Chad: Peace Deal Fails, Rebellion Continues


February 22, 2006: There's a sense of deja vu about the Chadian rebels massing across the border in Sudan to overthrow president Deby. Back in 1990, Deby launched a rebel movement, with Sudanese backing, and crossed the border into Chad with about a thousand men. But Deby has become corrupt (especially to his former tribal allies.)

February 21, 2006: Aid workers on the Sudanese border report daily raids from Chad rebels and Sudanese bandits based in Sudan.

February 20, 2006: Two Chad army generals (Sedi Aguid and Ishaq al-Diar) have deserted and joined the rebel movement (FUC, or United Front for Democratic Change) trying to overthrow president Deby.

February 17, 2006: About 3,000 refugees have fled the Central African Republic (CAR) and entered southern Chad, where there are already over 40,000 CAR refugees.

February 12, 2006: Despite the peace deal, rebel camps continue to thrive just across the border in Sudan. The main beef is president Deby's attempt to change the constitution so he can run for a third term in the presidential elections this June.