Nigeria: Mali Connection Confirmed


February 7, 2013: The government is not sure if the recent offer of a ceasefire by a man claiming to be a Boko Haram leader is authentic. Terrorist attacks continue and the January 28 th ceasefire offer requires the government to first release all jailed Boko Haram members. That alone has made many senior officials wary. The ceasefire offer is possibly only the action of a faction of Boko Haram, not the entire organization.

The recent defeat of al Qaeda in northern Mali uncovered a Boko Haram camp there. This facility provided military training for hundreds of Nigerian recruits.

February 5, 2013: Off the coast of the Niger River Delta, two soldiers and one sailor were killed as pirates attacked an Indian oil service ship the troops were guarding. The pirates were repulsed.

February 1, 2013: A member of parliament (Farouk Lawan) who led the inquiry that exposed corruption in the oil industry that cost the government $7 billion, is accused of demanding a $3 million bribe from a Nigerian oil company to keep that firm from being prosecuted.

Over the last two days troops raided two Boko Haram camps in a swampy area of Borno State in the north. One soldier and 17 terrorists were killed, while large quantities of weapons, ammo, bomb making material, documents, and other equipment were seized. The camps were fortified with trenches and bunkers.

January 31, 2013: In the north five policemen were killed in two attacks by Boko Haram gunmen.