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TopicTopic StarterLast DateRespViews
Islamic Terrorists Down But Not GoneSYSOP 5/21/2013 12:31:12 PM 1264
Waiting For The Anti-Islamic Apocalypse SYSOP 7/24/2012 5:04:30 AM 0128
The Battle Cry Of FreedomSYSOP 3/28/2012 5:30:37 AM 0105
Sacrifices Must Be MadeSYSOP 2/9/2012 6:08:38 AM 0134
The Cultural Friction Will ContinueSYSOP 12/11/2011 7:55:30 AM 0129
Separatists And TerroristsSYSOP 11/12/2011 5:22:56 AM 0130
The Islamic Hard CoreSYSOP 10/11/2011 5:20:04 AM 0126
Islamic Terrorists Run Out Of Fans And IdeasSYSOP 10/2/2011 5:39:40 AM 1112
Gimme ShelterSYSOP 5/22/2011 7:55:42 AM 0161
Young Men With Bad AttitudesSYSOP 1/12/2011 5:13:21 AM 0305
Islamic Radicals RetreatSYSOP 12/22/2010 5:54:31 AM 0334
Killing Them With KindnessSYSOP 11/24/2010 5:43:17 AM 0340
Down But Not DeadSYSOP 10/29/2010 5:30:10 AM 0323
IntoleranceSYSOP 1/13/2010 9:03:29 PM 71990
Islamic Radicals Still ReelingSYSOP 12/7/2009 5:04:27 AM 0861
It Isn't WorkingSYSOP 11/3/2009 5:26:59 AM 0824
Top ToppedSYSOP 10/6/2009 5:15:34 AM 0810
Not Much Terrorism Or JusticeSYSOP 9/15/2009 5:06:32 AM 0972
Sloppy Terrorists In ParadiseSYSOP 9/5/2009 5:30:07 AM 0733
Terrorist Leader Trapped And KilledSYSOP 8/9/2009 8:19:46 AM 01029
Hiding In Plain SightSYSOP 7/30/2009 5:21:21 AM 01052
The Revenge Of The FallenSYSOP 7/18/2009 10:32:15 PM 21010
The Enemy Within The MosqueSYSOP 7/5/2009 7:53:34 AM 0965
Religious Radicals DefeatedSYSOP 5/23/2009 5:35:56 AM 01070
Still HatingSYSOP 4/29/2009 5:28:37 AM 01261
Al Qaeda Gets Mired In MellowSYSOP 12/23/2008 8:34:22 PM 11642
Islamic Terrorists Unite In FailureSYSOP 11/6/2008 6:01:25 AM 01251
The Religion Of Peace Shows Its FangsSYSOP 8/11/2008 5:50:16 PM 32400
Moderate Moslems Smother RadicalsSYSOP 7/17/2008 5:52:51 AM 01434
Islamic Radicalism BackfiresSYSOP 6/5/2008 5:39:19 AM 01337
Showdown With Islamic MilitantsSYSOP 5/20/2008 5:10:06 AM 01454
Militants Burn Deviant MosqueSYSOP 5/1/2008 4:59:08 AM 01626
Sucking Up To Islamic BigotsSYSOP 4/16/2008 5:33:04 AM 01825
Not CoolSYSOP 3/25/2008 5:39:32 AM 01577
Terrorists Turn To BooksSYSOP 3/6/2008 5:46:32 AM 01525
Bullets Over East TimorSYSOP 2/16/2008 5:06:51 AM 01552
Hell For JournalistsSYSOP 1/26/2008 4:59:37 AM 01519
Hunting For HereticsSYSOP 1/1/2008 7:53:09 AM 01500
Violent Protests Against ViolenceSYSOP 12/10/2007 5:00:33 AM 01502
Someone Else's ProblemSYSOP 11/29/2007 5:17:49 AM 01564
Another al Qaeda DefeatSYSOP 11/12/2007 5:39:46 AM 01450
No Joy With SingaporeSYSOP 10/17/2007 1:27:44 AM 11611
The Greater Threat Wears Combat BootsSYSOP 10/5/2007 5:36:04 AM 01581
Dead Babies Defeat TerroristsSYSOP 9/25/2007 5:28:52 AM 01608
Why They Hate OsamaSYSOP 9/19/2007 12:40:59 AM 31566
Buying $12 Billion Worth of Russian WeaponsSYSOP 9/9/2007 7:53:59 AM 01833
Show Me The Money, Not The JihadSYSOP 8/30/2007 5:18:23 AM 01509
Terrorists Declared DefeatedSYSOP 8/19/2007 3:49:10 PM 11671
Despair in East TimorSYSOP 8/10/2007 5:18:09 AM 01819
Perpetual Peacekeeping PledgeSYSOP 7/28/2007 5:21:01 AM 01477
101 things to do in IndonesiaHerc the Merc 7/25/2007 1:15:13 AM 12947
Making the Most of Misbehaving MoslemsSYSOP 7/20/2007 5:27:09 AM 01596
Ethnic WarfareSYSOP 7/9/2007 5:12:24 AM 01510
Terrorists Seek More Acceptable ImageSYSOP 6/30/2007 5:19:05 AM 01505
Terrorist Leadership Rounded UpSYSOP 6/16/2007 5:29:48 AM 01574
The War On ChristianitySYSOP 6/4/2007 5:42:49 AM 01520
Terrorists Seek More Satisfying TargetsSYSOP 5/25/2007 5:05:01 AM 01553
Terrorists Flee Revenge AttacksSYSOP 5/13/2007 8:11:44 AM 01516
Tribal Warfare Out There SomewhereSYSOP 5/4/2007 5:32:38 AM 01481
China and America Come Bearing GiftsSYSOP 4/20/2007 4:52:21 AM 01880
Islamic Terrorists Being Stroked to DeathSYSOP 4/8/2007 6:38:45 AM 01949
Bomb Factory BustedSYSOP 3/31/2007 4:15:56 AM 01766
Islamic Vigilantes Fall On Hard TimesSYSOP 3/20/2007 6:12:58 AM 01800
A Little War Over Nothing in the Middle of NowhereSYSOP 3/9/2007 6:56:00 AM 01492
Nuclear power in IndonesiaHerc the Merc 3/4/2007 4:20:52 PM 02735
Terrorists Seek InspirationSYSOP 2/27/2007 6:00:38 AM 01671
Islamic Radicals Seek a Spectacular SlaughterSYSOP 2/17/2007 5:13:24 AM 01453
Showdown at SulawesiSYSOP 2/7/2007 5:28:40 AM 01478
Terrorists Seek Sanctuary in Sectarian StrifeSYSOP 1/31/2007 5:49:37 AM 01594
Targetted AssasinationsSpetsnaz 1/20/2007 8:00:42 AM 219124
Islamic Radicals Fight BackSYSOP 1/20/2007 5:06:45 AM 01657
Terrorists Flee, Tourists ReturnSYSOP 1/7/2007 7:37:33 AM 01467
Islamic Lifestyle Police Paid For By Tsunami ReliefSYSOP 12/31/2006 7:37:09 AM 00
Islamic Lifestyle Police Paid For By Tsunami ReliefSYSOP 12/31/2006 4:35:52 AM 01670
Terrorists Told to Get In The Christmas SpiritSYSOP 12/17/2006 5:12:15 AM 01491
Religious War BrewingSYSOP 12/9/2006 5:08:08 AM 01474
The Iran ConnectionSYSOP 12/1/2006 5:34:09 AM 01371
From Russia With CreditSYSOP 11/18/2006 5:06:46 AM 01487
Law and DisorderSYSOP 11/9/2006 5:37:25 AM 01522
Crime and No PunishmentSYSOP 11/1/2006 5:23:47 AM 01445
The Mighty Malignant Moslem MinoritySYSOP 10/21/2006 5:48:28 AM 01487
LanguidSYSOP 10/14/2006 5:47:03 AM 01872
Islamic Radicals Attack TraditionsSYSOP 10/6/2006 5:39:55 AM 01647
Islamic Bullies Get Their WaySYSOP 9/29/2006 5:56:13 AM 01531
Gun Runners and Gun CollectorsSYSOP 9/21/2006 6:11:14 AM 01577
Religious and Tribal ViolenceSYSOP 9/10/2006 6:47:28 AM 01556
Cops Replacing Troops in TimorSYSOP 8/29/2006 6:16:44 AM 01425
Islamic Law Survives and ThrivesSYSOP 8/19/2006 11:08:13 AM 01600
Playing With FireSYSOP 8/9/2006 5:56:43 AM 01372
Banyak gambar-gambar TNIhangin 8/23/2005 12:20:40 PM 124461
Kopassushangin 4/21/2005 12:58:28 PM 2932018
Indonesia brainwashed by muslims sikhwarrior 4/19/2005 8:45:10 AM 127188
Aceh - kabar terakhirhangin 4/11/2005 1:39:00 AM 03482
Another quake hits Sumatra...TriggaFingaz 3/29/2005 5:25:26 PM 03626
How is Indonesia doing in their war against the Aech rebelsdf-10 3/9/2005 10:21:20 PM 219706
The ideology of Pancasila is eroding fast... Save it!kiankok 1/31/2005 8:59:35 PM 14408
losserRatana Agung 1/10/2005 9:34:51 PM 1810391
boat people...bob 7/1/2004 1:00:48 PM 3912158
Arabs to Antartica[email protected] 5/9/2004 12:20:57 AM 24489
rubbishjako 10/30/2002 1:52:36 AM 44204
HOT NEWS!!!!L. Beria 10/20/2002 10:23:26 PM 14709
Indonesian terrorists.Matt Smith 10/14/2002 12:15:51 AM 24484
Reality is that Indon. MOslems Can't Let Rich Non-Moslems Go![email protected]/rfk 4/19/2002 10:51:28 PM 04413
Russian troops in Indonesia?Mikey 4/5/2002 7:36:31 PM 04091
(no subject)pfd 1/30/2002 8:03:10 PM 04044
boat peopleSir Tristam 1/4/2002 4:11:02 PM 04729

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