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Egypt Discussion Board
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TopicTopic StarterLast DateRespViews
The Colossus of AfricaSYSOP 11/10/2024 12:04:26 AM 032
ElBaradei Speaks Out against Morsi CJH 11/26/2012 2:57:51 PM 01182
Sa’ad Eddin Ibrahim On Egypt's Muslim BrotherhoodCJH 9/3/2012 11:59:03 AM 01170
Egyptian referendumYelliChink 12/4/2011 2:24:27 PM 42001
Thomas Sowell - Is Democracy Viable?CJH 4/23/2011 4:22:22 PM 01366
Memri - The Popular Uprising in Egypt in Search of a LeadershipCJH 3/14/2011 12:57:20 PM 01423
Mubarak another Saddam?newjarheaddean 3/1/2011 10:57:30 AM 419717
(no subject)YelliChink 2/19/2011 11:35:35 PM 11682
The Dangers of the Iran Nuclear Program In Light of the Arab Uprisingsintellicept3 2/8/2011 1:45:29 AM 01405
Michael Savage on democracy in Middle EastYelliChink 2/4/2011 10:31:34 AM 12757
Egyption Gov change+ possiable outcomeschesehead 2/3/2011 2:39:05 PM 32127
What a professional Egyptian pilot can do....American Kafir 2/2/2011 11:37:52 AM 96988
Egyptian Mohamed Elbaradei In His Own Wordsintellicept3 2/1/2011 5:27:10 AM 01439
Egyption Gov change+ possiable outcomeschesehead 1/30/2011 12:37:33 AM 01351
who was the egyptian general in 1948?rwporter 10/25/2007 9:03:48 PM 03137
Egypts chemical weaponsjofredes 9/16/2004 2:30:25 PM 04834
BUSTED - Egyptian Museum Caught Displaying the Protocols as Truthswhitebull 3/1/2004 8:16:49 PM 05127
travel to egyptbeth 2/24/2004 6:01:26 AM 65497
A Little Song and Dance from Egyptswhitebull 1/22/2004 4:19:31 PM 09904
Just consider this Compensation for centuries of forced unpaid Labor FROM MEMRIswhitebull 12/1/2003 11:50:01 AM 1114014
(no subject)da 8/14/2002 5:22:26 AM 04327
Egypt's Cultural hegamon over the Arab world.veritas 7/18/2002 9:45:39 AM 45979
I LOVE EGYPT[email protected] 2/25/2002 5:57:42 PM 16915
Alexandria[email protected] 11/25/2001 4:09:55 PM 04414
alexandriaJennifer 11/4/2001 4:35:22 AM 04579
egypt[email protected] 4/27/2001 4:20:58 PM 04332

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