Thailand: Death Squads and Roadside Bombs


February14, 2007: Increasingly, Moslems are the ones being shot dead by unknown gunmen in the south. There are also increasing use of roadside bombs against soldiers and police, who patrol regularly in vehicles. Some of the attacks on Moslems are by Islamic terrorists, trying to keep Moslems from cooperating with the police. But some of the attacks on Moslems are by non-Moslems seeking revenge. It's also feared that the police are using death squads to go after suspected terrorists. Thai police have used this method before, most dramatically in a crackdown on drug gangs. This sort of thing is illegal, but few policemen are prosecuted when it becomes known that police are involved.

February 13, 2007: Malaysia has agreed to be more cooperative in catching Islamic terrorists who hold both Malaysian and Thai passports, and move across the border to commit terrorist acts in southern Thailand. It is believed that many of the south Thai killers are based in Malaysia.



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