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Paramilitary Forces and Reserves Discussion Board
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TopicTopic StarterLast DateRespViews
Enemies of the StateSYSOP 9/8/2024 12:02:37 AM 00
The Ukraine War and Russian PrisonsSYSOP 7/28/2024 12:26:07 AM 00
Russia Attacks EuropeSYSOP 6/9/2024 12:07:57 AM 00
Egypt Mobilizes its BedouinsSYSOP 5/21/2024 12:08:42 AM 00
Russia Trains Civilians for CombatSYSOP 10/31/2023 7:39:18 AM 2411
Israel Returns to Self DefenseSYSOP 10/28/2023 2:33:32 PM 2323
Chinese Gangsters in South AmericaSYSOP 8/24/2023 5:46:13 AM 074
No Substitute For Military MammalsSYSOP 1/19/2023 5:46:46 AM 076
The Two Koreas Learn Different LessonsSYSOP 9/3/2022 6:00:05 AM 05
Russified Ukrainians ResistSYSOP 8/29/2022 6:03:09 AM 00
Russian Stealth MobilizationSYSOP 8/4/2022 7:48:18 AM 11393
U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Replacement CrisisSYSOP 7/18/2022 5:51:54 AM 011
Poland, The Baltics And UkraineSYSOP 5/19/2022 6:02:40 AM 015
When Too Much Is Not EnoughSYSOP 11/12/2021 1:51:47 AM 21690
The King’s OwnSYSOP 11/11/2021 5:58:09 AM 00
Cutter ImprovisationsSYSOP 9/4/2021 9:17:38 PM 1670
Keeping Order In The ColoniesSYSOP 8/16/2021 5:34:19 AM 00
Invulnerable Chinese PoachersSYSOP 7/31/2021 5:30:21 AM 00
The Cost Of ConfidenceSYSOP 2/26/2021 3:15:03 AM 1855
Sweden Scared StraightSYSOP 2/1/2021 8:33:45 AM 2881
Reluctant Russian ReservistsSYSOP 10/25/2020 8:02:30 AM 11093
Bigger Is More IntimidatingSYSOP 6/24/2020 6:39:30 AM 11082
Bigger And Better River OPVSYSOP 2/3/2020 5:32:36 AM 045
Armored Against PiratesSYSOP 11/14/2019 5:15:42 AM 00
VIP Transports In IranSYSOP 9/3/2019 5:14:37 AM 00
The Snakeheads Go LatinSYSOP 6/25/2019 6:15:13 AM 00
The Arab SoldierSYSOP 5/14/2019 12:52:32 PM 0568
Russia Has The Wrong Solution For The Wrong ProblemSYSOP 2/10/2019 5:31:37 AM 010
Specialists For The Northern BorderSYSOP 1/26/2019 5:35:17 AM 05
The Cossacks Are RestlessSYSOP 9/9/2018 5:44:21 AM 02
Soldiers Of InconvenienceSYSOP 8/16/2018 7:09:24 AM 1144
China And The Prince Of BlackwaterSYSOP 8/10/2018 5:15:04 AM 00
Russian Mercs MultiplySYSOP 7/25/2018 5:51:24 AM 00
Sweden Goes Old School To SurviveSYSOP 7/4/2018 5:04:12 AM 00
Growing The GuardSYSOP 3/6/2018 5:44:22 AM 02
The ImmortalsSYSOP 12/27/2017 7:29:27 AM 1251
Indonesia Chases China AwaySYSOP 11/8/2017 6:15:15 AM 05
Where Have All The Russians GoneSYSOP 10/28/2017 5:59:43 AM 04
For A Few Chechens MoreSYSOP 6/20/2017 8:57:46 AM 1208
Total Mobilization On The BalticSYSOP 5/28/2017 5:11:34 AM 04
Russian Military ContractorsSYSOP 4/22/2017 5:46:31 AM 03
Every Little Bit Can Be DecisiveSYSOP 4/6/2017 9:17:10 AM 4303
Professional Mischief MakersSYSOP 7/27/2016 5:40:25 AM 014
The Other Chinese InvasionSYSOP 7/16/2016 5:34:47 AM 00
Join Voluntarily Or ElseSYSOP 6/14/2016 6:31:52 AM 012
Indian Women Go CommandoSYSOP 6/10/2016 5:03:59 AM 01
North Korean Mercs DisappearingSYSOP 6/9/2016 3:43:24 PM 1147
Chinese Combat FishermenSYSOP 6/2/2016 5:37:37 AM 018
China Replaces Soldiers With DroidsSYSOP 5/26/2016 5:06:55 AM 017
The KGB Army RebornSYSOP 5/3/2016 5:43:20 AM 023
China Has A Secret Weapon At SeaSYSOP 4/10/2016 6:07:04 AM 00
The Iranian Foreign LegionSYSOP 1/26/2016 5:22:28 AM 00
China Loses ControlSYSOP 12/28/2015 5:37:41 AM 05
Russia Reaches For A Better FutureSYSOP 11/28/2014 6:03:31 AM 3455
Strange Days For North Korean Secret PoliceSYSOP 10/9/2014 5:12:57 AM 0100
Russian Police Go Back To The FutureSYSOP 8/28/2013 5:04:29 AM 0185
The Israeli Search And Rescue BrigadeSYSOP 8/16/2013 11:56:34 AM 1269
Colombia Gets Paid An Unwelcome ComplimentSYSOP 6/21/2013 5:06:16 AM 0219
Chinese Disaster ReliefSYSOP 5/14/2013 3:39:26 AM 4315
Improving The BloodlineSYSOP 4/1/2013 4:41:01 PM 1315
The Chinese Coast Guard Bureau Goes To WarSYSOP 3/26/2013 6:52:37 PM 3292
The Chinese Sniper ShortageSYSOP 3/14/2013 1:58:13 PM 1388
Russia Rebuilds The Secret ArmySYSOP 3/12/2013 5:00:32 PM 3387
Who Guards The National GuardSYSOP 11/11/2012 1:54:41 PM 6471
Rebuilding The Russian Secret PoliceSYSOP 10/10/2012 5:08:59 AM 0330
Semper Fidelis In LibyaSYSOP 9/19/2012 5:39:02 AM 3277
The Israeli Secret WeaponSYSOP 8/20/2012 5:44:34 AM 0374
A Few Good MercenariesSYSOP 8/18/2012 10:11:20 PM 1339
What Am I Bid?SYSOP 7/9/2012 5:39:42 AM 0315
Turks Show The Afghans How It Is DoneSYSOP 6/6/2012 1:21:00 PM 1270
Libya Wants To Hang Russian MercenariesSYSOP 4/19/2012 12:28:40 PM 1302
Defeating The Enemies Within ChinaSYSOP 2/6/2012 5:34:06 AM 0423
Teasing And Tormenting The TerritorialsSYSOP 1/13/2012 10:58:08 PM 1277
Militant Mobs Turn MercenarySYSOP 1/12/2012 5:23:35 AM 0389
Fighting For The TigersSYSOP 1/11/2012 6:29:36 PM 7241
More Work For ContractorsSYSOP 11/10/2011 5:05:12 AM 0421
The Saudi SecretSYSOP 6/19/2011 2:01:04 PM 1977
China Marine Surveillance SwellsSYSOP 5/26/2011 5:43:36 AM 0586
The Oil Police And World PeaceSYSOP 5/14/2011 5:30:33 AM 0466
The Secret Policeman's BawlSYSOP 5/11/2011 5:06:23 AM 0477
Design A TechnicalAThousandYoung 4/27/2011 2:43:30 PM 143966
The Rockets Dread GlareSYSOP 4/18/2011 5:27:35 AM 0544
Loyal To The EndSYSOP 4/1/2011 10:33:33 AM 21263
Bahrain Brings In The Usual ReinforcementsSYSOP 3/18/2011 5:16:46 AM 0622
Syria Is No EgyptSYSOP 2/14/2011 7:58:55 AM 22195
Cast The Scoundrels OutSYSOP 2/11/2011 11:50:58 PM 51520
Pilots Gone WildSYSOP 1/29/2011 5:41:11 AM 0715
The Reality CheckSYSOP 1/28/2011 5:55:23 AM 0727
Mobilizing The AncientsSYSOP 1/22/2011 12:19:33 PM 82324
Chinese Naval Aviation Mystery ReserveSYSOP 1/21/2011 7:52:14 AM 11309
Location Magic And The Key To VictorySYSOP 12/30/2010 5:56:48 AM 0679
Reforming Russian ReservesSYSOP 12/3/2010 1:23:34 PM 41848
The KGB Rebuilds ItselfSYSOP 11/13/2010 7:13:02 PM 31527
Diplomatic MuscleSYSOP 10/14/2010 7:57:47 AM 21873
The Mythical Afghan PoliceSYSOP 10/5/2010 5:30:00 AM 0760
NG units in Vietnam? 10/3/2010 10:48:24 PM 610305
The Cossacks ReturnSYSOP 9/20/2010 7:46:08 PM 2871
High School For SoldiersSYSOP 8/15/2010 8:03:42 AM 0820
Literacy And VictorySYSOP 3/25/2010 8:33:40 PM 1722
UntouchableSYSOP 3/20/2010 1:38:44 PM 11346
Fit To FailSYSOP 3/5/2010 1:14:48 PM 11445
The Great Experiment FailsSYSOP 3/1/2010 3:49:08 PM 21169
Guarded By GurkhasSYSOP 2/15/2010 5:10:26 AM 0991
Refitting The GuardSYSOP 1/19/2010 7:25:39 AM 42130
Trashing The TerritorialsSYSOP 10/14/2009 12:38:38 PM 22008
Russian Mercs: We’ll Out-Blackwater Blackwateresmoore5 10/7/2009 4:59:57 PM 11887
Doing Right By The ReservesSYSOP 9/4/2009 5:18:37 AM 01449
Iran crowd controlambush 6/16/2009 4:51:26 AM 11766
Iran crowd controlambush 6/15/2009 6:18:36 PM 01828
Getting Relief For The GuardSYSOP 1/24/2009 1:08:08 PM 12319
Age And Experience Triumph AgainSYSOP 12/21/2008 1:17:44 PM 12345
Shadow Force - TV programker 12/20/2008 4:44:50 PM 23410
The Ring Tone Of DoomSYSOP 10/3/2008 11:23:12 AM 32816
The Chinese Total ForceSYSOP 10/1/2008 5:17:21 AM 31858
Russian MIGHT - Uncle Sam read me.....human7 9/29/2008 6:38:30 AM 158879
Question about mercenariesmustavaris 9/29/2008 1:45:52 AM 76557
Female Rangers Battle TerroristsSYSOP 9/22/2008 10:59:09 PM 22362
No Pain, No GainSYSOP 9/2/2008 5:28:12 AM 01932
Helo Aircrewmanmick 7/6/2008 6:40:58 PM 24821
Asian Mercenaries in ZimbabweSYSOP 4/27/2008 6:09:36 PM 103776
Why Mercenaries Survive and Thrive SYSOP 4/8/2008 8:50:00 PM 83405
Meet the MusterSYSOP 3/8/2008 5:05:12 AM 01767
best reserve system ?murabit821 10/8/2007 6:56:11 PM 03096
Iraq's Masked Lady CopsSYSOP 9/24/2007 5:29:20 AM 01946
Advice needed for novelSucari 9/13/2007 11:05:09 PM 64075
This Is A Misnamed BoardAlbanyRifles 8/22/2007 2:32:55 PM 24451
Joining a group?bercker 8/22/2007 2:23:34 PM 34881
The Right PlaceSYSOP 8/18/2007 4:43:51 AM 01947
Muster ModifiedSYSOP 6/28/2007 5:37:13 AM 02216
Playing With The National GuardSYSOP 5/24/2007 5:03:17 AM 01985
National Guard Equipment ShortagesSYSOP 4/20/2007 4:48:01 AM 02819
Early Retirement as a BenefitSYSOP 3/7/2007 6:24:38 AM 02095
The Real National Guard ScandalSYSOP 3/6/2007 5:47:36 PM 13290
Familiar Faces on the BordersSYSOP 1/20/2007 5:04:06 AM 02040
Blackwater in AmericaSYSOP 12/2/2006 4:50:08 AM 02158
Afghan Auxiliary Police SYSOP 10/24/2006 11:06:46 AM 11920
Gulf Arabs Form Reserve Against IranSYSOP 10/18/2006 6:38:22 AM 02159
Revolutionary Guards Versus the Drug Gangs SYSOP 10/5/2006 5:42:44 AM 02066
The Civilian Security ExpertsSYSOP 9/29/2006 5:54:07 AM 02119
Guard Gutted and Hung Out To DrySYSOP 9/22/2006 6:00:05 AM 11765
Guard, Reserves To Be Reorganizedmacawman 9/9/2006 6:54:53 PM 3215220
Mobilizing For DisasterSYSOP 9/8/2006 5:53:43 AM 01932
Countering Counterfeit Cops in IraqSYSOP 8/24/2006 5:09:25 AM 11761
Fun & the militaryHumorous Reservist 8/8/2006 11:19:32 PM 14668
NEWwendall 5/3/2006 3:20:04 AM 04054
Modern Day Air AmericaSavant 3/9/2006 11:38:31 PM 35426
Military Adviser needed in Africafranciswalsingham 12/26/2005 11:15:20 PM 44556
17 or 18 for the Draft sign up ?JROTCKid 12/26/2005 8:42:14 PM 1033739
SWAT team helmetsTriggaFingaz 6/3/2005 7:43:27 PM 16863
private military companiesjrmac 5/16/2005 7:07:50 PM 15746
Military Reservescsuhockey 3/3/2005 6:35:19 PM 24636
EmploymentProdicle_son 12/6/2004 3:12:50 PM 44998
EmploymentThe Myrmidon 12/5/2004 6:15:26 PM 105293
Employment paramillitary workWidowMaker308 9/3/2004 2:58:54 PM 05018
Cows with gunsRosecroix 8/21/2004 10:08:17 PM 25252
North Korea CommandosRebanonjin 6/9/2004 4:46:52 PM 24999
Attitude of active service personel towards reservesThomas 5/18/2004 4:30:57 PM 1711218
Training the NG2 Ways 2/29/2004 5:13:39 PM 14508
The TRASHING of the Guard!sapperfox 2/29/2004 4:53:17 PM 126693
German Reserves1stcavman 2/29/2004 9:14:38 AM 15595
the 49th Armored Jason Hull 2/18/2004 5:52:50 AM 34737
Australia's Elite Reserves: The 2nd CommandoPuckaMan 11/9/2003 5:42:51 PM 05382
National Guard going to Iraq for occupation duty?Shaka of Carthage 10/26/2003 4:53:54 PM 2115354
CareerJob 6/24/2003 8:40:31 PM 04245
SUICIDE BOMBINGPEACE 5/14/2003 4:21:26 PM 84789
Believe it or Not?macawman 4/2/2003 11:59:36 AM 04327
Paramilitary 1/31/2003 4:49:21 PM 28190
Post 9/11 paramilitary groups? 8/31/2002 1:20:11 PM 15335
Quadic?ChrisWI 8/23/2002 6:50:13 AM 04480
israelQuadic 8/12/2002 7:13:14 AM 14043
Paramilitary forces in 8/5/2002 3:03:05 AM 15551
RE:NG units in Vietnam?Just a little (non-insulting) joke... 5/14/2002 12:08:18 PM 24386
Johnny Bin 5/13/2002 8:09:47 AM 149422
RE: NG units in Vietnam?Just a little joke... 3/27/2002 3:03:58 PM 04841
For John Regarding Jumping Jihad JohnnyFalloutBoy 2/22/2002 11:20:47 AM 04499

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