Sudan: Stockpiling Lies For The Next Round


February 6, 2006: The UN is looking for more troops to send to Sudan. There are not many nations willing to supply troops. Last Fall numerous reports indicated that the African Union (AU) force in Darfur could not protect the supply routes nor stop the warring militias in Darfur. Attacks on refugee camps also increased (though some of those camps were not protected by the AU, but by Sudanese security forces). The AU now deploys 7,000 troops in Darfur. Those troops will probably become part of the new UN-led force. How big will the UN force be? In January the UN estimated Darfur would take 20,000 troops, although. 30,000 is probably more accurate. Given the size of the area (which actually includes camps and supply routes in eastern Chad). Why? Logistical support remains the big issue facing deployment of any force in Darfur. The supply routes and lines of communication must be policed. However, 20,000 troops might suffice if they had (1) aerial surveillance support; (2) reliable helicopters (both transport and attack); (3) light, wheeled-armor with sufficient recovery and maintenance vehicles. (Austin Bay)

February 5, 2006: Arab tribesmen involved in raping and pillaging black African tribes in Darfur are getting ready to deal with the introduction of Western peacekeepers. Such troops would be more mobile, and able to chase down Janjaweed raiding parties. The government has advisors with the Janjaweed groups, and is ready to spin any battles between Janjaweed and peacekeepers, and get videos to al Jazeera, "proving" that it was the peacekeepers who were committing atrocities against the peaceful Arab tribesmen, who were only trying to protect themselves. The Arab world really wants to believe that Arabs are not killing other Moslems in Darfur, and will believe any decent deception that says otherwise.

February 2, 2006: Chad says that new Janjaweed (Sudanese Arabs) militia attacks in Darfur had driven another thousand refugees across the border into Chad. The refugees moved into the new camp at Gaga (in Chad). The Gaga camp can hold up to 30,000 people.

January 30, 3006: Chad denied it had troops involved in the fight. Chad said that the fighting was actually led by militias supported by the Sudan government.

January 30, 3006: Three Sudanese government soldiers were wounded and two rebel killed in a firefight in the village of Armakol in West Darfur. The rebel force may have crossed the Chad-Sudan border prior to the attack. The government later claimed the attack included "Chadian units."

January 29, 2006: The security situation in Sudan's Darfur continues to deteriorate. The rebel Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) launched several attacks against Darfur civilians as well as Sudan government security forces. The SLA may not be in full control of some of its own forces. "Intra-tribal confrontations" have also increased. Factions in the SLA had fought several battles against one another, including one in the Kubus area of West Darfur. The SLA says this is not factional fighting, but SLA gunmen fighting local civilians.