Nigeria: No Talking, Just Death Match


October 6, 2011:  In the north, tribal rulers, who still exercise a lot of influence, are being urged by politicians to be more outspoken against Boko Haram. But the tribal rulers realize that Boko Haram expresses a popular dissatisfaction with the way the country is being run. It's all about the corruption and mismanagement. The tribal leaders share in some of the corruption, but also stay in touch with the people they represent. Boko Haram is hostile to some tribal leaders, but is mainly targeting politicians and corrupt officials.

The federal government has decided not to try and negotiate with Boko Haram. This decision was driven by Boko Haram's determination to overthrow the democratic government in Nigeria and establish a religious dictatorship. Arrested Boko Haram members have said that if there were negotiations, they would be used mainly for propaganda.

In Northern Zamfara State, police have arrested seven men in an attempt to stop a cycle of revenge attacks that has left over a hundred dead in the last two months. The seven suspects were believed responsible for a recent attack that left 19 dead. The attacks began last August, and have turned into a deadly feud. This kind of communal violence is common in Nigeria, and the cause of thousands of deaths a year.

October 4, 2011: In Central Nigeria, two more people were shot dead, in what is believed to be another bit of religious violence.

October 3, 2011:  In the northeast, Boko Haram attacks left three dead in the last two days.

September 29, 2011: In the northeastern city of Maiduguri, Boko Haram attacked an army patrol, but killed three nearby civilians.

September 28, 2011: In the northeastern city of Maiduguri, police said they had arrested a senior Boko Haram commander. Police have closed universities and banned motorbikes (frequently used for terrorist attacks) in the city.

September 26, 2011: In the Niger River Delta, an oil field has been shut down indefinitely until police can eliminate the oil thieves operating in the area. The oil thieves punch a hole into an oil pipeline, catch oil in barrels or tanker trucks, and then leave without plugging the hole. Thus the surrounding area becomes polluted until the puncture is detected, the oil pumps turned off and the pipeline repaired. This can take hours or days, and much damage is done in the meantime.

September 23, 2011: Customs inspectors in the port of Lagos discovered a 40 foot shipping container that was supposed to contain industrial equipment, actually was filled with explosives and detonators. It's not known if this was for terrorists, criminals or just another bit of smuggling.



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