Israel: How The Palestinians Suffer


June 22, 2011: Israeli aircraft bombed a tunnel from Gaza into Israel. Apparently the Israelis detect these tunneling operations and let the work proceed, then destroy the tunnel when it is nearly complete. This keeps the tunnel workers busy and unable to start another tunnel that might not get discovered. Hamas and other terror groups dig these tunnels so they can move terrorists across the border and kidnap Israelis, or carry out other kinds of terror attacks.

Iran is increasing its activity in Syria, helping the government to suppress the popular uprising against the pro-Iranian dictatorship. There have been pictures of bearded men in Syrian army uniforms. Syria does not allow its troops to grow beards, so it is assumed that the men with beards are Iranians sent to help with anti-rebel operations. Syria is crucial to Iranian support for the Hezbollah terror organization in Lebanon. Hezbollah has been growing stronger for the last three decades, largely because of Iranian cash, weapons and training. Recently, Hezbollah, which represents the minority Shia population, bullied its way into control of the new government, getting 18 of 30 cabinet posts.

The UN, which is largely controlled by nations hostile to Israel, has demanded an end to the blockade of Gaza, so that the economy might revive. But the UN will do nothing about the terrorist threat to Israel. Rockets and mortar shells are still fired into Israel from Gaza, and terrorists in Gaza and the West Bank still recruit and plan attacks against Israel. Meanwhile, Israeli raids in the West Bank regularly arrest active terrorists. Only that, and the blockade, keeps the terrorists out of Israel.

The new peace deal between Hamas and Fatah is mostly for show. Hamas and Fatah still persecute each others' supporters in Gaza (where Hamas goes after Fatah members) and the West Bank (vice versa).

June 21, 2011:  At least one mortar shell and one rocket was fired from Gaza into southern Israel. There were no casualties.  

June 18, 2011:  Hezbollah has arrested several senior commanders, and relatives of some commanders, and charged them with spying for Israel.

June 14, 2011: A rocket was fired from Gaza into southern Israel. There were no casualties.  This was the first such incident in two months. Hamas had promised to control more militant terror groups, and prevent this sort of thing. That worked to the extent that no one in Gaza took credit for the rocket.

June 9, 2011:  Egyptian natural gas deliveries to Israel and Jordan resumed as the pipelines were repaired. The pipeline has been attacked several times since the February revolution in Egypt, but increased security has largely eliminated the danger.

June 8, 2011:  Hamas and Egypt have reached an agreement on security and the main crossing between Gaza and Egypt has been opened completely.

June 7, 2011: A mosque in the West Bank caught fire at night. Nearby Jewish settlers were blamed, but the fire could have been an inside job. Palestinian radicals do what they can to encourage violence between Jews and Palestinians living in the West Bank.

June 6, 2011: Pro-Syrian Palestinians killed 14 Palestinians who were complaining about not being paid for staging the "Palestinian demonstration" on the 5th. The Syrian government used a pro-Syrian Palestinian group to recruit Palestinians, with offers of $1,000 each if they joined the march into Israel, and $10,000 each if they were killed, and free medical care if they were injured. This was to be a non-violent demonstration to commemorate the 1967 war, which is seen as a great catastrophe by Arabs. Once in Israeli territory, Israeli troops opened fire on the demonstrators, aiming for the legs. Syria claimed that 23 people were killed and 350 injured. Israel claimed that there were few deaths, and less than a hundred injured. The money was never was paid to the demonstrators, who later went and demanded justice (and cash) from the pro-Syrian Palestinians (who then opened fire when they felt threatened.)



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