Special Operations Article Archive 2009


SOCOM Learns From The MarinesSOCOM Takes Osprey To WarSpecial Forces Use Zombie Tech In Combat
Black Cats And Para-CommandosThe Tribulations Of Tribal PoliticsAdrift In The Wilderness
The New Shape Of ThingsSuper Sidekicks For SEALSFly Hard, Pay Later
Rangers Reluctantly RideSOCOM Grows And Shifts Its Weight Low, Slow And Dangerous
SafeWalking Away From A Billion Dollar BoondoggleBeating The Bodyguard Blues
The Weakest LinkTimeless Tactics, Techniques And TricksUnleashing Special Forces In Afghanistan
Syrian Commandos Fade AwayA Loss You Can't RefuseGermans Practice Risk Management
Commando UAVs Are Very DifferentThe Importance Of Tea TimeThe Stunted Son Of ASDS
Commandos In ChainsIndians Are Getting Better All The TimeThe Unit 777 Mystery
The Legion Does The Dirty Work For FreeGoing For A RideA Few Good Foreigners
MacGyver CommandosThis Is Not AllowedSkyraider Lite For SOCOM
Korean Commandos CollapsingThe CIA SolutionHitting The Beaches In Afghanistan
Rolling With The Bribes BudgetWearing Out Men And MachinesSOCOM Sub Goes Down In Flames
The Non-Royal Marine CommandosTribal Commandos



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