Attrition Article Archive 2012


Pakistan Air Force Crumbling AwayGunning For The RunsMedieval Military Practices In The 21st Century
UAVs Close The Safety GapRussians Fading Away FasterCombat Aircraft Are Safer Than You Think
For Want Of A WireToo Few Good MenThe Man Nobody Seems To Know
Roadside Bombs Fail For The TalibanUSAF Amps Up The War on FatAnother F-22 Down In Flames
Good Things Come In Bad PackagesSu-24s Falling Apart In FlightDeath By Default
Fat And Very UnhappyKeeping The Special OnesThe Enemy Within
Blood SimpleDisaster Strikes TwiceChina Cannot Get The Best
The Long GoodbyeHeron TP Grounded No MoreTaliban Anti-Aircraft Troops Score Another Hit
Unfriendly Fire In Afghanistan Instant Safety For The Wife And KidsPilots Despise Flying UAVs
Why Women Are WeakThe Fat BarrierThe Lands Of The Dead
Why Britain Bleeds MoreMore Dangerous Than Bombs And BulletsHey Kids, Want To Play A Game?
The Bloodiest Border In The WorldThe War On Massive Blood LossSyria Loses Its Air Force
Turkey Runs Low On Robot WranglersPlaying A New RIFThe Nightmare Continues
The Elusive American Drug Epidemic In Afghanistan The Two Percent SolutionThe Raptor Curse Gets Worse
The Taliban And The Ideal TargetU.S. Army Gets A Take Down NoticeTo Ensure That The Sailors Do Not Drink Like Sailors
How A Little Bird Brought Down A Gunship The Armada Gets MothballedIndia Has Mercy On Its Pilots
Big UAV Breeds Big DoubtsThe Arab Spring Continues To BleedIndia Tries To Forget
Pilot Trainees Marked For DeathAn Honorable DeathWomen In The Combat Zone
Fire Scouts GroundedF-22 Pilots Told To Take A Deep Breath The Long Cure
Thieves Give Back To Fight Islamic TerrorismStrike The BandRCAF Cleans Up After The RAF
Headhunters Raid OzIndia Wears Down The Evil TwinsU.S. Navy Losses Another 11 Ships
USMC Loses Battalions And SquadronsPatterns Of Dying In IraqBoeing Earned A Beatdown
Gimme ShelterBreathalyzers Outside The BarracksLooks Can Kill
A Few Better MenUSN Chiefs Face The CutWhy Terrorists Are Leaving Pakistan
These Droids Are For The BirdsIt's Raining Su-24sThe Dust Detectives Depend On DRUM
Your Kind Are Not Welcome In The Russian ArmyDrug Casualties And Collateral DamageFire In The Blood
USAF Releases The Aircraft Retirement ListWhere Have All The Russian Soldiers Gone?F-22 Bad Air Mystery Remains Unsolved
RQ-170s Still Flying Mad Dogs, Englishmen And Su-30MKIsIron Dome Dummies Detained
Flying The Friendlier SkiesThe Unkindest Cut Of AllElderly Su-24s Fading Fast
Race And RecruitingInternational Mercenaries Back In Favor



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