Sudan: You Can't Touch Us


April 12, 2007: Chad acknowledged that its forces launched an attack into Sudan last week. The Chadian troops were chasing a group of Sudanese janjaweed militiamen who had attacked Chad. On April 9 the Sudan government claimed that 17 Sudanese soldiers died in the fight with the Chadian forces and 40 were wounded. Another report said at least 30 people died in the firefight that took place near the Sudanese town of For Baranga.

The UN has told Sudan that ending the war in Darfur would require an AU-UN "hybrid force" of 24,000 troops. But Sudan still refuses to allow "foreign troops" to enter Sudan. Because Sudan is backed by Arab nations in the UN, as well as China (who operates most of the Sudanese oil fields), the UN cannot go in without an invitation. Sudan appears determined to stick with its plan, of expelling the non-Arab tribes from Sudan, and forcing neighboring nations, like Chad, to take in the refugees. Meanwhile, the UN keeps internal refugees fed, until such time as the pro-government Arab tribal militias can force the refugee camps to move out of the country. It's ethnic cleansing (the refugees are non-Arab), and the Sudanese are getting away with it.

April 10, 2007: South Africa's President Thabo Mbeki visited Sudan. Mbeki said that South Africa supports a UN peacekeeping force in Darfur. South Africa is also interested in helping encourage peace talks between Uganda and the LRA in south Sudan. The Sudan government is very uncomfortable when sub-Saharan African countries advocate UN peacekeepers because Sudan is invested in describing a UN force as an imperialist and colonialist" force.

April 9, 2007: A African Union (AU) peacekeeper was killed while on patrol in North Darfur state. Two AU peacekeepers were wounded in the incident. The AU said "unidentified gunmen" were responsible for the attack.

April 8, 2997: The Chad government and a UN refugee agency report said that janjaweed militiamen from Sudan attacked the Chadian villages of Tiero and Marena on the Sudan-Chad border. The Chad government said that 65 people died in the attack, but this figure was later revised to 200.