Sudan: Rebels Unite in Darfur


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September 30, 2005: The UN believes that the government backed Arab militias, and government troops, continue to attack black Sudanese civilians with impunity, even though the government says it has ordered its Arab militias to stop such actions.

September 28, 2005: An Arab militia attacked a refugee camp in northwest Darfur. The attack killed 29 people. Aid workers said that the attackers arrived on horseback. It was estimated that up to 300 militiamen took part in the attack. Several "Islamic militias" allied with the Sudanese government have used horse-mounted forces to attack farm villages and refugees.

September 27, 2005: Darfur rebels say that it was government backed militiamen that recently raided into Chad, killing 36 civilians and stealing cattle. The government blames the rebels.

September 26, 2005: The two rebel groups in Darfur, JEM and SLA, have agreed to unite in operations against the government. The two groups, representing different non-Arab tribes, have differences, but will put those aside until they have pushed the government troops and Arab militias out of the region.

September 24, 2005: The army has attacked rebel positions in south Darfur, trying to recapture towns earlier captured by the rebels. In southern Sudan, Ugandan troops killed 15 LRA rebels.

September 23, 2005: The UN has extended its peacekeeping efforts in Sudan by six months. The rebels in Darfur say they believe only fighting can force the government to make peace.