Nigeria: Neo-Taliban Terrorists Continue Attacks


May 9, 2012: In the last two years Boko Haram has made random violence against Christians and the security forces fashionable. Unemployed teenagers and young men are attracted to the organization, which encourages members to steal for the cause and kill policemen, or anyone who gets in their way.

The government is alarmed at the support Boko Haram is receiving in the north. While many northerners oppose the Islamic terrorists, enough support them to make it difficult for the police to hunt the terrorists down. In response to this the president is replacing ten of his ministers, mainly those tainted with corruption. Others are being replaced in an attempt to make the security services more effective. But it’s the widespread corruption, and growing anger against it, that fuels Boko Haram.

May 8, 2012: May 7, 2012: In the northern city of Kano soldiers raided a Boko Haram safe house and killed four Islamic terrorists. In Kano's Bayero University three bombs were found and disabled.

In the northeastern city of Potiskum thousands came out to protest the recent attack on a cattle market that left over 40 dead. Since the violence was partially fueled by tribal and religious differences there were also mob attacks that damaged a church and a school with fires. Criminal gangs were believed responsible for the cattle market attack. The protestors want better police protection.

May 5, 2012: In the northeast a raid on the wedding of a Boko Haram man left eight dead.

May 4, 2012: The government announced that 50,000 police would undergo training to make them less corrupt and more effective.

In the northeast criminals dressed as soldiers killed five people in a village.

In the northeastern state of Borno some Boko Haram gunmen attacked a police station and were repulsed but then went to a nearby town and attacked another police station, killed two policemen and freed several prisoners.

May 2, 2012: In the northeastern city of Potiskum a criminal gang attacked a cattle market and killed over 40 people.

Boko Haram released a video on the Internet taking credit for a recent attack on the main office of the nation's largest newspaper and threatening similar violence against any other media outlet that published anything the Islamic terrorists disagree with. This is classic terrorism, Islamic or otherwise. Intimidate the media in order to weaken the government and any popular opposition.

April 30, 2012: In the north a suicide bomber attacked the convoy of a senior police commander, killing 11 (only one of them a policeman) but leaving the commander unharmed.

April 29, 2012: In the northern city of Kano Boko Haram gunmen attacked a Christian worship service, killing 15 people.