Chad: Sudan Backed Rebels Fail Again


June 25, 2008: The Chadian National Alliance rebels have been beaten again, and the survivors of the recent offensive have fled back to Sudan. The rebel force was apparently over a thousand men, and less than a third of them got back across the border. Many have surrendered to the Chad army. Chad is still angry with the EU peacekeepers for not helping out, although the French appear to have provided some crucial intelligence (aerial photos of rebel movements). But it was up to the army to confront the rebels and fight it out.

This recent rebel defeat appears to have demoralized Sudan, which has seen four National Alliance offensives fail. Apparently as a result, Sudan and Chad military leaders are meeting in Senegal to discuss how to better patrol their mutual border.

June 19, 2008: The government victory at Am-Zoer quickly eliminated the chaos that had shut down many foreign aid activities. Suddenly, the roads are open and the phones are working.

June 18, 2008: Chad accused Sudan of sending its troops in, disguised as Chad rebels, to attack Chadian towns. Hard to tell, what with all the young guys with guns driving around in trucks and SUVs. Chad claimed to have stopped a rebel convoy at the town of Am-Zoer, which is 70 kilometers northwest of Abeche, which is itself a key town for the foreign aid groups running twelve major refugee camps in the vicinity. The Am-Zoer battle appears to have been a major one, with the government claiming 161 dead rebels, 23 captured and 61 rebel vehicles captured or destroyed. The rebels claim that in the past week their forces have captured a hundred soldiers, and both sides have suffered over 300 casualties (dead and wounded). Air operations have been interrupted because of roadblocks and cuts in local phone service.

June 17, 2008: The Chadian National Alliance rebels continued their advance west, moving through several more major towns without encountering any major resistance from government forces. Meanwhile, the government complained that the EU peacekeeping force was doing nothing to keep the peace (by stopping the rebels.) The EU replied that it doesn't do rebels, and would restrict itself to protecting refugees, and civilians in general. The Chad government would have to protect itself.

June 16, 2008: The U.S. embassy in the capital has relocated most of its operations to neighboring Cameroon.