Kurdish War: January 22, 2005


The Turkish government claims that two parties participating in the Iraqi elections are in fact front organizations for the radical PKK (Kurdish Workers Party). The PKK has been declared a terrorist organization by the US. Turkey has told the Iraqi Interim Government (IIG) that the Kurdistan Democratic Solution Party and the Democratic Construction Party are both involved with the PKK. Even if the KDSP and the DCP are PKK "fronts" there is no indication that they have any significant support among Iraqi Kurds. Turkey, however, is using the situation to remind Iraq that the PKK is still waging war on Turkey from Iraqi territory, and when Iraq's new government takes power that will be one of two key issues in Turkish-Iraqi bilateral relations? The other? The oil pipeline running through Turkey. The Turks want to see Iraq improve pipeline security, but then, so do all but a handful of Iraqis.


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