Indonesia: July 1, 2002


 The navy has 113 ships, but most of them are too old and poorly maintained to be effective. Most ships were bought second hand from the Netherlands and East Germany and 39 of them are over 30 years old, 42 between 21 and 30 years old and 24  between 11 and 20 years old. Most of these ships have not adapted to life in the tropics and have not aged gracefully. The 39 East German ships, refurbished under a $230 million program, saw only ten of these ships still operational today. While most ships can get under way, engine breakdowns are frequent. Many of the more complex weapons (missiles) and equipment (radar and sonar) have broken down and there is no money for repairs. This is a serious problem, as the best way to control terrorism and separatist groups in the 13,000 islands that comprise Indonesia is via the navy. The US is planning on resuming aid to the Indonesian military, but most of this assistance is seen going to the army.

In the Malukus, the weapons trade in program has expired and police and troops will begun searching for illegal weapons within the week.