Israel: October 14, 2000


  After a lot of arm twisting by the United States and the UN, Israeli and Palestinian leaders have agreed to meet in Egypt tomorrow to arrange a cease fire between Israelis and Palestinians. The president of the US and the head of the UN will be there to keep things moving. Neither side is gaining much from the continued violence, and Israel has promised to reduce shooting and the Palestinians have promised to cut back on using their weapons.  The Palestinians are trying to get an "international commission" to examine the Israeli use of force. The Israelis have no intention of allowing such interference in it's internal affairs. but the Palestinians will play this angle for all it's worth, as they already have many international allies. However, many major nations (China, Russia, India, etc.) will try to block such an inquiry, as they have similar situations within their own borders. The biggest problem the Palestinian Authority has is that they are not a democracy, so have to be careful lest public anger is not turned towards them. And then there is Hamas, which wants to destroy the Palestinian Authority, well as Israel.  The Palestinian Authority re-arrested 14 of the Hamas members they had released from prison yesterday. The 14 had promptly began engaging in anti-Palestinian Authority activities. The Israelis demanded that all the released Hamas members be taken back into custody. On the Lebanese border, the Lebanese government has finally cracked down on demonstrations, blocking Palestinians living in Lebanon from reaching the border.