Chad: Unofficial War, Officially Over, Sort Of


February 10, 2006: The peace deal with Sudan requires that both countries deny support for each others rebels, and halt raids across the border. This includes stopping the information war campaigns (propaganda and media support for rebels in the other nation). The border may be closed for a while. There is supposed to be a peacekeeping force to patrol the border, but it's unclear who would pay for, or supply, the troops.

February 8, 2006: In a deal brokered by Libya, Chad and Sudan agreed to end the war between them. Details on how this would occur were not announced.

February 7, 2006: Foreign aid workers report almost daily raids into Chad by Sudanese (including Chadian rebels based in Sudan). The raiders loot and destroy villages and rape women.

January 27, 2006: A flare up of rebel activity in neighboring CAR (Central African Republic), has sent over a thousand refugees into Chad. The CAR rebels are operating more like bandits, although they still profess support for their leader, a former president of CAR.

January 24, 2006: Libya has offered to mediate the dispute between Chad and Sudan.

January 20, 2006: Sudan has arrested Chad rebel leader Abdelwahit About. The Chadian rebel was in Sudan's capital, believing he was protected by the Sudanese government. He was wrong.

January 13, 2006: The World Bank has frozen Chad's access to profits from oil production in Chad. This is because Chad just passed a law giving the government access to a portion of those profits that were set aside for spending on long term projects to eliminate poverty in Chad. Setting up that fund was a condition of the World Bank approving the $3.7 billion in loans needed to build an oil pipeline out of Chad. So far, the government has earned $399 million, from the export of 134 million barrels of oil. The government wants more of that money to go towards military spending and pay offs (corruption) to politicians. The World Bank wants more spent on schools, health care and infrastructure.

January 12, 2006: The government says that, in the last two years, 600 Chadians have died from raiders coming from Sudan, and that 300,000 Sudanese refugees are taking refuge in Chad.