Israel: Egypt Does a Deal With Hamas


October 3, 2007: Israel officially admitted the September 6th air strike on Syria, but gave few details. Syria also admitted something happened, but dismissed it as a failed attack, one that struck some empty buildings. The mystery continues, and pundits rejoice.

October 2, 2007: Egypt allowed 90 Palestinians, including many known terrorists, to cross from Egypt into Gaza. This violated an understanding with Israel, whereby all passage into or out of Gaza was to be controlled by Israelis. Egypt said the Palestinians got in via a hole in the security fence. Hamas said they had made a deal with the Egyptians, probably involving Hamas not allowing Islamic terrorists to base themselves in Gaza while planning attacks inside Egypt. Some of the Palestinians who got in had just returned from Iran, where they received military training.

October 1, 2007: Israel is freeing nearly a hundred Palestinians as a peace gesture towards Fatah. Meanwhile, in an attempt to improve its image, Fatah has formed a religious police force, to go after people who eat or drink in public during daylight during Ramadan. Hamas has long done this, and it was popular with devout Moslems. Fatah has done less to deal with its corrupt and inefficient officials, and Palestinians notice.

September 30, 2007: Syria is cracking down on Islamic militants. Three were sentenced to prison for terrorist activity, while a pro-terrorist preacher was gunned down outside his Mosque. The killer, a former follower of the cleric, was caught. The CIA was blamed, but the Syrian government was suspected.

September 28, 2007: Palestinian terrorists fired at least 40 rockets and mortar shells into southern Israel over the past few days. There were no Israeli casualties, but counterattacks left seven of the terrorists dead. Five were killed when a missile hit the truck that was carrying them, and more rockets.

September 27, 2007: Hamas and Fatah continue to fight it out for control of Gaza. Hamas is now trying to take control of pro-Fatah mosques, by installing pro-Hamas clerics. This has led to armed confrontations between pro-Fatah civilians and Hamas security forces.

September 26, 2007: In response to a dozen Palestinian rockets fired into southern Israel, troops and aircraft moved in. Eight Palestinians were killed, six of them terrorists, and ground forces swept through rocket firing sites in northern Gaza.