012 4:18:30 PM 3046598
Hannibal vs. Caesar at Cannaeg8tor28 1/13/2008 10:10:09 PM 38472
Phalanx vs Roman cohortMalleus 11/29/2007 1:11:28 AM 1939308
relaysjastayme3 4/28/2007 9:13:39 AM 25648
The Military Institutions of the Romans (De Re Militari) Translated from the Latin by Lieutenant JohCJH 4/14/2007 2:36:39 PM 05974
Polybius On The Roman Constitution And On the Roman MilitaryCJH 8/31/2006 10:12:43 PM 38572
Livy's Account of the Speech of a CenturionCJH 8/29/2006 3:54:39 PM 26762
Was Republican Rome Sacked More Than Once?CJH 3/3/2006 11:47:30 PM 36876

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