Attrition Article Archive 2007


Breaking Bad HabitsNavy Astronauts Get a Pay CutLieutenants Sacrificed to the Techno-Gods
Israeli Soldier ShortageNo Shortage of RecruitsTerrorists Forced To Recruit Children
F-15s Again Grounded For Fatigue InspectionsCareer Ending CuisineFrench Frigate Appears Online
New Marines Are DifferentRobust F-18s Replacing Fragile F-15sPersian Immortals
Predators Dying From Data StarvationWhere Have All The Harriers Gone?Finding Female Aces
Old Aircraft Never Die, They Get ConsumedDeserters As A Cost Of Doing BusinessBrit Choppers Choke On The Dust
Recruiting For LifeToo Good To LoseU.S. Army Versus The World
The Unnoticed DeadSailors Serving Soldiers in the SandboxOnce A Sailor, Always A Sailor
Burma Gets a Big Bang For The BuckFalling Apart In Flight For The F-22Get Fit or Split
Detecting The UndetectableCasualties Continue Decline in IraqReligion, Tribes and Morale in Pakistan
Snipers RuleUnder Armor in IraqDeath In Afghanistan
Suicide Bomb Organizations In PakistanFinding The Winners Among The LosersThe Pregnancy Problem at Sea
Counting the Dead In PakistanSigning Bonuses for Truck DriversAl Qaeda Losses in Lebanon
U.S. Army Meets Recruiting Goals AgainU.S. Army Speeds Up ExpansionFriendly Fire Follies Forever
Iraq Body CountWe Want Our MP3sSailors, Airmen and Iraq
Cash Compulsion For CaptainsChemical Warfare That Saves LivesStrange Days for U.S. Army Recruiters
Combat LifesaverThe Success of the Signing BonusOtherwise Engaged
The Truth Will Cost You MoreThe USAF Must Shrink or DieThe Great Geek Shortage Down Under
Looking For Mild Traumatic Brain InjuryIt's Not Combat That Will Kill YouIndia's Red Menace
The Bloody End in Sri LankaDesperate Search for German SoldiersAl Qaeda Fades From Iraq
Human Shields in AfghanistanIndia Makes MiG-21s Safe to FlyMeasuring Combat Experience Risk
Intel Pukes Gets Heavily RecruitedPTSD Detection and PreventionSailors Cope With Combat Stress
Women in CombatRecruiting in WartimeIsraeli Draft Dodgers Grow Bolder
Violent Video Games Cure Combat StressIt Takes One to Recruit OneRecruiting the Breathless
Targeting CanadiansHog Riding FoolsRe-signing Bonuses
Deserters DesertedThe High Cost of Fighting Islamic TerrorismJoy Bullets
Where Have All The Fighter Pilots GoneIndian Army Geek ShortageHow Soon We Forget
Snakes on a Plane Bring F-16 Down Second F-22 Shot DownU.S. Army Recruiting Short Two Months In A Row
Civilian Support Staff in IraqOld Aircraft Get Worked To DeathIsraeli Air Force Faces Catastrophic Pilot Loss
Stress TestHuman Shields in AfghanistanThe Price of Experiences Just Keeps Going Up
Hanging on to the TroublemakersPump It Up Gurkha Women Being Recruited
That Sounds Like a LotRecruiting In WartimeChick Magnets Get Thick Necks
Special Forces Expansion StalledSolving the Sergeant ShortageUSAF Deploys Pink Slips
The Worst Wars You Never Heard AboutWealth in WartimeKnowledge Replaces Bodies
Camp Followers Can't ComplainConvincing Captains to Stick AroundF-18E Shows Its Age Earlier Than Expected
Curing the UnflyablePakistani Air Force Losing Aircraft to GarbageHeat Stroke Is Your Friend
Hidden InjuriesAfghan Violence Down From Last YearA Nice Gesture
Losses In the Tribal TerritoriesSailors Prefer to be Fat and HappyChina and the Anti-Draft
Taliban Tactics Backfire on CiviliansDeath by BirdAmerican Reserves Restore Themselves
Amateur Recruiters Outperform the ProsHidden Losses of the Iraq WarTaliban Casualties
The Surge Offensive in IraqThe Strange Impact of Predator LossesCarnage in the Air
Seducing Special Duty Intelligence OfficersBad Numbers Hide the UnexpectedTaiwan Tries to Kick the Conscript Habit
Combat Fatigue Creeps Up on Iraq VetsFamily Ties Trip Up AfghansVolunteer Recruiters Deliver
Not All Dead Bodies Are Equal In The Eyes Of The MediaWhen You Leave the Marines, You Don'tEnd of the Line for World War I Soldiers
The Officer Shortage and Officer BloatSituation Desperate, Send ChocolateBeating the Odds
The Coming Combat NCO ShortageBonus Time and the Bean CountersHere Comes the Annual Muster
Urban HorrorsCamp Followers in IraqOld Recruits Never Appeared
The Battle For Sunni CountryRussia Copes With the DregsScary SEAL Stories Hurt Recruiting
Marines Buy ExperienceLebanon Drops ConscriptionHelicopter Losses in Iraq and Vietnam
Old Soldiers Paid to Stick AroundAccidental Death Rate Dips DramaticallyBringing Back Brevets
South Korean SlackersChinese Recruit More WomenHigh School Boot Camp
Recruiting Continues StrongThe Realities of Recruiting MoslemsThe 24 Month Rule Repealed
China and the Angry BachelorsThe Mighty Swiss Army Fades AwayWhen To Train Like An Athlete
The Power of CashCombat a Minor Cause of CasualtiesA Large Bit of Iraq in India
It's Not Easy Turning Green Casualties Down in Iraq



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