Special Operations Article Archive 2015


Friendly Misfire In NigeriaSoldiers And Marines Step InSOCOM Ordered To Use Female Commandos
Mission Impossible In South KoreaReviving the C-130 FleetChina Builds A Little Bird
JSOC In The ShadowsSouth Korea Threatens The NorthSex With Children In Afghanistan
China Commended Its Competent CommandosSurviving Change In AfghanistanThe Mysterious UAE Commandos
There Are Additional CostsNot A Laser Saber But Close EnoughDiplomacy The Middle Eastern Way
Sons Of SaddamIndia Seeks A SOCOM Of Their OwnSAS Has Gone Gurkha
SAS Ordered To Syria And IraqIsrael Forms A Special BrigadeItalian Commandos Get New Choppers
SOCOM Reverts to Pre-2001 RulesSEAL Team 6 Suspicions ConfirmedThe Recon Revolution Just Got Smaller
Fighting For Permission To FightSnowGoose DeliversSatcom In A Backpack
Overkill WorksSOCOM Copes With GrowthIran Takes Aim At Jordan
Vikings In IraqMARSOC Marches OnBringing Cannon Back To The AC-130
Muted MotorcyclesJordan Makes A ThreatThe Revenge Of The Bureaucrats
Chinese Commandos Are Different



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